Have to get away from it all every now and then. I love the studio, and I love to weave, but I need to find my center out in nature.
Besides, I've promised myself to take kayak breaks every week, all summer.
So come along. I took a lot of pictures, but saved the best for you.
It was overcast, but the temperature was perfect. The birds were singing. What else could you want?
This guy was a tad disturbed, and flew away, probably to distract attention from the nest.
Did I tell you that I love the Adirondacks??
On one side of the small lake, there were some camps, mostly unoccupied.
You better be tying your butt to those antlers, if you walk out on THAT deck.
It threatened to rain, but it turned out to be an empty threat, after all.
I love this little branch with three hummingbird feeders. I might have to do that at the studio.
They must love these little birds at this camp......see the fourth one hanging up higher on the right?
Better than Paris.......if you ask me........the leaning tree on the lake.
And a perfect reflection.
For a perfect day.
Mr. Bullfrog concurs.
I sense his contentment. Don't you?
I am tired, but in a good way.
Somehow, the world looks like a nicer place today.

Thank you for your kayak trips. They are such an inspiration/centering for me. We used to kayak on lakes in the Black Hills of South Dakota that remind me of your lakes. We used to use a tandem kayak and go "fishing". We would let the fish come up to the boat and inspect us, the fish were actually doing the "fishing"!! Due to a back injury we no longer kayak and due to financial crap we sold the kayak! 8-( BUT, your kayak trips are like ours used to be, so refreshing and so necessary. Thanks again for helping me to center through your experiences.
I have no interest in Paris either and would MUCH rather have a mountain view each day out my window.
Gorgeous! That scenery is soothing, even in pictures.
Beautiful, that second one...I can feel the quiet.
Those pics are so calming. Wish I could come along someday for reals. It is beautiful there!
The way your photos scrolled up on my computer screen today, I totally expected to see a porcupine in the first picture.
Beautiful images....keep 'em coming!
The world is a beautiful place if you know where to look, and what to turn away from.
Wonderful post, Hilary. Now I'm gonna go dust off my kayak, (I have a Necky Manatou..love it!)... and get out on a lake, overcast or not.
The world is a beautiful place if you know where to look, and what to turn away from.
Wonderful post, Hilary. Now I'm gonna go dust off my kayak, (I have a Necky Manatou..love it!)... and get out on a lake, overcast or not.
Even I a jaded New Yorker enjoyed this relaxing kayak trip ...
Deep breath.....let it out....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
That was a beautiful trip. Thank you SO much for sharing. Awesome pics.
Oh geez, now I have kayak envy!! LOVE the pics, Hilary!
That deck.....oh my.
Gorgeous photos!
Thanks for the mini-vacation! That deck was a riot. Loved the frog!
Oh, how beautiful, my friend. You sound so peaceful here. And that hummingbird branch thing? Reminds me of my husband's contraptions out back. I love them.
A bull frog photo??? You dog! Nice, as always ;-)
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