And realized, they are gone.
It made me sad. I had felt this connection, and while I wasn't paying attention, they left blogland.
So I that got me thinking, wow, I've been blogging here for 10 years. Who knows how many people I have met here? How many people have I touched?.........or maybe annoyed? :)
I started this blog in February 2007, posted a couple of times, then had a knee replacement that didn't go so well, didn't blog again until June. Then I really kind of got into it, and blogging became a regular part of my life.
Altogether I have posted here 1465 times. Holy crap.
I wasn't sure, when I started, what it was going to be. It started out to be about my weaving studio, and my retirement gig, after a 30 year career in nursing.
Then in 2011, I fell and hit my head. The next couple of years were the most difficult of my life, and to be honest, I blogged with the feeling that I was desperate for something to keep me together.
Through that time, of severe daily headaches, surgeries, meeting new limitations, YOU were all there. You encouraged me, you commiserated with me. God, with my family and friends, you got me through it.
I will always remember that I didn't do it alone.
I don't blog as often anymore, and I've often wondered if I should keep blogging. I'm not as motivated to do it, but then on the other hand, I don't want to stop either.
So I guess I'll just keep showing up here, telling my story, and hope someone still wants to read it.
To celebrate TEN years of blogging, I'm going to do a Giveaway.
A handwoven towel of my choosing.
All you have to do is comment, and tell me what you find interesting and want to hear more of.
Duh! Sorry.......I will draw from the names on Saturday night...the 18th!
I love your blog and have been a reader for many years. I am very shy and don't comment very much, but just wanted you to know that I appreciate and enjoy your heartfelt writing! Thank you - you are very appreciated by me and, I'm sure, many! Best wishes to you! Sincerely, Janeen xx
What do I want to hear more of? All of it, just as you have been blogging, don't give it up ever, I look forward to reading about your activities, weaving, grandkids, animals, Lois, your house, travels...all of it.
Hillary, wow 10 years is a great accomplishment! I have long enjoyed your blog and hearing all about what you and L have been up to. Miss Sid and her box - now I would like to hear about that again ;-) Love when you write about your love affair with your great house - hope to hear more about everything!
Best wishes on 10 years of great blog posts.
Do not go away!! I love hearing all about you, kitties, chickens, Roy, weaving and especially upstate New York. I live in California and to see your old house nestled in such a beautiful place, I am envious.
When you were going thru all of the horrendous pain with your head/neck, I wished there was something I could do. I hope knowing you have people out there in cyber world pulling for you, has to be a good thing.
We are the same age, so much of what you write I can identify with.
Keep it up!!
We started blogging the same year (I didn't get started until Dec. 31 though). I have been an avid reader, but only an occasional commenter, but I love seeing what wonderful things you are up to. I laugh, cry and am constantly amazed at your life! You are an inspiration and I would feel the loss greatly if you stopped. I am a very novice weaver and have not sat at my loom in quite a while. Too many other things going on, but I am saving it and not giving up on it! I will get back to it (along with my pottery, needlework, quilting, etc.) one of these days. Please don't stop blogging! ~chris
Congratulations! I have enjoyed getting to know you across the miles. I remember when all of the area stray cats seemed to show up at your place. Do you have fewer because you live there now or have the strays just found somewhere else to go? So many changes in ten years. I don't blog as much as I used to either. I think it's nice to have your own online space and to check in sometimes. And always share photos of the beautiful things you create.
Well, you know I love to hear about Roy and the kitties but I mostly just like to know how Hilary is doing. You were such an inspiration to all of us as you struggled with your headaches; you're probably one of the strongest women I know even if that's just through our blogs. You were often on my mind and in my prayers. And now that you have chickens you can't leave us. I have to learn all about them through you. ;-) Just carry on Hilary as you feel fit and we will be there to enjoy each and every post. Deb
I've been reading since sometime around your fall, I guess. I've kept reading for a couple of reasons--I love your fiber art, it is beautiful. Your journey has been fascinating -- but I think one of the things that is most compelling for me is the concern I have felt for someone I've never met. You have spoken so intimately about your pain and your life around that pain, it has been palpable. I keep reading because I worry about you, and I am always glad to see a post from you. Lol, I guess that sounds silly when I write it out--but its true! Mary Ann
Your blog is much appreciated but I understand tiring of it sometimes. I love hearing/seeing what you and L are weaving, what's up in your life, your wonderful old home and of course all the critters!
I find your life in general is most interesting. Well, let's say your take on life. You have got the best attitude and pass it along when you post. Thanks what I appreciate! I would miss you terribly if you were to stop.
Don't change a thing, Hilary. I relate to everything you talk about, the good and the not so good, As a woman about your age, retired, weaver, grandmother, lover of critters and old houses I think of you as a neighbor I can just drop in to chat with.Elaine
I'm a new reader of several months! I started a family blog three years ago and I'm always looking for interesting new blogs...especially ones written by someone my age! I enjoy your thoughts on children growing up and having their own lives. I end my day with my blog (I mainly do it to keep in touch with my daughter)then I read my favorite blogs. You are now on my favorite list!
I love reading about how you manage pain and the ups and downs of life. Your thoughts on children,grandchildren, food and your pets are always interesting. Love the photos of your studio and woven projects. Thank you for sharing!
Being a fairly new reader About one year I did go thru your older posts Love your weaving journey and seeing the finished pieces Lovely Hope you continue to post when you can
linda m
I started following you somewhere after the fall, and I've cried and commiserated with you so very many times when I failed to say anything at all back to you. But if somehow YOU decided not to blog anymore, I'd never see those beautiful grands any more, fail to watch them change, and fail to hear how you manage to keep on keepin' on with all those miserable headaches. You are an inspiration to me, and I enjoy everything about your posts. Please stay in my life a bit longer, okay? :-)
Well golly, I have to jump in here to let you know that what I find most interesting are the conversations you have with yourself as you've tried - and continue to try - to live through and accept all that is happening in your life. Real gems there, I've relished them ... and I will always welcome more of the same.
I have come over to your blog from several different ones through several different years.
Your title got me, I often think of myself in that term.
Congrats on ten years.
I have been visiting off and on for almost five years.
I love your projects, and the different point of view you share.
I enjoy your blog so much! Also, just wanted to let you know that your link to my blog is outdated. My blog, iowaweaver, is now located at Blogspot and I parted ways and I went with Wordpress. So, not gone, just moved.
To me, your posts are simply lovely, and i enjoy them.
Oh Hilary, I can so relate to being tired of communicating and sharing, however, YOU are the reason that we all come to this blog. I have struggled with many of the same issues you have through the years. I remember waiting with prayers and held breath until your daughters posted for you after your surgery. I love seeing the grands grow up. And Sidney! What would we do without her and Roy? Others have said it better but YOU are definitely an inspiration to all of us. I love seeing your weavings as they spur me on to being a better weaver myself. If you leave blogland, I will understand, but I will miss you horribly. Thanks for sharing yourself with all of us for the last ten years, we love you.
I really enjoy your blog! I love that you've chosen to be content with your life, in spite of pain. As a relatively new weaver, I'm inspired by your gorgeous weaving. I love photos of your studio as well!
Me too! Love all of your musings. Particularly love pictures of the weaving - always inspiring, the animals - so companiable, the chickens, your grandbabies.
But most I love your spirit. Your determination to make a life and continue. Your move and renovation of the house and your outings are always fun.
I think we would miss you if you stopped blogging.
I always enjoy reading your entries. Especially these days when the rest of the news is so bad.
I am an advanced beginner weaver and I started following you to learn more about weaving. I felt like I went through your health struggles with you, and even know a woman who suffers from Chiari and referred her to your blog.
Please do keep blogging when you feel the urge, I love the glimpses into your world.
Well, I am still reading and interested!!!!
I wish I was as creative as you!
I don't often comment, but I do read.
Please keep writing! So many other bloggers have drifted away over the past few years (including myself).
Reading about your weaving, your furry companions and life in general is a brief respite from all the distressing awfulness that goes on today.
Thank you!
I always enjoy your blog posts. I'm s glad you have kept going.
My favorite posts are always about weaving, although I find anything you post interesting.
I hope you keep going!
I began reading your blog when I first started to weave, then I began to read because I was interested in reading about your daily life - the mundane things - dogs, cats, then the chickens, grandchildren ....
Then when you fell and hit your head, I read because I found myself truly caring about you - a stranger I had never met.
Through it all, I learned some things about myself and how to handle adversity with grace.
So, Hilary, thank you for letting us in on your life-
You are my INSPIRATION always!!!
I am following in your footsteps!
Incredibly grateful to have you as an friend & mentor!
I look forward to when you blog, and it doesn't have to be about anything, just random thoughts. I am also an RN, coming up on 30 years, however I have another 9 years before retiring. I look forward to that time and love reading about your life in retirement. Please don't stop!!
I am always happy when I see a post from you! I love hearing about your adventures!
Congratulations on 10 years!
I started following your blog a few ywars ago for your weaving. Later I grew very fond of you and your life.
Your writing style and persinality draw me in and hold my attention. It doesn't matter what you say, I just like the way you say it. :)
Please keep on blogging! I would miss your voice 💖
Hilary - I weave too, so although I LOVE the shell pattern and am envious that I can't achieve one anywhere near as nice on my 8-shaft, I don't need to win one of your towels. I did want to comment, however, and tell you that I read your blog regularly. I like the weaving posts and your comments on life in general.
I'm with you on missing old blog friends. It makes me sad also. I have been blogging about the same amount of time; I have met many wonderful, creative people and it is a great way to connect over our hand work, our ideas, joys and valleys are important to me to share.
So happy blogiversary, Hilary!
While I rarely comment on your blog, I enjoy each post and always enjoy reading your latest post. While I am not a weaver, I find it interesting to read about your projects and seeing the beautiful results. The blogs I enjoy reading (and yours is certainly one) are just the blogs where you share glimpses of your life. Love to see the cats and new (or favorite) recipes you have made. Sort of like we were sitting and having coffee but you are doing all the talking. Congratulations on 10 years of blogging! That's pretty awesome.
Well I have some of your towels so let someone else get to treasure it as I do - but I am very glad you still blog and I hope you always will.
I have been reading your blog for years but rarely comment. You do inspire me, though. My life changed drastically, too. Even though it was in a completely different way I can relate to so much of what you talk about. I don't even need to be included in the give away (even though I would love one) because I am a lurker and not a regular commenter--but I just wanted to say that I really hope you don't quit blogging. I would miss you. :) Congrats on your ten years!
Hi Hilary, I can relate to you very much in the aspect of creating everyday and using retirement to its fullest for that purpose. I also am interested in how you renovate and redesign your space in your beautiful historic home. Whether posting about your studio, your health, your pets or your soup and salad experiments. You always shoot fabulous pictures and I love visiting you whenever I can, in person or via blog. I hope I wasn't one of your missing blogs, it's been over a year for me because its too cumbersome to upload the pictures to the blog. So, don't give up because many of us love to hear what you're up to in that beautiful studio of yours and what's going on or coming off the loom! Marilou
I love reading about your weaving and your daily life. Your photos are inspiring.
I save your posts for the end of the day when I need a friend.
Life's journey is forever ongoing. I enjoy your passion about it all -the thoughts, the visuals, the physical, nature and family, the perceptions that are so YOU......a whole life unfolding - the vibration energy of it all! You are where you are at any given point in time --and it unfolds exactly as it is meant. Relax and go downstream
with the flow. - only you are the keeper of the Life. I am enriched by the sharing. -Jolly
Always I look for your blog title in my inbox; then I go through clearing out and filing posts, then sit and treasure every story, every photo you send out to the cyber world. Crazy as a Loom is right up at the top of my list and as your life, body, and dwelling pace have changed and been challenged, it has been my joy to follow along and just sometimes make a comment. Perhaps your would have appreciated more words from me, but always I hold you and yours in love and light as your wonderful weaving life, great recipes and walks, and gardens and family...well, Crazy as a Loom is an special pice of my practice of reading and looking and learning. Thanks for all you share with the community that circles around you from points far and wide.
Your blog, and a select few others have helped me recognize what a powerful group of strong women there are in the world! You are clearly one of them Hilary. Would like to congratulate you on ten years of being dedicated to continuing...your awesome, delightfully honest blog!
Selfishly, I do hope you will continue~!
I am new to your blog but I love the inspiration from your weaving and your life as I can relate.
Oh and I love the name!!!
Always remember that everything you've done in your life has brought you to this very moment. I love your blog.
I am also a retired nurse and the same age as you. I enjoy your blog and have been there with you through your struggles and joys. I do hope you continue with the blog...many times, as I am searching through my bookmarks, I think, see what Hillary is doing today :)
I started reading your blog when I started weaving. You inspired to me keep moving forward through my own weaving successes and disasters. My son entered weaving in our county fair 4 years in a row and always won champion at the county and state level. I really appreciate you and your blog. My life has changed in these 10 years and I feel like what you are writing now is more relevant than weaving info, and I really appreciate you. If you keep blogging, I'll keep reading!!
Your awesome perspective on life -- given your headaches -- lifts me up daily!Would that I could be so strong in the face of a chronic condition. I've never woven anything, but love seeing the beautiful things you create.
I think after a few years of reading someone's blog, what we really grow to like- is the person who is writing and posting! I think that is why I also get upset when someone just stops blogging- because it's like losing a friend. So I love your posts about weaving, and coping with headaches and chronic pain, and all about raising chickens, and etc. It's ok if you're here only when you want to be- just don't stop! And holy cannoli! Look at all the readers still showing up- they don't want you to leave either!
Your blog is a touchstone for me. The weaving is beautiful, the photos of the countryside heartening,
the grand babies a joy to behold. But most of all I stand in awe of your truth telling. Thank you.
You are a kindred spirit.
Well, 10 years, congratulations. I always love to see and hear about your weaving.
Wow, ten years. I just hit eleven but went password protected two years ago due to some stalker/troll issues. A lot of my favorite blogs are gone, too. Time passes. Things change. I enjoy hearing about your weaving, where you live, and following along with your medical issues (I have my own to overcome so I appreciate your process.) Keep blogging as long as you find it meaningful.
Since I participated in one of your boot camps, the photos you post are so real to me. And, we share a birth-day.
Hope you continue to write your blog when you can. I enjoy the weaving, recipes and anecdotes about life. Love seeing your colour choices and patterns too.
You got me beat.. i am only up to 947 blog posts so far. I am heading to the kitchen to bake up some of your good cookies! I have been using white chocolate chips instead of dark and they are really YUMMY!
PS don't enter me in the contest, since you know that I weave myself, I want someone else to get one of your handwoven towels. I have your cookie recipe instead! LOL
I've been following you for a number of years now.... I started mine in 2008 and was already reading yours before that. Cripes, thats a long time!
Well, you talked about weaving (which brought me to you) but I stayed for the real life and honest chat. The grandkids visiting, the trials and tribulations with your Mum, the renovations of the house, more weaving, Looms coming and going, Lois's arrival.... and the cats (inside and out). And yes, the head ordeal.
Your blog encouraged me to start my own.....
I've stayed on reading as I call you a friend now.
Hugs, Susan
I've been reading your blog for a several years, but haven't commented until now. I retired 3 months ago after a 37-year career with the Feds. Your recents posts about life and acceptance have touched me to my core. I am asking myself the same questions and I deeply appreciate you sharing your journey with us. Your generous spirit and honesty moves me, your courage and strength motivates me, and your love for your family (fur babies included) fills me with joy. Thank you for sharing yourself all these years, and please don't stop. You would be greatly missed!
I just found you - maintain and don't stop please! Your writing is so heartfelt and strong. I have no clue how I got here but you are now saved to read daily. Love the purple hues of the scarves.
I hope you continue to blog for a long time. I think I found you at the beginning of your blogging. I have loved it so much. Is it weird that so many people feel they know you yet you don't know us? I have mourned with you at the loss of your cats and your dog. I have loved watching all your weaving, it inspired me to start weaving again. I feel like I've watched your grandchildren grow up! Your mom was at the end of her life the same years mine was, I've always appreciated your honesty in your feelings. I truly hope you continue to blog. I never tire of seeing your weaving, your pets and your house.
Blogging was obviously a phase for so many. Please continue. I like to read about someone weaving since I have so very little time to do it. I can get my creative "fix" from reading that someone else gets to create! Thanks for being steadfast and sticking with it.
I have enjoyed reading your blog for many years... since before your fall, (can't believe that was 6 years ago). I feel somewhat of a kinship with you... I too am a nurse, love to knit and adore old houses. I have friends who weave and am afraid of developing another hobby, so I just admire the work of others!
What I like most of your blog? The mixed bag I guess... what you are weaving, eating and the positive attitude you have. You express a lot of gratitude and find joy in the simple acts of your daily life.
Congratulations on your milestone of blogging. I would ask you to keep going, but I guess I can't as I stopped blogging years ago!
This June will be my 10th anniversary also and everything you said is true for me. I have questioned my motive for keeping my blog active but in the end it's where I tell my story. Facebook has become the popular alternative to blogs and while it allows us to connect, it's more like "hit-and-run" comments rather than story telling. Our choice to blog is probably relative to our age. I try to blog five times a month and wonder how I used to do it a couple times a week, and again, I think the answer is Facebook. Meanwhile I keep blogging and I'm glad you do too.
While I haven't been with you for the whole ride, I was so happy to have found a fellow (if former) nurse who also loves the fiber arts. I live in a very small, rural community, and get all my fibery social contact online, and I really love your work, but also your perspective on many things. You help to remind me that my very stressful job will end at some point, as yours did, and that I will be able to continue the weaving journey that helps to ground me.
I like seeing what you are weaving, your animals and SNOW! Lol. I sure do miss it! I look for your latest blog entry frequently but I know how you feel. I haven't written anything on mine in a long time.
Thank you for your voice all these years. I hope you will continue to speak your truth. Like many others, I would miss you if you went away.
I know i missed the drawing but i can weave my own towels. Please don't stop blogging. i've read about your life for years and can relate to so many aspects of it. same age, same life style and similar challenges. mine was not a head injury but it put me down for an entire year and made me look at my life completely differently. have simplified so many things.
a lot of us need a roll model and you're it.
late to the party as always .. i have a lot going on and right before i clicked in to see what you were up to (apparently over a week ago) i was thinking maybe its time to stop blogging .. then i read your post and went to see how long i have been at this .. since Sept 2007 so my 10th anniversay is still a ways off .. maybe i will wrap it up then ... but i do love your blog and seeing your grands growing up, watching L become quite the weaver and enjoying your critters and your cooking ... i would miss you if you were gone ... i would
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