
Crazy as a Loom

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Is it that time again

Once again, I have this urge to "clean house", and I don't particularly mean vacuum, dust, etc.

No, I mean "get rid of stuff you don't need".  
I don't think I can do the same minimalist challenge that I did last year at this time, when I got rid of over 600 items, NONE of which I have missed for one minute, but I still think, no, I KNOW, that I have JUNK.

Thank god for friends with great ideas, because honestly, I would never that thought this would make me so happy, but it did.

These shelves have been on this wall for years......and up until a few days ago, they were FULL.  They had so many cones stacked up, that a couple of the boards had begun to warp.
My good friend Sue came over to help me go through my pretty significant stash
of yarn.   We went through it cone by cone, and if it broke easily, was ugly, or had just been around for YEARS, then it was bagged up and put on the inside porch.  When we were done, we had 18 garbage bags full.   Facebook marketplace to the yarn, you have to take it all, and you have to pick it up.  It was gone the next day.

Now I have to paint the wall.
But it's incredible how much this simple act made the room brighter, and more open.
I love it.
And because I got rid of all the yarn that I would NEVER use, I suddenly had 
more room for the yarn that I actually will use.
Keeping in the spirit of things, I have gone through drawers, cupboards, nooks and crannies and I've sold a ton of stuff that I don't need.....again, FB marketplace.

I feel lighter already.

On the Louet, in an effort to USE the yarn that I kept, I dug into my chenille stash, and I'm weaving some "mauve" fabric for clothing.

I am once again reminded that plain weave has its appeal.  It's soothing, and calming, and I am loving it.  It brings me right back to that newbie weaver that I once was, enamored of the simple beauty of plain weave,  and reminds me of that feeling that I had, that I had found what I wanted to with my life.

Alas, I will never be an artist, and if I was, I'm afraid it might be a cartoon artist.
But nevertheless, I am making each day my own, and that's all that really matters anyway.

Ya think?????

Oh, and it IS that time again, for a giveaway.............just comment, about anything,  and I will enter your name, to be drawn on Friday  Feb 4th....about 8p, for a handwoven towel......your choice.

It's February!!!!!!!


NancyG said...

Is the woman in blue a self-portrait?

Linda B said...

I'm inspired and awed by anyone who purges their belongings. But I don't have the nerve to do it myself.

Joanne Noragon said...

Good grief, even the shelving! It's such a relief. It's what I did to move from four rooms and a bathroom to two rooms and a bathroom. My older daughter called last weekend, looking for a long gone card game. You snooze, you loose.

Bettina Groh said...

I been watching your weaving and loved it!! Now I will have to "follow" your purging and try to do the same!! LOL

messymimi said...

That mauve is delightfully pretty. You'll never regret only keeping what you use and love.

Den said...

Always love to read your blog. Am inspired to follow your lead of downsizing. Good for you1

Betsy said...

I need to do this with my fabric. I honestly don't know how to start. Instead I have turned my sewing machine around so I don't have to look at the bins. I was hoping the bins would empty themselves but it's not working! :)

Sally said...

Hi Hilary, I attended a weaving bootcamp weekend at your house back in 2014+/- Your strength of spirit made an indelible impression on me: I thank you for sharing about yourself that weekend and in your blog, which I’ve followed since. i have never left a comment before, but I want to thank you for being a good role model for me. I still am weaving, though work and life get in the way.
I wish your strength will continue to carry you through and over all that life throws at you. Thank you for sharing your spirit and energy. You have touched and enriched the lives of so many. Sally in NH

Unknown said...

I agree the plain weave is simple and lovely. The mauve color is very pretty too.
I enjoy following you blog.

Corny said...

Under the influence of clutter, we may underestimate how much time we waste on stuff we don’t need.

Jennifer said...

I have been purging for several years now since I retired. From furniture to the kitchen cupboards and everything in between. It is so liberating and the house is simpler, uncluttered and has just what I love / need in it. Major items have been replaced with new ones and now I do not buy anything unless I really need it. Have done the same with the garden. This is a really positive step in the right direction. I admire your attitude and that mauve weaving too! Always look forward to your blog. It always makes a lot of sense.

dakotacheryl said...

I purge items all the time...the trick is to not let my husband see as he always wants to KEEP everything. I am currently looking at my china cabinet and am pretty sure the Waterford crystal will be finding a new home soon. We never use it, why hang on to it? Love your blog!

Lucy said...

My town has a Buy Nothing page that I have been using frequently. I found out a neighbor was a weaver when she wanted cones of yarn and some weaving books!

Kaye Kingsbury said...

It truly is freeing to get open up space. I have jettisoned saved recipes, patterns, and magazines filled with ideas that haven’t made it further in the mast ten years.

Alsan said...

Oh Hillary, I love your blog.Your honesty and insight always teach me something. Today it is purging again. I’ve been organizing and purging. I will be really happy when I get to the point where it makes me want to do even more. Thank you for reminding me how lovely plain weave can be. What do you think you want to make with that “mauve”? The gentle window pane makes me think it will be some sort of rauna/ shawl/ cocoon, but you surprise me sometimes, so I’ll be paying attention to see the final product.

Susan Q said...

It’s fun to read everyone’s comments. I love reading about your life adventures, the good, the bad, and the challenging. I started following you because I am learning to weave and I admired your work, but I really look forward to your insights on life.

518frenchgirl said...

Hi Hilary, I love that you are always on a project, I guess that's what life is made of. Ourselves being the main one, lol. You are ALWAYS inspiring. Love everything you do and your zest for change. Out with the stale, in with the vibrant. Keep going, Woman!! Fun portrait, has your essence for sure. Take care. I will send you a pic soon. Been putting away Christmas decor, still.

jolly said...

Well you inspire me to start downsizing my environment. Great that you have such helpful friends. Your results are always like a breath of fresh air!!

Ladka said...

I am inspired ny upur criterion of "ugly and I don't like". This will help me destash.
And I love the mauve plainweave.
Best tegards,
Ladka, beginner/learner weaver without a loom as yet

Rita said...

I had just started purging some around my place and you give me more incentive and inspiration. I would be honored to win. :)

Pat said...

Hello, It seems that many people think that what you do is very good. As well do I
I do enjoy your endeavors in weaving, having come very late to waving, I do envy your fluid ability !

SeattleSuetoo said...

I love your blog! I am happy for you that you are seeing space again instead of clutter. We have downsized 3 times so we could fit into a studio apartment (450sf). Now we are in a 550sf one bedroom apartment with a huge closet for my fibery stuff (3 small looms, spinning wheel, yarn stash, etc, ad nauseum!)! Freeing your spirit through de-cluttering is an amazing way to live. You have always been an inspiration for me, thanks for keeping me on the weaving way for so many years.

Anonymous said...

The wall looks amazing and I am sure someone feels truly blessed by your cleaning out. I go in fits and starts and always love when I get rid of a bunch of stuff. Take care and keep on cleaning, I don't mean housework.

Stephanie Lanham said...

I love the plain weave the best. You are right. Simple, calming and beautiful.

Linda said...

yup I need to purge so many books but it is soooo hard

Karen said...

Love the portrait! It always feels good to organize and simplify and make room for new and more usual things. I've been doing that too here and there around this old house.

Susan said...

I wish the urge to clean house would hit me. We down sized 3 years ago and I apparently think I let go of so much then that I never need to again. Ha! I definately need to go thru everything again. I've always said DH accumulates too much but the realization was that I sure do too! BTW I love your house drawings and hope you continue.

Nurse Hearse said...

Hi, I private emailed you the reason I stumbled upon your blog. You look like a very interesting person. I just bought my first loom and I have only ever made one scarf. I spin and have my own sheep though. =) Heidi

weavingrose said...

I am inspired by your minimalist purging. I need to do so again.

Simone said...

I am inspired too. I moved from a house where my husband and I collected everything for 34 years to a condo in 2020. I filled a dumpster and gave away MANY interesting things to enthusiastic younger people but I still have more yarn than I will ever weave, knit or crochet and I still haven't learned to use my sewing machine(s)........

n said...

Oh, if only I could be so brave to sort my yarns! Proud of you,that took alot of determination.

Welcome to my world.

Because every thread counts

Because every thread counts