Here it is.......a 7'x10' Solmate sock rug. It was an incredible amount of work, and I am beat. Tammy and I both grumble while we are doing it.........I love to weave, but this size rug, in this venue, is plain hard work.
But when it comes off the loom, and we lay it out on the floor, to measure it and inspect it, it is always impressive. It is such an explosion of color, and walking on it with bare feet is like getting a foot massage.

All in all, I feel pretty satisfied when we finish something this big.
Now we are going to make more of the same. When I set out to make a custom rug, I always put more warp on than I need. It is just simply good business. If it takes me two days to put the warp on this loom, and I only make one rug, then I have to apply those two days of work to that rug, in a financial way. On the other hand, if I put 20 yards on, which I did, then I can get 4 more rugs that size out of it, so now I can divide those hours spent on warping the loom by five.
Makes sense to me anyway.
So we are going to work on four more, and put them on my web site. A couple of them are going to be wool, still colorful, still socks, just wool, while the rug we just made is primarily cotton.

But today, for some unknown reason, this box of yarn that I was getting ready to list on Ebay, spoke to me, so I didn't list it, I brought it home instead.
Yes, dear, I know that I am nuts.

I think I asked her if she was on a diet, or something..............

And now, I am off to an Alanon meeting, which I have been a grateful member of for many years. I just started going again, after years of thinking that I was fine, and happy, and didn't need it. But then a family member ran into some difficulties, and needed my help, and suddenly I found myself doing the codependent dance all over again.
I got very out of control, in my head. I made myself sick with worry, and unhappy with my inability to control my reaction.
So I got myself together, and went to a meeting. The minute I walked through the door, I knew I was in the right place. I felt like I had come home.
So every Thursday night, I plan my evening around it. Because I found my way back to serenity there, and remembered why I went in the first place.
More later.
Your rugs are absolutely 'to die for' gorgeous.
The Blue Ridge Gal
Thanks, Di.......coming from a girl with such good taste, I am flattered.
I am in love with my rug. My husband has noticed that I suddenly love doing the dishes. And it's because I'm standing on that beautiful rug and it feels so good.
Good on you for the Alanon meeting. I thought of going years ago when my brother was having much trouble but things worked out in the end.
My friend Linda just started going back as well and is saying just about the same things as you. Denial is not a river in Egypt~
The rug is gorgeous......would love to walk on it! Glad you are making healthy decisions.
The colors are off the chain!
Funny...my husband just started back to AA last Thur. He hasn't been in years. He's been feeling real stressed and he trusts AA. I'm glad too. He's a good boy. Hasn't had a drink in 28 years :)
Good for him, that he knows he can go back anytime. That's admirable.
The rug is gorgeous! I'm so impressed. I feel tired just thinking about all that effort!
I hope you do make it to NEWS in 2011! I'd recommend it to any weaver at any level because there are so many things to do and see and learn here. Plus lots of great weaverly company!!
I love that rug, and I'm impressed that you are going to Alanon because you caught a predisposition to be a co-dependent. Not everyone is so insightful.
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