I thought I could put it together, but soon realized that it was a two person job. So I asked my husband to come over and do a couple of "ten minute" jobs. :)
While we were putting it together, he was questioning my judgement about buying a metal shelf instead of a plastic shelf, which he insists goes together in 5 minutes.
This one did not.
But it is so much nicer looking than the plastic ones, Bill, don't you agree????

We had an awful time putting it on the wall. It is quite heavy. And I couldn't hold it steady and in place by myself so he could attach it to the wall. So we put a stack of stuff under it to hold it up there.
We also couldn't find the level, so I suggested we just use a small glass of water, at which my husband replied, "My God, I am married to Mort Cooper." (that was my father)
Which brings me to the term, "Nicky Hokey". My husband insists that it is a well known phrase, meaning a crappy job, something thrown together without much of a plan.
I said what you mean is "cob job", my father's favorite term. Which is kind of comical, because he was the king of cob jobs. And this term is well known. One of the explanations I found was "cob is short for cobble a rough hewn stone for streets. The expression actually means a roughly done job."
See, I have several sources of heat in the studio, one of them being a Monitor heater that runs on kerosene. It is very economical, and throws a lot of heat, but it has a ton of maintenance issues. And on top of it, the fuel company came and filled the tank, and then said it was unsafe, and I had to pump it out and fix it, or they wouldn't refill it in mid winter.
So, a friend decided he would insure that it didn't tip over, while I was using the fuel that is in it.

I can't imagine how he came up with this one.
And to make matters worse............
Do you see how the tank is secured to the tree?????
Mort would be proud.

Suffice to say, when this fuel is gone, this tank is going bye bye.
And the Monitor heater is going with it.
Haven't decided what I will do to replace that heat source, but I can tell you it won't be nicky hokey.

On a happier note, I got my new birdfeeder today. It is called a roller feeder , and it is supposed to be squirrel proof, and it doesn't spew the seed on the ground where the squirrels can get it anyway.

Guess if it works, it isn't a happy note for the squirrels.