'PALE' before your good energy.
To be clear, the giveaway is an "anywhere mat", the size of a large placemat.........for a dresser, or table, or stand....wherever you want. In blue and white.
You are also easy to please: more weaving, more Roy, more cats.
And O......three days a week, when she comes to brighten up our lives, my camera is always ready.
(that is a bag of cat treats she brought with her, to feed Sydney, of course)
Since they are all near and dear to me, that's an assignment I can handle.
No politics?? That's a no brainer, too, since I have little use for any of it. The fighting between parties makes me crazy. I'd rather watch baseball.
And believe me, since DH is a diehard Red Sox fan, there is a LOT of baseball watching at this house.
No religion?? Great, because I believe in a God that doesn't need all the trappings of organized religion. He hasn't steered me wrong, yet.
So we're good.
I try "not to try" to be anyone but me. I hope I never offend anyone, but if I do it is not intentional. I have been accused of being outspoken, and I am proud to be a pretty strong woman. That being said, I try to respect everybody's point of view.
Lover boy, Roy??? You want more of him ?
Well, that's a given, too.
It is pouring here in N.Y., so the sheetrock won't be happening today.........I woke up with visions of wet sheetrock being delivered to the door.
So moving along to Plan B.
While moving furniture around upstairs, I put two of these chairs out on the porch.
Next approves of this cushy spot.
He is officially our outdoor cat, at least for the time being.
I won't let him stay outside next winter, if we can't find him a loving home. I won't let him go where he gets less love and attention than he gets at the studio.
He literally throws himself at us every time we walk in or out the door.
It's his due.
Just ask him.
Back by popular demand, the original Solmate Sock rug kit. It includes enough cut socks and loopers to make a 2x3 rug, and we have managed to bring it back at a new, lower price ($29.95), to get all you weavers making a rug.
Today I started with some acupuncture. Can I just say I am hopeful?
I have one more diagnostic injection from the Bolshevik, and I changed that appointment to next week, so I can just concentrate on what I'm doing.
I can't remember not weaving, although the truth of it is that I learned to weave in 2001, a mere 11 years ago. I had wanted to weave all my life, but the stars didn't allign, and I was intimidated by the whole process. Then, kind of like life, a chance came out of the blue, to take a basic weaving course.
I lunged at it. Before the 8 week course was over, I had a used loom. In three months, I had three looms.
At first, I wove for friends, and family. Then I began to sell rugs to whoever wanted them. Then I started to do some shows. I found myself weaving every spare minute I could find.
I worked out of my home in the country, in a room with windows on three sides. It was a lovely place to work, and weave. Deer in the open meadow, total quiet. Suddenly, my life had a rhythm, and it spoke to me.
With just the basics in hand, I was hungry to learn it all. I met a couple of weavers online, and they both became my good friends over the years. One I met in real time, Shirley,was a rag rug weaver for most of her life. She has since passed away. I will always remember her encouragement, and the laughs we had.
The other I have yet to meet in person, Chris, Homestead Weaving, but we talk and email regularly, and I look forward to one day spending time with her. She has also been a weaver of rag rugs and fine clothing for most of her life. I still manage to ask her questions. And she still has answers.
These two ladies shared their knowledge with me without hesitation. They influenced me, and made it possible for me to become the weaver I am today. They are the reason, that I share with other weavers, and wannabe weavers, whenever I can. Just paying it forward. Giving it back.
And loving what I do.
And if you love it, too, well then............it's all good.

So, tell me about the bag of mixed cut socks AND loopers. How do you put them together to make the rug? Are they sewn together or set in the shed without sewing or? My brain isn't giving me the picture. Thanks.
Well, i got my kitty fix..thanks. That little O always makes me laugh. I thought of my grand-daughter when I saw this as she is always wanting me to let her give the cats a treat. She'll be 2 in May.I hope the acupuncture does the 'magic'. I'm really hoping. Hugs, Deb
That little O face makes me smile. Of course kitty faces do, also. The combination is irresistible. A giveaway? Count me in, please. :)
And "hopeful" is good!
Ahhhh having met Chris, I know she is a delight. And only emailing with Shirley, she sure was a pistol!!!
We gotta meet up too some day!
One need not be a weaver to appreciate your blog. What is so inspiring is your passion for what you do. That's what each of us can hope for, in whatever area is right for us. After all, we don't want a whole world full of weavers. We want a whole world passionate about their "thing". And, I would say to a comment from your last post that as women there are many seasons to our lives. We may need to be patient until the season arrives for full devotion to our passion.
We're rooting for the acupuncture to work . . .
I LOVE the picture of your DH and Roy. It made me smile so big!
It is always good to see O, she is the sweetest.
Next is so lucky to have you. You are a blessing to animals all over. And people all over too!
You've only been weaving for 11 years? That means that there's hope for me! Nah, I'll just try to win one off of you. ha!
I can't believe you do all that beautiful weaving and you didn't start 40 years ago. WOW, you are gifted.
LOVE O, what a precious little girl.. and yes, you are a blessing in more ways than you know.
My aunt has been suffering from "HH" since February. A few days ago she was diagnosed with giant cell arteritis which is basically an inflammation of the arteries in the head. You might want to check that one out. Since her diagnosis she has been treated with high doses of cortisone and her pain has gone.
What a great mixed bag today! I am glad you are trying acupuncture.. I had forgotten that on Sept. 11 my hubby was sent with his urban search and rescue team to ground zero in nyc. He was under the pile searching for 10 days and developed a raging headache from the carbon monoxide down there.
They had accupuncturists on hand to help the workers.. He tried it out of desperation.. fabulous relief! I hope it works as well for you... good luck!
sounds perfect .. I love that shot of Roy .. your two men .. how nice ..
Just discovered your blog and am so thrilled. You are a lovely weaver and a kindred spirit with cats. I love weaving rugs and love learning what others are doing. It will be fun to follow your blog from here in Montana.
Keep up the good work!
Just discovered your blog and am so thrilled. You are a lovely weaver and a kindred spirit with cats. I love weaving rugs and love learning what others are doing. It will be fun to follow your blog from here in Montana.
Keep up the good work!
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