
Crazy as a Loom

Monday, October 16, 2023


Anyone who knows cats, knows that they are very good at hiding just
how sick they are.

Right after my last post, Sydney started walking into walls, and doors.   She stopped
using the litter box, and was definitely in distress.

I took her to my vet, who explained that she was in kidney failure, and her BP was
probably so high, that it caused retinal detachment and sudden blindness.

With my heart breaking, I let her go.

She came here in 2009, was hiding in my barn.  She weighed 6 lbs and 
was very pregnant.

She's been here ever since, and she could never get enough to eat.

She was in charge, no matter how many cats we had in the studio, or even when dogs 
came to stay.

She was the queen, and she knew it.

Before I lived at the studio, we used to call her the "Walmart Greeter", because 
she ran to greet everyone who came in the door.
After we moved here, she got spoiled with having people around all the 
time, so she stopped doing that, only greeting a select few.

She was a presence in this old house, and getting used to this empty space she left won't be easy.

Also, before we lived here, she was allowed to sit in a box on the kitchen counter.
That was when she could still jump up there.

The box became so ripped and flattened because she was too big for it, so much so that 
one of her fans send me a roll of fancy duct tape to reinforce it.

She was a big girl with a beautiful face and expressive eyes.
She didn't feel one bit bad about her size.
She had the shortest little legs, we called them "bunny legs".

She may have had a rough start in life, but for the last 14 years, she has lived her 
best life, even going out the dog door into the dog yard the last two years.

I think she's winking at me here.

Good bye sweet girl.

You will be so missed.

Her two buddies looked dazed for a while, like they just didn't get it.

They knew who the boss was.

"So now who's running this joint?"


Joanne Noragon said...

Sydney indeed was a beautiful girl. Cats do come to us in such interesting ways, and leave a cat sized hole in our hearts when they leave.

Boud said...

So sorry you had to say goodbye to such a great friend. You gave her a great life and a long one. It's going to take a while to adjust. I'd love more pictures when you're up for it.

Cheryl said...

I'm so sorry about Sydney. She had a wonderful 14 years with you I'm sure. Thank you for sharing her with us.

Sojourner Design said...
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Sojourner Design said...

So sorry Hilary. She was lucky to have found you, and you are lucky to have been found.


Rita said...

So very sorry to hear about Sydney!
I have lost cats I will never forget, too.
What else can I say.
She lived a long life as the queen of the house.

Karen said...

I'm so so sorry that you had to say goodbye to your fur baby Sydney. She was indeed a beautiful girl, and obviously loved the home that she adopted and that you supplied her. We have had many cats, and it's always so hard to say goodbye. Our last one to leave us was Whirl who looked a lot like Sydney and started having grand mal seizures out of the blue several years ago. I still get teary eyed thinking about him. Hugs to you and your two boys, and I hope the memories of Sydney will soon bring you joy.

ReneeC said...

Losing Sydney is losing a family member. It's very, very hard. My sincere condolences.

Daryl said...

i am so very sorry to read this .. she was a very special girl and she will be missed by all who knew her personally and those of us who knew her through the photos/stories you posted ...

Shepherdess55 said...

Sending my sympathy for Sydney. I will miss reading about her latest antics or seeing pictures of her on Crazy as a Loom. Perhaps in time another cat will be directed your way so that Naya and Willie will have a new boss.

farmer's wife weaving said...

Sydney has long been a favorite of mine, her over flowing box beauty had me at once. I shall miss this lovely feline very much. I am sending you warm and gentle hugs. Rest peacefully Miss Sydney.

Caroline M said...

I'm so very sorry, it's hard knowing that the best you can do for them is to let them leave you.

Anonymous said...

Catching up after illness. Sorry about Sydney, what a beautiful cat. Beverley x

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