So, 6+ years ago, L came to the studio and said she had read on my blog where I was looking for an apprentice, and she thought she might want to do that.
I said, "wow".
But, she added, she didn't want to actually weave. She only wanted to help.
My father always told me that beggars can't be choosers. So I said, "sure".
It wasn't long before I coaxed her into helping me with weaving rugs on the 7 ft Toika.
Then a bit later, she admitted she would like to try weaving a rug.
The rest is history............
I joke that we make a good team, because our approach is so different. She is Miss Anal....and I am Miss Fly by the seat of my Pants.
But it works.
She always likes me to pick out the drafts, the fiber, and the warp color. Then she wants me to tell her what I want. Then she weaves.
So we put a friendship towel warp on the Schacht before Christmas. I picked some godawful gaudy colors for the cotton usual, she said "WHAT???????"
And when it was time to actually start the towels....she asked me "what color do I use for weft?"
And I replied, because I'm a registered smart ass......."beats me! Pick something."
She moaned and groaned a bit, then she did just that.
She took the warp off yesterday, and today I hemmed, washed and pressed them.
And I have to say, they are stunning.
Her color choices rocked!!!!!!!
They are awesome, awesome, awesome.
I think she has graduated, from apprentice to assistant.
I can't be more proud of the weaver she has become.
But even better, way better, than that?????????
What a great friend she is.
Thanks Lois.
L - you do indeed rock! Awesome towels!
Beautiful towels Lois! I envy you to be Hilary assistant, a dream job. You are an excellent weaver in your own right.
You two must have a blast as you weave, or sit and talk, or have lunch. I'm thinking what ever you do, it's fun!
The towels turned out fabulous!
I am so glad I got to meet L a couple of years ago. What a treasure she is!
Wow and more Wow! Those are beautiful! Both you and Lois have a special eye for color. And to be friends? Perfect!
What beautiful towels... I really like the pattern and the happy color combinations. What a wonderful working friendship you two have!
The depth and variety is an inspiration!
What a team! Beautiful work.
Awesome indeed! Love them!
Your teamwork shines in some most beautifully crafted towels. Lois has chosen wonderful, vibrant colors and she is, indeed, a fine weaver.
OMG, these are magnificent...remind me of something from the prairie days! These will be sturdy and passed on for generations. I love all of them. Now that you have an "assistant", do you need another apprentice? Good Job L and Hilary
It's so refreshing (and inspirational) to see those towels with a brightly colored warp! They are so often done with a white or natural warp, that yours don't even look like the same draft!
Lucky you, too, to have a fun assistant and co-weaver!
Lois! NICE WORK!!...
delicious colors, gorgeous towels L! .. making me drool i know it sounds crazy but colors do that to me ... yum
OMG, those are glorious!! They'd almost make me want to do dishes. Notice I said "almost". :)
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