yes, I am a little nuts.
I think it is too late to change that.
With all my looms at the studio, and yes, we have stopped counting at this point, I still have one at home...
you know, for those times when you need to weave.
After the work day.
At home. When everyone says you are supposed to be 'resting'.
So I have my little Leclerc compact loom all warped up for towels.
And I use the hearth for all my paraphernalia. ( I have always had a soft spot for that word: paraphernalia)
Since I am loving this pattern, when I finished with the tan/brown/yellow warp, I tied a new one on.
I love the rhythm of the treadling on this. My feet fly.
The pattern is one I modified from an old Handwoven magazine. 8/2 cotton, unmercerized. I am weaving them 36" long, so they will be generous dish towels.
Weaving them is so wonderfully peaceful.
Some nights I go to bed earlier than I would really want to, but I can't take the headache one more minute. You could say that I long to escape, and sleep is the only way. I am grateful that I CAN sleep. And most of the time, I can.
This, however, has me up at the crack of dawn. Since it was forecasted to be 88 degrees later today, I decided to take my Roy Boy for an early morning walk.
My phone doesn't take too bad a picture.
And trust me, I am not this clever....this was a mistake, but I liked it anyway.
I like walking early, there aren't many other people out.
It's just me and Roy. I like it that way.
It's meditational.
I have come to understand that quieting the noise in my head is quite a project, but one, I think, worth tackling.
I am going to make it my business to spend more time this summer in the great outdoors, because that is one of the most calming and serene things I can do for myself.
Besides weaving.
And I promise to take you along.
Now if I could just figure out how to 'uninvite' this headache.........

Your photos are lovely as usual. I know what you mean about just you and the dog on a walk. I love that, too. Just me and Kane...
I love that towel pattern, Hilary. I'm doing tea towels right now, too. I'm making them about 24" x 40" on the loom and they shrink down to a really nice size once they're hemmed and wet finished. Some of the towels I've woven from "recipes" are the size of napkins once they're finished. Worthless, in my estimation!
Nice photos. Honestly. Camera phones are amazing, aren't they? And your weaving and walking are wonderful. And that's a lotta double yous.
You are not crazy! If you are, you are among friends!
Your towels are lovely and the walking pictures inspire me to go out and get a few more walks done.
wonderful photos .. especially the last one .. dont you love you camera phone? glad you can sleep and walk off the hammering in your head
The mist rising from the lake is gorgeous - so evocative, yet calming; lucky you to live near such beauty!
I see such a different world on my dog walks. Yours is breathtaking in a painterly way and mine is rustic, but it's still beautiful to me.
That LeClerc shuttle was my favorite in the world, until a couple hours ago when I tried the Schacht end-feed shuttle again, in case I needed to send it back. It's amazing, and not for giving good selvedges. It's just quick, quiet and efficient. I'm depressed that I'm on my last towel!
I love that you have such a wealth of looms, how fortunate. I have just acquired a Baby Wolf as my 3rd loom and love making towels on her. Would you consider sharing the Handwoven that the pattern you photographed was in? It is so pretty and I have become a towel pattern junkie. Thanks, Deb in SD
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