I hate the cold.
But I am grateful for stoves that keep me warm, grateful for warm coats, and mittens, and scarves, and the heated seats in my car.
I really dislike all the hustle/bustle shopping craze that goes on right before Christmas, all the commercialism.
But I do love the Christmas lights and how excited the kids get. Makes me remember being a kid on Christmas.
Sometimes I waste time longing for warmer places, beaches with sunshine and balmy breezes,
when the reality is weaving by the pellet stove wearing a sweater and fleece socks, while the snow comes down outside my window.
See, it's all in your perspective.
I was driving my grandchildren home the other day. Ava was singing in the back seat.
"have an a Luvia, have an a Luvia"............loud.
Her brother turned to her exasperated, and said, "It's HALLELUJAH. HALLELUJAH....don't be so dopey, Ava!"
At which she replied.
See, all in one's perspective.
She knew what she meant.
Sometimes, it is just being happy with what we have right in front of us. Like that Dave Matthews song says "what I want is what I've not got, what I need is all around me".
This is life, with all its imperfections. I want to be warm, while someone else wishes they had snow.
I try to operate on the premise that I have enough. If more falls into my lap, OK. But if not, that's OK, too. I have enough.
Let enough BE enough.
Give me some yarn, and some needles. A book, and some light. A loom, and a shuttle.
I don't need much.
Let me share what I have with good friends, and perfect strangers.
I always laugh when people say that you will need MORE when you are old and retired.
How is that possible?
Unless of course you are the jet setting type, and plan on spending a lot of time and money circumnavigating the globe.
But for me, and for most of us, it is time to settle in to what we have, to savor the quiet and the serenity.
Oh, sure, there will be some trips, some adventures. What is life without them?
But we know where home is. We have moved beyond that place where we have to be entertained.
At least I have. I entertain myself well. I learned how long ago.
So today, on Thanksgiving, on my way to spend it with family, I am grateful.
For life as it is, with all its ups and downs, it is still beautiful.
Beautiful sentiments, my friend. I love those kidlet tales. :)
I like Ava's version better. ;-))
Love Ava's rendition! Kids make life beautiful and put everything in perspective. What I love best about the story is that even though her brother told her she was singing it wrong, she was not self conscience and continued to sing with abandoned joy.
Hilary I have found that as I have gotten older I need less and less. The things I have I treasure - family, health, a lovely home, good food and the love of my friends. I can't think of anything more important than that!
(Moments in Time)
Happy Thanksgiving!
Ava's rendition is perfect! And so is her brother's!
I agree with your post today. (I think I do every day though)
I am at the stage where I am settling in with what I have and it is just enough. My girls don't get it yet, but they are not finished with their youthful adventures where they learn what there is out there to be enjoyed.
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