Cats, looms, weaving, birds and an occasional pot of soup.
Aren't you tired of it???? Good grief.
You must think that's about all I do.......weave, take pictures, make soup.
Well, you might be close.
Today the crows were LOOMING. They hang around in the trees, and then all converge on the bird feeders.
There is no getting rid of them, so I took some sunflower seeds out and spread them on the ground a good distance away from the bird feeders.
They have to eat, too, or so I am told.
There is another kind of bird hanging out, too. The trees are full of them. They don't seem to be interested in eating, they just sit there and watch.
I don't take pictures all day. Honest. But I do always have my camera out.
So when Bunnynose showed up, I was ready.
He has been gone for days, and he was really hungry.
Meanwhile, Bubbalee is as warm as she can be, in the solar house.
While I was continuing my marathon of weaving blue jean rugs, I was thinking about them, and what their life is like. God knows, I have tried to make their lives easier. From the solar house, the heated pad, the bale of straw in the loft, the heated water bowl, food every morning by 9am, I have done my best.
But that doesn't mean that I am satisfied, because I am not.
I want to open the door, and say "here kitty, kitty", and have them run right in. But I know that isn't going to happen.
I worry about them in the road, I worry about them in these frigid temps. I worry about Bubbalee having another litter of kittens that will be wild. I worry about them out at night with foxes looking for a meal.
I worry.
And here's where the rubber meets the road, so to speak.
Here's where I have to accept my limitations, something I am clearly not that good at.
There have been times in my life when I beat my head against the wall trying to make something happen the way I thought it should. It wasn't easy to learn to accept the things I could not change. But I had to.
This is no different.
"Acceptance is the answer to all my problems today."
Meanwhile, in one of the chairs in front of the pellet stove, Sydney practices total acceptance.
Why is so easy for HER?
I never tire of kitties, went to the American Cat Fanciers Show today. Always fun, bought two ostrich feathers, woo! I'd love twice as many kitty photos from you. The outdoor kitties are wonderful, I wish what you do, that you could bring them inside. Love your birdies and rugs, love looking out our windows, your porch, your soups. All good all the time!
San Diego (will not tell you or even hint at our temps.)
*YOUR windows.......
Ah....I remember when Sydney came to live with you and you swore you wouldn't take any more. But aren't you glad she stayed???? She is beautiful! My little "come here" kitty let me pet her today...we may be going to the vet in the morning. See what you have started!!!!
In some respects I'm like you... I want to do what I can and them some. So knowing when to back off and leave things as they are can be really hard to do.
A friend told me "it is the way it is, only how you feel about it is negotiable"
That and my father telling me to "quit running down the road to meet your problems" seem to keep me in good stead when I stop to think things through.
A third I have added recently is to also consider if any of this will matter in 5 weeks, 5 months or 5 years? So enuff already!
:) Susan
I have the same deelings. Each day poeple bring abandoned, 'found', just showed up, feral, animals to our spay and neuter clinic, lots of them looking for forever homes.
Feral kitties, well if they have food, they will hang around and oftentimes they become trusting, and you can expect them to show up and hang around, but not the same as a kitten who has always had the comfort of a home.
If you could live trap her, maybe you could get her spayed, and stop the baby cycle...
I so admire your kindness.
Haven't checked in here in a few weeks because I got onto a severe knitting toot. AGREE on all about our mutual cat concerns. Love that solar cat house. Thinking of getting my hands on some Feralstat before Spring...ever know anyone who tried it?
Well, I for one will never get tired of your pictures! The kitties, the weaving and the lovely pictures are always an inspiration and much loved.
Bring on Spring!
I'm with Sydney and just trying to accept things as they are and not to worry. Spent far too much time worrying about controlling life during my 30's and early 40's. This decade is my 'take it easy on myself' decade.
It's tough sometimes.. this acceptance thing. You do far more than most. Accept that their lives are so much better because of you. Because they are.
I just love coming to your blog every day to see what you have posted. I never tire of what you share with us. So accept that...LOL!
Bubbalee looks so content in that solar house.
You are such a kind soul!
We are being swarmed by house sparrows. It's so different here - snow comes and then it melts - and then it's still cold. I like that better than forever snow.
I feel your pain as I am the same way....putting heated water dishes out and food for any strays wandering in this horrible snowy cold. I always say Im going to stop but I suppose I wont be satisfied until a feral cat gives me rabies. Ugh! Big heart~ Soft head.
You are my favorite Loomatic er I mean lunatic.
I love coming here Hilary and never get tired of whatever pictures you have or what you write. I learn things here and I love anything you have about kitties. I share the same feelings you have mentioned in this post with respect to homeless cats. But I just had to come to terms with the fact that I couldn't make it better for all of them. I have to let it go because it would make me too sad. Bubbalee's Fuzz Face, I want to smooch it! And this is no earth shattering new news to you I bet, but I think we would all be much more content if we adopted Sydney's thoughts on how to live a good life! Oh, and in case I haven't mentioned it here, I am pretty dang sick of winter too!
Oh. My. GOSH! I just read your temp on your sidebar!! I promise to never NEVER whine about our weather again!!!!! At least until it reaches MINUS 27 Fudgin' Degrees. That can't be the real temp????
Bored? Tired? Sweetie, I have spent the last week reading your ARCHIVES, just to get more loom/weaving/rug/cat/birds/soup/whatever pictures and "listen" to you talk about life. Don't ever change, unless you want to.
I'm up to June 2010, in case you were wondering. ;)
Watch it Hilary, your heart is showing.
I've probably told you before, but there was one extremely cold night here ages ago, when I set out to rescue the feral mama cat and her kittens who lived behind the garbage dumpster at KFC. I almost lost my fingers to frostbite, I stayed out so long trying to encourage them to get in the car. In the end, I had to admit I'd done everything I could and let it go. But it didn't come without tears.
YOU, though, have gone above and beyond. The solar house -genius! You've taken a homeless, penniless single mother who had to forage for food, given her a home, and provide all for her that she will allow.
Bless you.
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