It comes to mind today, that I am not on my own on this journey of getting older. There have been times, when I have felt alone in it, that it was just me, traveling this road towards the unknown. And I will admit it, it felt pretty scary, when I allowed myself to go there.
But just this week, I have had occasion to talk to a few of my friends, who are also
experiencing the same thing..........aging......and the accompanying problems, worries, pains, and fears that go along with it. I am far from being alone, there is a whole generation of us, in our 70's, headed towards the big 80, an age that honestly has sounded totally foreign until just lately.
I spend a lot more time looking back, than I have ever done before. Remembering people, places, and events that made up my life.
(me and my cousin Billy, 8th grade graduation, he's been gone for 17 years, we were born one day apart)
It brings to mind that my mother was often nostalgic about the past, as she got older. I'm not sure I understood it then, but I get it now.
I wonder what other people worry about, when they think about getting to the end of their life.
I know this probably sounds maudlin to some, but I worry about my dogs. ....... my kids, my 24/7 companions. I worry that I won't live long enough, and that they will be homeless, separated, not loved. The thought spirals through my head sometimes, late at night, and makes me physically ill.
I know my real children will be fine. I raised three capable, wonderful daughters, who are totally in charge of their own lives, and their own families.
But Naya and Willie..........they rely on me.
I move off the couch, they move off the couch.
I go to bed, they are right behind me.
The bathroom trips.....well, yes, they wait outside the door.....or they come right in given the chance.
Whatever room I'm in, that's the room they're in.
I leave..........Willie howls......and when I come back, they are both jumping up on the back door, taking off what's left of the paint.
I try to estimate the years they have, and then I pray to live at least that long.
Crazy??? Possibly.
Naya will be 7 in January.......not an exact estimation, but close.
Willie, will be only 4.
I never thought about his age when I adopted him....he was only 18 months old........what was I thinking???
And now, of course, I wouldn't give him up.
I read an article in the NY Times the other day.
It bothered me for days, and I still don't like to really thing about it.
This couple in CA had IVF......the mom carried the baby, gave birth, and somewhere along the way noted that the baby didn't look like tone was a little darker, hair was eventually they had DNA testing done, and found out it wasn't their baby...........and they found out that it belonged to another couple, and that couple had their biological baby. So after a YEAR, they swapped babies.
I'm sorry, but I cannot wrap my brain around this.
So they are saying that the origin of the sperm and the egg are MORE important than the baby that they have bonded with for a year. They voluntarily gave it away.
I wouldn't give WILLIE away, or would have to restrain me to take either of them away from me.....but these people gave away their year old babies. The trauma.....I can't even begin to imagine. The siblings were distraught........understandably.
Will any of those children ever get over this???
I'm curious what you all I alone in thinking this is horrendous.
I know my daughter has an 18 month old.....and if someone told her that he was biologically not hers, she would never, ever, ever give him up.
I am not so sure that I like the world we live in today.....maybe that's why thinking about the world I grew up in, raised my children in, all those years of my life before now........maybe that's part of why they look so good, and why I occasionally find myself remembering.
I like to think it was better, but maybe that's just wishful thinking.
I guess I'll go to bed, and put this brain to sleep.
goodnight all.