Well, I haven't blogged in a couple of weeks, and leave it to Blogger to change how you
upload photos........
Always a challenge.
The photos are kind of random, but I'm just trying to keep it real....this is my life.
My new favorite lunch.....boiled eggs, avocado, cherry tomatoes and sriracha.
So, so good. And a protein boost for this vegetarian.
I haven't done much gardening this year, with my new hip, but my garlic did
marvelously, and it's drying on the inside porch........enough to share with my daughters, and
keep some for myself.
The rest of these pictures are of my collection of daylilies......I have quite a few, and
they really need to be divided.
With all the bad luck I had last month, there were some sunny spots that
encouraged me.
Out of the blue, I was given a loom by a gentleman who just popped into the
studio one day. His wife had bought it years ago, never used it, and now was unable to.
It was in their way.
I was surprised to see that it was a lovely loom, an oak Schacht, and I new right away that I did not need it,
and that maybe it was just the gift I needed.
Last year I bought a Megado loom, a beautiful, and expensive loom.
I bought it with the 'mechanical' dobby, which is just like it sounds.....a lot of work.
So I knew that at some point, if I was going to keep the loom, and maybe love it,
that I would have to bite the bullet and buy the expensive electronic dobby for it.
I couldn't justify the cost, so I waited.
I quickly put the gifted Schacht loom up for sale........
I sold it in just a few days for my asking price, along with its bench and a couple of
other items.
Then I ordered the new electronic dobby for my Megado..... with the money from the
free loom, it ended up costing me $28,
plus I had to pay for the shipping.
I'm a happy weaver.
I think the universe sent me that little surprise, and I am grateful.
I am finally starting to get some walking in, now that the temperatures have come down just a bit.
That was my dream before I had this hip replacement, but then my knees cranked up, then the temperatures and humidity did as well.
Just to walk.....that is all I wanted.
So let's see if I can get it done.