She is feeling better, and wants to run and jump, neither of which is allowed right now.
The pellet stove is finally's still cool, and the furnace is running, but we ran out of pellets anyway. We burned FIVE ton of pellets this winter........that's what nasty, cold one it was.
I am in a spring clear out mood, which is both gratifying and scary.
A "less is more" kind of place.
That does not include weaving threads, just so ya know.
The siding on both peaks of the house looks good. My youngest daughter commented that it was narrower than the wood siding on the rest of the house. And she's right. But I don't care.
Bottom line, the paint was peeling, both areas needed to be scraped, primed, painted, and it would have to be done again in a few years.
I am so done with that.
This weekend, I will be winding some warps, and maybe doing some dyeing. I am not bored with weaving, but I guess I'm in a funny place, where I feel like I should be evolving in my weaving life, but I'm not.
So what to do escapes me.
Maybe it will come to me.
I have also wanted to do a wall hanging, for some time. I keep trying to envision what it is I will do, what I want it to look like, but that is not available to me either.
My muse is napping, I'm afraid.
So I was on a tear this, throwing stuff out.
I have some fabric to unload.....some are full bolts.
I put it on a local FB garage sale site, so we'll see if that gets any results. Some of the bolts have 10 yards on them......each batch probably has 50+ yards, I'm asking $100 for each of the two about $2/yd. Cheap enough for brand new fabric.
Last fall, I bought this shelving unit, against my own better was only $20, and I couldn't resist. L probably wished that I had resisted, since she went and fetched it back here.
Anyway, I finally decided she was right, it is a huge eyesore in the studio. So I unloaded it, and dragged it single handed out the front door.
I put it on Craigslist free, and I am still waiting for someone to get it. In spite of the fact that I was very clear that YOU HAVE TO HAVE A TRUCK..........two separate people tried to jam it into first a van, then a jeep. I even posted the MEASUREMENTS.
I'm sorry, but sometimes, people are just beyond dense.
Anyway, it's not in the studio anymore.
And hopefully, I will wake up tomorrow and it will be gone.
It has shelves on the back side too and it is VERY big and HEAVY.
So then, still on a whirl, I decided to tackle the porch.
It was so filthy. I swear, next year, I am covering every single thing with plastic.
But the end result is gratifying....and more so, because Naya loves it, and it may be a huge help, getting her through the next three weeks.
She lays on the far end by the table, and looks out at the labyrinth, and seems very content to do so.
"You talking about me, Mama?"