If it were snow, we would be buried, but it's 50 degrees outside, so it's rain.
I don't really mind, this is where I'm spending my afternoon.
I haven't been doing much dyeing, but another weaver asked me to
dye this for her.
My daughter said it looks like a crime scene.
It dries overnight in front of my Toyotomi heater....which also keeps the studio toasty,
for not a lot of money.
Willie is overseeing my work.

Here it is, dry and chained. She approved, and it is on its way to Illinois.
These towels just came off the loom,
I seem to be into plaids lately, not sure why, but they were fun to weave.
It does occasionally bubble like it's supposed to, and brings back memories of being enchanted and somewhat envious of the Christmas tree that my aunt and uncle put up every year.
Ok, let me tell you about the rabbit hole that I have just fallen in.
My youngest daughter is Dale's mother, and the other day she told me
about an Instagram that she lets Dale watch, about a frog. The Instagram
site is IndiaRoseCrawford, if you are interested. She has 1.6 million followers,
and she makes frog videos.
Dale is obsessed....addicted, to this little green frog.
When questioned, the maker of the frog, says that she does not make them to sell, oh no,
she is far too busy making videos. If you visit her on Instagram, you will
But she did direct me to a lady in France, owner of the pattern to make the frog. I ordered
it and downloaded it to my computer
My daughter says she did not ask me to make the frog.
And to be fair, she did not.
She did, however, know perfectly well that I would take the bait.
And take the bait I did.
This little frog doesn't have a name, although I admit to calling him a few.
I admit to having great admiration for the creator of this pattern, even while I cursed it, and her.
So, here's the upshot.
Yarn in correct weight and color: $32
Armature wire for his arms and legs: $6
Plastic safety eyes that almost caused me to
have a nervous breakdown putting the backs on them: $7
Polyester stuffing, smallest bag I could find: $7.99
Knitting needles size 0, the only needles I didn't have,
because who wants to knit on
needles that small: $11
Glue stick, pack of 2: $3.99
Labor: 6 hours more or less.
All I can say is that I hope her surprise, and the look on her face
when she sees him is: Priceless.