The day started out tough.
Ever since I had the injections on Monday, my headache has threatened to shoot my head off my shoulders like a rocket.
I tried lying on the couch this morning, early. Then when it didn't help, I took Roy for a long theory is that since lying down doesn't make it better, I might as well be doing something productive.
Roy concurs.
When I got to the studio, I wasn't sure if I could function enough to make a difference.
But the studio is where I want to be.
In any event.
So I acted AS IF everything was hunky dory, just dandy, AOK.
It seems the only thing to do.
And to answer your, I don't see much relief from these crazy, painful injections.
So Monday, I am giving acupuncture a try.
What do I have to lose??
Besides a headache, that is.
DH took me out to eat tonight, which was a relief. Cooking was not on my radar at all.
We went to one of our fave places, the Gourmet Cafe, in downtown Glens Falls.
Every Friday and Saturday night, they have a pasta bar.....all you can eat.
It's awesome.
Sometimes, getting through the day, is an accomplishment in itself.
I take it one minute at a time.
So far, I am still grateful.

What a bummer...are you able to get any sleep, and does the headache make you feel like throwing up?
Being outside in the fresh air always helps though.
Good thing Roy's around :-)
I hope hope hope for some relief for you.
I am glad you are going to try the acupuncture. I am saying a prayer for you that relief comes very very soon.
Do you know I say a little prayer for you every night..You, and the world in general. It's all I can think of to do. Wishing you a good day tomorrow. Hugs, Deb
I hate that you hurt. I rejoice when you're glad.
Sorry that the injections aren't helping. I've pretty much given up on most of what the doctors were trying with me for my back (been fighting it for 14 months now. Yuck!) and I'm just totally fed up with being a guinea pig/pin cushion. Chronic pain is miserable stuff, and sometimes getting through the day without dissolving into a puddle is a major accomplishment. Keep on keeping on. Hope the acupuncture works!
I am so glad to hear you are going to try acupuncture.. make sure you go to a good one. Please do the massage therapy too.. it's the double whammy that I believe worked for me. Neither are painful...atleast they shouldnt be. I think I told you I actually go to a physical therapist for the massage of the head, neck shoulders, back. She was better than just a massage therapist. I go now and then for a "tune-up of the area and I don't have headaches because of it, I truly believe it.
(((HUGS))) and prayers!
If I didn't read any words and just looked at your pics, it would look like you had a GREAT day! I am so sorry that you are hurting.......
Karen and Steve
(Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard
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