My friend has gone home with her broken hip, but she is confined to a wheel chair, with occasional forays with the walker. Today was her birthday. So I took my mom, and my two granddaughters, and we took lunch with us. A few other friends met us there, and we had a little party for her.

This is the view from her front yard. If you have to sit and do nothing, I guess this is the perfect place for it.

Lake George is a beautiful lake, though it is not as clean as it was when I was a kid. Too many motor boats, and houses along the shoreline. I remember being in a boat out in the middle of the lake, and being able to see the bottom, it was that clear. Not so today.

Ava and Gabs had a great time. They love the lake. This is "cracker girl". She really loves to ham it up for the camera. You can always count on her.

The best part about swimming here, is that they can walk out a long way before they even get water up to their chest.

After a day at the lake, we ordered pizza.......and looked at the pictures that I took all day.

Here is Nanny, with two great granddaughters on her lap.

I think Aunt Momo has caught Ava in a ruse.
What, she says.......is that you in the picture eating a "Lunchable"???????
You told me you didn't like lunchables!!!!!!!!!

It was a good day, but I am tired, and I know the bed will feel extra special tonight.
Going back to my old home town always brings back memories....some good, some not so good. I am not sure I like the changes that I see as I drive through the town.
I am working on letting things go, and that includes letting go of times past.
Change is inevitable, so they say.
And suffering is optional.
Ho true about the suffering be optional... We can choose to wallow in the negative or simply get on with life and enjoy the random bits of sunshine.
The Blue Ridge Gal
The pictures are beautiful; I visited Lake George once for a wedding back in the 70's when I lived in NY. Glad you had a great family day!
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