The sun was amazing today, still is, despite the cold.
There was a pileated woodpecker right outside the studio, and even though I did my best, I could not get a good shot of him. He was very busy going from tree to tree, pounding away, finding lunch, and no amount of zooming in on him was effective. about this little guy? who seems to be saying "Hey, in there."
Jinx was in her spot by the window. and she has decided that she has to stay very still if she wants any action at the bird feeder, but she's such a kid.
She can't stay still for long. Then she waits.
I tied fringe on some blue jean placemats, I know you have been waiting to see them. There will be a lot more coming. I want to have a stack of them.
They are one of my favorites.
Thank you, thank you, thank you to Di over at the Blue Ridge Gal.............without her help, you would be looking at eensy weensy pictures. I'm tellin' ya.
The big news today is that the Weaver's Friend is gone........history, scram, toodles, see ya, ta ta.
L had ber brothers come with a truck, and in no time flat, it was out the front door, and on its way to her house. She is putting it in the barn, and hopefully, she will be able to spend a couple of days a week there weaving rugs. She is ready for a loom of her own. I must say I am surprised and pleased at her progress. Surprised because in the beginning, she was so hesitant. But she has caught the fever, and when you get that weaving fever, you need a loom. Period.
For me, it is a chance to bring the Cranbrook downstairs. For those of you who don't know, the Cranbrook is a 4 harness, 60" wide countermarche loom. It is a beautiful thing, but because it is upstairs, and because I have had an awful time adjusting the countermarche action to get a decent shed, it has gone unused.
Now in my book, that is criminal. A loom without a warp, without a weaver. Just not right.
So this week, we will be moving it into the space made by the Weavers Friend. Hopefully, having it downstairs will motivate me to weave on it, learn to love it, and if that doesn't happen, to sell it. I love having a plan.
Right now my plan is to stay warm, knit a little, read a little, and have a nice quiet dinner with DH.
My mom has flown the coop for a couple of days.
You know, you just don't appreciate how quiet a house can be, until it is.
Those little birds are so cute! My cat goes outside so I don't put feeders out. I am afraid to bring him an easy hunt.
Love those placemats. I can't wait until I have learned to do that. It's going to take some patience and practice I know!
You know i love those placemats -
Sweet birdies. I need to get a birdfeeder closer to the house during the winter months. Not sure where I would hang it though. Certainly don't want it above the deck as then they poop all over it. Hmmmm, must think this through a bit.
Yes, thanks to Di! Love your blue jean placemats. And yes, it's always good to have a plan. Good luck with the Cranford.
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