THIS, is a lot of work.
Even though it was Sunday, I had some weaving to do. Trying to get as many scarves done as I can by next weekend.
I have company when I weave.
Every day. And they are very faithful.
Even across the room, sleeping to the rhythm of the loom, somebody is keeping tabs.
Oops, did I wake you up???
And some of my company tends to be a bit intrusive at times.
So this is what I was weaving today.
These are scarves that are done.
For several years, I had an oak sideboard right inside the front door of my little farm house in the country. When I moved to Glens Falls and bought the studio, I gave it to my youngest daughter.
This week she gave it back, and it now lives here.
I was thinking, as I was weaving today, about having my three daughters at the studio the other day. I was thinking that a mother always wants to know what her children are like. Even when they are adults, and you go to their house, you are taking note of who they have become. You can't help but notice: how they decorate their houses, what they have in the refrigerator, what books are on the shelves. Even though they have grown up, and they have changed some, and they have their own lives, you are still interested in everything they do.
Isn't it true?
But I realized that they sometimes don't know about me, their mother. They don't know what music I like, what I do here at the studio during a day, they don't know who I have become.
Then I laughed at my foolishness, why would they want to know. I'm their mother, and I am no longer at the center of their universe.
Then my oldest daughter called me this morning.
She said, "I've been reading your blog."
She said she couldn't believe that I took pictures of her sorting all that selvedge, but I could tell, by her voice, and her laugh, that she really didn't mind at all.
And she said that she loved the pictures of the kids playing in the studio, that it was so apparent by their faces how happy they were there, and she was glad that when they grew up, they would have those memories.
She said that when she saw the photos of the studio on my blog, it made her want to be there.
(oh, my)
Then she asked me......"Is there any way we can save your blog?? Like, forever."