I told you that I was taking the day off yesterday, and that is exactly what I did.
L and I went kayaking on a lovely little pond in the Adirondacks.
My commentary will likely have nothing to do with the pictures, but then again, they may.
The weather was outstanding......just about perfect.
I have made a promise to myself, that I will kayak or hike at least once a week. All work and no play is making me feel DULL.
My knee makes it a challenge to get in and out of the kayak, but once I'm in, I love it. All that weaving makes for lots of upper body strength.
I was hoping to see loons, but this is the time of year they are nesting, and hatching eggs, so we were very quiet, so as not to disturb them.
But I do love herons.
There was evidence of a lively bunch of beavers in residence.
Anybody home???
Seriously, I wouldn't bother them. They have very sharp teeth. And they are also having babies right about now.
So paddle along with me, and check it out.
I am loving the quiet.
I know I need to do this more often. It is incredibly inspiring.
It's just important that there is access, without carrying your kayak too far.
I appreciate creature comforts, as well as the next person. But sometimes I wonder if we aren't just a little TOO connected.
What would be wrong with a week or two without all of it.
No cell, no TV, no internet, no NOISE, no problems.
Sounds good to me.
Whenever I am out here, I feel myself reconnecting to some place deep inside me.
A place that centers me, calms me, so that when the wind comes up, and the waters get rough, I am still ok.
If there is one thing I have learned in my life, it's that I have to take care of my own serenity.
OTHERWISE, stuff gets all dammed up.
Not good.

Thank you. You have reminded me of what is important.
Lovely spot and clever analogy with that beaver dam. Looks like you had a lovely day.
Spoken like a true introvert! How I long for a day like you experienced. I really enjoy reading your blog. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and all of the beautiful photos with us.
I wonder what would happen headache-wise if you took a week off from everything..you might think about it.
What AFCG said!...
and that's quite the dam!.. Wow.
Such beautiful scenery, I love to kayak too, and the peace and serenity out there on the water are soothing.
Thanks for sharing your day with us!
Something about connecting with nature just thrills the Soul! I was just out putting some more bird food in the feeders and had a lovely whitetail deer looking up at me from my woods. Ahhhhhh
Karen and Steve
(Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard
my version of this is to go on a walk by myself .. with the camera of course .. but walk along and just take it all in ...
Oh so beautiful! I will have to take in some kayaking soon, it's been a while.
Looks like a wonderful time. I think too many people have lost the ability to just spend time with themselves. I am always amazed when someone asks if I get bored. Can't even imagine being bored, just being still and recharging my batteries.
I think one of the best things we can do for ourselves is get away from all the noise that makes up most of our lives. We have a camp on Cranberry Lake-no internet, no tv, no cell phones-just the sound of the wind and the loons and the happy laughter of friends and family gathered together. It has kept my soul happy all my life.
I am still t rying to figure out how to post here.
You are singing my song! I need that outdoors to recharge and I love my kayak!
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