It's been quite the experience. It's so different from the AVL. I think, though, that finally, I have it. Adjustments here, adjustments there.
Ah, Octado.................
Lois is convinced that every thing we do in the studio is a back breaker. Sometimes it does seem that way.
It's January......settling in to all the work that waits. Staying home, having a plan, restocking the shelves for summer. That's my life here in the northeast.
Winter walks in the snow, trying to stay warm while doing them.
If I have an errand to run, I wait until I can combine 2 or 3 errands.........the less I have to venture out, the happier I am.
I will admit that I don't mind winter as much since I'm out walking in it every single day with Naya. Winter does have a certain peaceful beauty. I would prefer, though, more snow, and less cold.

This is my practice warp on the Octado......kind of looks like Rorschach tests, doesn't it?
Actually, the nurse in me sees an EKG........a troublesome one.
Lois is weaving this lovely......hand dyed warp, and hand dyed weft. I'm going to make a cloak out of it.
Unfortunately, I am not able to dye much's so freaking cold. When I do dye inside, it takes up my whole sewing I am careful about when I do it.
Tonight, sitting in the hot tub, I counted planes going over.
I always think of my old friend when I am in the hot tub, she loved it so.
The thought occurred to me, that if I saw 7 planes go over, in the 15 minutes that I was in the tub, before the jets automatically shut off, that I would email her.
I would say that I miss our talks, our day trips, our friendship. That it is really unbelievable to me, still, that we have not spoken in almost 18 months, after being friends who messaged/texted/emailed/spoke every day, for 15 years.
That whatever derailed our friendship, makes me sad, and probably always will.
1 plane............... 2................
...........3 planes. .............. 4............. 5.
Jets shut off. Quiet.
I sighed, turned left to get out of the tub, and saw two more planes, their lights
blinking, skittering across the night sky.
But to be honest, too late.
OMG, Hillary. I lost a friend that way. A weaving friend of thirty years. From upstate, no less. I don't have planes and a hot tub, but if I get brave enough, it will be a can of olives with a stick attached. I'll let you know, if I do.
Send it anyway. Life is too short and regrets too long.
I'm with Snarled Yarns. What's the worst that can happen? It's worth a try.
Lois, I had a friendship that derailed twice over a period,of some 40 years or so. I really never quite knew why. The person lives two blocks from me. Never give up! I waited and prayed for years and all of a sudden two years ago, we bumped into one another on my corner. We have connected again after all this time, mostly by phone but once in a while for coffee. She cares for a sick husband now, so her time is limited. My heart was always heavy when I thought of her and now it is at peace. Be encouraged!
Send the e-mail.
I’m sorry, Hilary, for addressing my comments to Lois. My error. Peace.
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