
Crazy as a Loom

Tuesday, July 23, 2024


Well, I haven't blogged in a couple of weeks, and leave it to Blogger to change how you 
upload photos........
Always a challenge.

The photos are kind of random, but I'm just trying to keep it real....this is my life.

My new favorite lunch.....boiled eggs, avocado, cherry tomatoes and sriracha.
So, so good.  And a protein boost for this vegetarian.

I haven't done much gardening this year, with my new hip, but my garlic did 
marvelously, and it's drying on the inside porch........enough to share with my daughters, and 
keep some for myself.

The rest of these pictures are of my collection of daylilies......I have quite a few, and 
they really need to be divided.

With all the bad luck I had last month, there were some sunny spots that 
encouraged me.

Out of the blue, I was given a loom by a gentleman who just popped into the 
studio one day.  His wife had bought it years ago, never used it, and now was unable to.
It was in their way.  
I was surprised to see that it was a lovely loom, an oak Schacht, and I new right away that I did not need it,
and that maybe it was just the gift I needed.

Last year I bought a Megado loom, a beautiful, and expensive loom.
I bought it with the 'mechanical' dobby, which is just like it sounds.....a lot of work.

So I knew that at some point, if I was going to keep the loom, and maybe love it,
that I would have to bite the bullet and buy the expensive electronic dobby for it.
I couldn't justify the cost, so I waited.

 I  quickly put the gifted Schacht loom up for sale........

I sold it in just a few days for my asking price, along with its bench and a couple of 
other items.

Then I ordered the new electronic dobby for my Megado..... with the money from the 
free loom, it ended up costing me $28, 
plus I had to pay for the shipping.
I'm a happy weaver.

I think the universe sent me that little surprise, and I am grateful.

I am finally starting to get some walking in, now that the temperatures have come down just a bit.
That was my dream before I had this hip replacement, but then my knees cranked up, then the temperatures and humidity did as well.

Just to walk.....that is all I wanted.

So let's see if I can get it done.  

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Moving along

(Random studio pictures)

Sometimes I think I am being tested, then other times I think no, it's just life, and life can be tricky any time at all.

A few months ago, we had a huge wind storm, and there was a lot of banging on my roof.  Apparently, the cap on the chimney came apart.
In addition, I started having  this issue in my upstairs hallway, with creosote stains coming down the walls.  I knew it was a chimney issue, and I assumed it was related to the chimney cap.

So I called in the chimney people.  They were quick to respond, and very pleasant, but their news was so not good.

First of all, the person I trusted to put the chimney cap on, L's brother in fact, did the worst, and cheapest, job possible.  So far, the chimney people, and a roof contractor have seen it, and were both blown away, that anyone would do that.
Secondly, the ridge cap, put on years back by another contractor, was not a real ridge cap at all, and thus leaking, as was the crappy flashing job around the chimney.

The bottom line is:   

The chimney is over 200 years old, dangerous, and cannot be used at all, ever.
The chimney needs to be repointed, and permanently capped, the roof ridge cap and flashing etcetera all needs fixing.
To vent my oil furnace out the wall requires something called a side slip vent that is very pricey.

My plumbing and heating guy, who has not steered me wrong in 20 years, suggests ditching the oil furnace, and for $4400 getting a new gas furnace that can vent out the wall, is cleaner, more efficient, and will save me lots of $ in fuel in the long run.
So furnace is coming tomorrow.
Got the quotes from the roof guy, and while I am sure they are fair, they stopped me in my tracks.
$8000 for all the roof work.

And I didn't mention the plaster damage in the upstairs hall......from the water pouring down.....that's another $1900...

Don''t bother adding it all's nauseating.

Then yesterday I had no water.  I panicked thinking I needing a new well pump, since mine is about 44 years old.   That would be a $2000+ price tag, and I am hemorrhaging money at this point.   But the well people came yesterday, and it was not the pump, but a pressure switch on the side of my water tank in the basement.  $278.
The upside of that is that after years of having crappy water pressure in this old house, I now have incredible water pressure, which I am thoroughly enjoying.

Then the other night, the hose that connects the toilet upstairs, to the water line, sprung a huge leak, and water was spraying everywhere.
It just never ends.

All this has been overwhelming, but I realized, doable.  The hardest part is not having Bill here to do it all with me.  That is so true about problem being half as bad when you have someone to share it with.  It sounds cliche, but in reality, it has a bite.

As I sit here bemoaning the bad things that have
befallen me, once again, the little voice in my head, tells me to stop.
It reminds me of ALL the things I have to be thankful for.

My personal opinion, which I have probably shared with you all before, is that we Americans are spoiled.
Spoiled rotten.
For the most part.
We have so much, and yet it is never enough.  
We spend our lives acquiring money, and property and 
We forget what is important.

I know all these problems won't last, and I know that they really aren't 
tragic.  I just have to muddle through them as best I can, and I have to look around me, and practice gratitude for all the amazing things in my life.
Above all, I am grateful for my serenity, an inner strength, that I believe we all have, that gets me up every morning, and pushes me into the new day.


Welcome to my world.

Because every thread counts

Because every thread counts