the fiber world, I have given away a bunch of huge fabric rolls, weighing from 30-50 lbs each.
Today the third random visitor, from my Facebook posts on weaving sites, left with a CARLOAD.
And still there is a lot of fabric up there, at least 20 big rolls, and a lot of smaller ones. It is what is left from a huge purchase that I made several years ago, huge as in about 3000 lbs of fabric.
I have too much, and it needs to go.
I have been pacing myself.
I guess that is what you would call it. Doing a little of this, and a little of that.
For some reason, I have experienced more than usual "migraine auras", in the last few weeks.
Not sure what that is about. I now have Excedrin in the house, and the car.
I am hoping now that the stress of the "old house" is gone for me, things will even out.
I don't have to go over there at all, ever. Ahhh.
I feel like I have entered the next stage of my life.
Today, so unlike myself, I sat on the glider on my screened porch, listening to the wind chimes, eating
watermelon, drinking ice tea, and reading my second book in two days.
What is happening to me??
I find myself staying "home" for days at a stretch, and loving every minute of it.
When you work where you live, it is so different.
Instead of doing all my chores when I got home at 4-5pm, now I can fit them in in small bits whenever I want.
Throw a load of wash in, do up some dishes, go back to weaving.
Do some sewing, throw an asparagus quiche together.
Spend an hour pulling weeds in the labyrinth, have some lunch, back to the loom.
I find that I get so much more done, and it doesn't seem that I've expended any more effort.
It's all part of my downsizing, simplifying mission. And it's also part of Lois and I being semi-retired.
I have to say, I'm so far enjoying it immensely.
We've started some 4x6 rugs.
The Toika is in the front bedroom upstairs. We decided to use the fabric that is already IN the room.
There seems to be enough of it.
Roy is taking notes.
Our new schedule is Lois working 3 days, and I've decided that 3 days works for me, too.
Have I experienced a head injury or something???
I love the Toika. And since my efforts to sell it were less than stellar, I decided to listen to the universe, and weave rugs on it.
The 4'x6' rug is usually a good seller, now I just have to figure out where to keep them once we get a stack done.
Read another book today, and I highly recommend it.
Leaving Time, by Jodi Picoult.
Going from 16 looms to 8, has been like taking this huge weight off my shoulders.
It's like hearing a voice in my ear saying, "you don't have to do it all, it's ok."
I feel calmer, and more focused.
I may have to change the name of my biz. I'm not feeling so crazy these days.