
Crazy as a Loom

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Oh November 

The guild show is over, and it was very successful.  But I'm glad it's done, and I can just
This was something I made this week, and it's sold already.  It can be worn like a poncho, but I kind of like it this way better.d

Hopefully, I will have some more sales before Christmas, then not have to worry too much about retail until spring shows.

Mornings are definitely my favorite time of day.  I'm always up in time to watch the sun rise.
Naya is usually taking her after breakfast nap at my feet, so she misses it all.

For some reason, I have always hated dish drainers.  But the simple truth is that there are always dishes on the counter, and it seems like I do dishes several times a day.

Until now.   My daughter bought me this dish drainer at Bed, Bath and Beyond,
and I love it.   My counter now looks neat, and water "drains" into the sink, instead of
sitting on a wet towel.

Such a simple fix.  It even folds flat to store, and it has a metal piece (on the left) that flips up and holds stemmed glasses.

Another purchase, by me, that I love.  They are Vionic slippers, the most recommended for
plantar fasciitis, this style is "Gemma".    I don't have PF anymore, but having had it for a year and a half, I am terrified of getting it again.  So I don't ever go barefoot.   These are warm, and so comfortable, and I wear them ALL the time.

Don't tell me that we aren't festive.   Because we are.


It took me all of 5 minutes to put up my tree.  It helps that the ornaments are already on the tree.

I love simple.  It makes me happy, and it was easy, too.  Long gone are the days that I want to
spend hours putting decorations up, only to spend more hours in a few weeks, to take them all down.

I think once your children are out of the house, you change the way you think about it.  At least I have.

So far, November has been tough.  I've had a brutal headache just about every day.  It started about November 1st, exactly the same time that we started up the pellet stove.
I know that my headaches are dependent often on weather changes, but I seriously question the role of the pellet stove.
It's dusty, and dirty, in my opinion, it's worse than a wood stove.

On top of that, cleaning it once a month causes more dust.

If I could be sure that it was making my headaches worse, it would be gone in a heartbeat.

Since there is a shed full of pellets, I will have to get through this winter with it, but I am seriously
thinking of doing something different for next year.

For now, once again, it's one day at a time.


Theresa said...

You know it was work Hillary, but the wood boiler outside the house was a gift in many ways. It doesn't dry the house like a wood stove does, it heats the water just like a basement oil boiler, but with wood, out there and is hooked up to the recirculating bit of the indoor furnace so the radiators heat just like they do with oil. But it is a lot of work and even at that I have two humidifiers running all winter to keep humidity up to 50% fr my sinuses. I couldn't do a wood stove without them, nor a forced hot air system at all.

Carol said...

Here, here to the Gemma Vionic slippers! Purchased my first pair two weeks ago as I am in the midst of a Plantar Fasciitis flare and it is a relentless one! My high instep evidently does not want me barefoot anymore, though I prefer it. But I won't be anymore. Slowly healing now with stretching, Epsom salts soaks, and my new warm and comfortable slippers! I am so sorry you continue to suffer those head aches. I remember their beginning with that fall you took. You are just an amazingly inspiring woman, to continue on doing all that you do, in spite of your discomfort. May the pain subside and give you some peace...

Karen said...

I googled - and there is indeed a correlation to wood burning stoves and headaches, as well as other health issues.

My kids are moved out of the house, and I still decorate like crazy - I want to come over there and spruce up that tree for you, lol...

Shammickite said...

I didn't put up a tree at all last year, thought there was no point as I wasn't having a Christmas dinner here, but perhaps this year I will look for a little one. The full size ones take up too much room.
I hope that nasty headache gets fed up with being a problem and just decides to go away somewhere very soon.

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Because every thread counts