Well, we do. I think I gained 5 lbs.
Billy's Chowder House is one of our favorites.
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From october |
And this one.
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From october |
We ate in the dining room upstairs.
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From october |
It is such a serene and lovely place to have lunch.
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From october |
I was thinking a lovely glass of wine would be nice.
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From october |
But I refrained.
Every time I go here, I get the crab cake sandwich, with cilantro lime sauce.
I would have taken a picture BEFORE I actually ate some of it, but my camera is being temperamental. I think it needs to be cleaned, or needs service of some kind.
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From october |
Since this was a quick trip, so to speak, we took in the sights, and didn't plan much.
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From october |
Sometimes that is just enough. Distance from the routine. If only for a blip in time.
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From october |
My husband would NOT stop and let me OUT of the car. He said I would have to take a picture from the car, and he would slow down.
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From october |
He was afraid I would TAKE the sign, since I had mentioned that "weaver" would be nice out in front of the studio.
I don't know where he gets these ideas.
Old houses. Just love them.
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From october |
Big stones, and stone work....love that too.
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From october |
Ah, and the ocean.
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From october |
It was cold, but the ocean is beautiful, no matter what the temperature.
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And on our last night there, we found a new favorite restaurant, right on the ocean, called Lord's Harborside. I took this pic on the way down the road to the restaurant. It was just getting dark.
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From october |
Now here's a question for you........if you blog, would you be OK if noone read it? Noone at all?
I remember when I first started my blog. I wrote 7 entries in 2007, and only 35 in 2008. I don't think many of them were read by anyone but me. It was OK, cause I was just warming up to it, and not sure where I was headed with it.
It brings to mind that old riddle......if a tree falls in the forest, and noone is around, does it make any noise? I have always answered that with "who really cares?"
And then I think about my old English Literature professor, in college so many years ago. She said that day after day, she looked over the pupils in her classroom, and she knew that many of them were there for the credit, and nothing more. But she said that as long as she saw one person with light in their eyes, and an obvious desire, she was happy. Just one, she said.
So while I don't pay much attention to stats, and I couldn't probably say how many read this blog, I 'feel' that you are out there. And if my meanderings, my commentary, my pictures, my life, my dreams, my struggles, touch just ONE of you......well, then.......that's just enough.
Thanks for being out there.
I am a new weaver and most of the mentors I have in my neck of the woods head south for some warmer weather in the winter. Some even have looms in their warm winter getaway!
I was desperate for an example of how strips are cut and sewn together with no one to call on here. Then I found your site and way back when you had some pictures on how you liked to do it and I was able to attempt my very first rag rug.
I have made a few since then playing with textiles and colours because of your inspiring piles of rugs.... Now I love coming back for a visit to see your lovely blog.
You are my cybermentor :-)
I read your blog all the time. I am learning to weave so you are a great source and give me something to aspire to. I love the pictures, the cats, the studio and the fact that you post often. I have yet to try weaving a rug but its on my "to do" list as I think they are lovely and they are practical. My mama always said "use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without" and instilled in me a need to recycle long before it was popular. Your rag rugs make me itch to put some of my stored up fabric to other purposes than quilts. Your blog makes me think I can. :-)
Count me as one! I LOVE our blog...I'm the Joyce who suggested you weave a rug for your porch. So, I think that makes us almost related!
'you had me with Hello'...love your meandering, your commentary, your photos and your beautiful rugs.
"I would have taken a picture BEFORE I actually ate some of it, but my camera is being temperamental. I think it needs to be cleaned, or needs service of some kind."
Uh huh... or maybe you were just hungry. ;)
But I have to agree with you on one thing... "Sometimes that is just enough".
Well said, Friend. Well said.
I'm out here, Hilary...don't always comment but enjoy my visits to your blog very much. Best of all, your weaving makes my heart sing! I don't understand weaving very well, haven't a clue HOW you do what you do, but the beauty in your work is (one of) the voice(s) I keep coming back to hear.
Lovely post...an important subject, this why-we-blog stuff. Glad you brought it up!
I am here Hilary! Here most everyday. I don't comment much but I love it here. Love your words, your pictures and your big heart for kitties AND your kitties! Yum on the crab cake sandwich :) And of course I enjoy reading about your weaving!
I would read your blog even if a tree NEVER fell in the forest. That makes no sense, but who cares! I rarely look at stats on my blog, because I'll never change my blog with the notion of just attracting more readers. It's too hard to be someone that I'm not, and changing my blog would simply not be me. I just plod along and if people read it, well then that's cool.
Interesting question.. and when I thought about it.. I am very pleased that atleast SOMEONE else reads my blog... but it's also a creative journey and sort of a journal of the events in my life at this point in time. So, I think I'de blog anyway, but it's wonderful to get feedback from actual people who care at all about what you're writing and doing and taking pictures of.
Hiya there! You know what? We ARE out here. And we love reading your blog. I hit it sometimes at work to help calm a stressful day. I tell you, something about the way your write. Well, I really guess it's just you. You just seem like such a down-to-earth over-all fun person. Your gentle humor, your ambition, you love of life - all life. It's amazing - and one does not see that too often these days. So a huge thank you - to you - for just being, you!
Hillary, I love your blog, just wanted you to know that I visit it at least 5 x a week, makes me happy, we have so much in common. Nurses, grandmothers, lovers of fiber, always going and doing something fun, I'm coming up for the weaving weekend end of the month, Cant wait. With blessings, Vicki in CT
I love your blog too! I don't weave rugs, but I am inspired by your writing and your weaving. I just bought a used Macomber 8 harness folding loom for my tiny studio and I am sooo excited to get weaving on it. Thanks for always being there and being an inspiration to those of us who read you every day.
It's been a few weeks since visiting your blog,see that I missed a lot! I would be okay with nobody visiting my blog,but really like the fact that people do.
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