Yesterday, when everyone was at the pool, celebrating the 4th of July, it was cool, and windy, and cloudy.
Today, though, it was beautiful.
And even though it is Sunday, I went to the studio. But not weaving today. I spent the entire day outside, weed whacking, trimming trees, cleaning up. I needed to be in the open air.
So I put the OPEN sign out there. You never know.

And I have found that throwing myself into this project of clearing, and planting, and creating the not so secret garden, has helped me to process worries that would have otherwise dominated my thinking.

I couldn't have a really big sign.....since this area is zoned agricultural. But I am pleased with the sign that I have.

My husband made this one for me as a surprise.
My project most recently, has been to clear the meadow at the back of the property, and turn it into lawn and perennial gardens.
I had it brush hogged two days ago, for $75, which made me very happy.
But I knew that to get to the place where I dare use the riding lawn mower, I had to do more than that.
So this morning, I called Miles. Miles has been mowing and doing yard work for me for years.
He started early, while it was kind of cool, but it didn't last for long. The sun started heating things up.
He had only mowed about 10 min, and he pulled the start cord right out of the machine. So he went to the barn, and got the older mower out, but that machine shook so hard, it made your hands numb, and threatened to shake every tooth right out of your head.
So I called DH. I asked him if he would be so kind as to go to Lowe's and buy me the cheapest lawn mower that they had, and bring it over. He said he would, if that is what I wanted, but he thought maybe I should get one from a garage sale. His observation was that a new mower today would be an old mower in a month.
I said that would be fine............but I wanted it done today, while I had Miles there. So I got thinking, and said, maybe I should try Craig's list.
We agreed that I would call him back, and let him know if he had to make a quick trip to Lowe's, or not.
I called the number, the ad said they had 2 old mowers, $50 each. But the man who answered said that they were both gone. Bummer. He said he would buy my two old mowers, but I said I really needed them fixed, and especially need at least one mower today. He said he would come over and look at them, and 20 minutes later he was there. He fixed one on the spot, charged me $10, and he took the other mower, and my favorite lawn tool of all time, the Troy Bilt push weed whacker. He said he'd have them back in a day or two.
I love it when I find a solution that fast. And I love to find someone who does a job well, and is reasonable.
So Miles mowed.....all day.....and he got it done.
Now for some trees.

Thanks to DH, who tempers my impulsive nature at times. I don't always take his advice, but sometimes he is just so right, and I do take it, and I am grateful that we complement each other so well.

But I love it, and I really like this photo of it.
And Miles and I loaded up the Baby Wolf loom in my car, and I brought it home.......so I can weave towels in the evening, or by the pool, or whenever I want.
All in all, it has been a good day. I am tired, but satisfied.
There was spagetti and meatballs when I got home, my favorite comfort food, yes, I am spoiled.
Lovely patina on the birdbath. It really doesn't even need water in it, but suppose it may catch rainwater. Good luck with the yard!
The Blue Ridge Gal
It sounds like a good day-both in productivity and in personal growth. The lawnmower doctor sounds like my dad.....he does that kind of puttering, too!
Saw your rug over on Kate's blog so I had to visit your site! I'll be browsing around more often! I really admire your talent!
I love days that end up with something accomplished. The shell from your mother's garden is wonderful. I really liked your signs, too.
Now that was a day!
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