Re: HH, I am confused.
Do I stay with the plan that involves painful injections that have so far done ZERO for the pain???
Or move on??
I am having acupuncture on Monday.
I am giving up chewing gum that has aspartame in it, just in case.
I am going to write down everything I eat, and keep track of how it seems to affect my headache.
My jaw clicks. Should I investigate TMJ?
On the studio front, it is time to move some things around.
Say goodbye to Miss Gallinger.
Yes, she is pretty. But she appealed more to my eye than to my weaving self.
Yup, warp and all, she's gone. My good friend, Linda, has lusted for her since the first time she laid eyes on Miss G. So in an attempt to make things more sensible, and less crowded, I acquiesced and let her go.
I was too tall for her. Bottom line. No matter how much I admired her lines, and wanted to weave on her, it was painful. I couldn't get my legs under the front beam.
I moved some other stuff around.......
Now every bedroom has a loom. Actually every room in the house, minus kitchen and baths, has a loom.
Isn't that the way it should be????
Ya think maybe you should be doing some redecorating????
The blue room is a cat free room. Door is kept closed, and they aren't allowed.
There is, however, a bunny on the bed.
This is my $5.00 handmade, crocheted bedspread. You can read about it, HERE.
So now the Wolf Pup resides in the Blue Room.
All this in preparation for the Big Move.
Making room in the front bedroom, otherwise known as the 'president's room'. Apparently, previous owners of the house, of which I am the 4th, decided that President Washington must have slept in this room on his way up to Fort Ticonderoga.
The truth is that the house was built in 1790, after the previous house on this spot was burned during Burgoynes hateful sweep through the area. George Washington didn't go to Fort Ti after 1790. After all, it wasn't a day trip in those days.
So maybe the president of SOMETHING stayed in the front bedroom, but it wasn't the president of the United States.
The red room is a south facing room, so it is pretty popular with 'the girls'.
Can you believe that all these floors were painted BROWN?????
Who in their right mind would do that????
The 8 harness Baby Wolf lives in the Red Room.
Miss Gallinger used to live in the hallway, but now it is home to the Schacht 36".
Next week, we will be moving the 7 ft Toika upstairs.
Yes, yes, we will.
Last night, we went to a Celtic gathering..........this is my first successful (I think) attempt to upload a video to my blog, but more than that, it shows the wonder in a little girl's face, at something we adults most likely take for granted.

I always love your photos of your studio. I love the light and the wood and the looms!
Since you asked.....I would move on from the injections. It doesn't sound as if they have made any improvement. What was the theory on how they would work?
If it were me? I would locate a good Craniosacral therapist....someone trained in the Upledger method. But then, I am a bodyworker myself and everyday I see the benefits people receive from good work.
Hang in there and keep looking for someone to WILL find someone.
Wow, I'm impressed. The weaving thing is so interesting.
I love to see photos of your studio/house. What great floors and big rooms!
When I finally got my two big looms together I have sworn never to move them again. They may have to be sold with the house if we ever move.
Oh, a loom in every room. I LOVE IT!!!!
You have solved a mystery for me. I saw the picture of the Schacht in your hallway and it's the spittin' image of my mystery loom. I found it on Craig's List for $175 a couple of years ago and it had no markings. If it isn't a Schacht, it's a very good copy.
Ahhhh.... The pipes! I love them. And I also love Men In Skirts!
I completely understand and if I could have a piano in every room, I would! When you have a passion for something..I think it's wonderful!
Thank you so much for stopping by and saying nice things about my effort to fix up my patio set!
Your comment was SO appreciated.
To know how to weave is so special.
I'm sure you take it for granted..but I don't think, over all, there are that many that still do such a wonderful craft.
Your home is an amazing place. Gorgeous! Those floors..what I wouldn't give to have such floors!
Ah what a fine tour of your studio!
Love that many of those Eastern Historic Sites claim that Washington Slept Here... hahahaha I bet if you added them all up, it would mean he needed to sleep in 3 or 4 or 5 beds a night to cover all the places that claimed it to be so! LOL
Karen and Steve
(Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard
Thanks for the tour and the video clip. How could someone's spirits NOT be lifted by the swift clip of bagpipes? The sound just exudes joy. There are several groups of bagpipe players in Canada who come down to our parades and play. I love them.
I'm sorry your head still hurts. Is surgery an option for you?
I think you should check out every avenue possible in getting to the bottom of this headache issue. Could very well be TMJ, so yes.... find out.
I vote for stopping the injections, continuing with acupuncture, getting evaluated for tmj, and trying craniosacral therapy.
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