In preparation for the Toika going upstairs in the front bedroom, it came to my attention that the ceiling in that room needs serious attention.
Seven years ago, when I bought the house, we patched that ceiling. Unfortunately, the lathe and plaster has shifted, or whatever lathe and plaster does, and the whole ceiling is peeling, and cracked.
We could patch it again, but I think it's time for more a more serious fix.
And if it's going to be done, let's do it BEFORE the big loom gets set up in there. PULLLLLEASEE.
So today, I managed to move some stuff.
I put the mattress and box spring set on Craig's list for hour later I got an email, and had only a half hour to wait before they came and picked it up.
I dragged it downstairs by the door. It wasn't really heavy, but I did get it stuck in the staircase for a minute.
Anyway, it is GONE. Hallelujah. I love Craig's list, I tell ya'.
The hallway upstairs is full of stuff, and I started a garage sale box.
The room is empty, and ready for some construction.
And this ceiling will be a thing of the past.
To be dealt with no more.
I only use the Toika for BIG custom orders, so having it 'out of the way' a bit, will be a good thing. There when I want it, not in my way when I don't.
Tomorrow, the mess will begin. Hopefully, it will be done quickly, and we can move on.
OH, I almost forgot.......the giveaway.
It's an 'Anywhere Mat', in blue and white. Better picture coming when I take it off the loom.
Drawing Friday 4/27.
All you have to do is leave a comment, and tell me what you would like to see and/or read about on my blog. More weaving? More instruction? More cats? (pulllleasse) More philosophy. More food......
Tell me, pullllleasssse.

Ooh. Me please... me please! I like your weaving posts the best, especially instructive ones. :)
I would LOVVVVE that beautiful rug, and I would love to hear more about just starting out in weaving...such as what to look for in a loom etc.
Have a great Sunday.
I like your weaving posts the best, but definitely enjoy hearing about your trips around the countryside. Thanks for the give away!!
More weaving please. I weave vicariously through your blog!
I'd love some tutorials as I'm still newish to weaving. But I just love reading your blog and am grateful you're still blogging. I do wish, however, you'd get rid of HH.....just sayin.
LOVE the blue and white - would fit perfectly in MY house! :-D
I love reading your posts! Yes, the cats are the top of my list but the rugs you weave are beautiful. I wish I could have half the color ideas you have.
The floors in the room are amazing. Wish I had them in my house.
Well done !
Moving that mattress and box springs by yourself, is no small job.
It's going to be the perfect room for the loom :)
And, I like anything you wish to write about, on your bloggy, it all makes me smile, and makes me wish I lived closer, so we could share a scone, and a pot of tea.
Good luck with your ceiling !
More weaving and pictures of cats! I'm just starting to learn how to weave, and your posts inspire me.
That room really is lovely....
I would like to know more about all of the above! ..and perhaps stories of your previous career, which I don't think you realize is fascinating, let alone downright courageous.
ok, i would like weaving, cats, your previous job ( good one karen) and just about anything else...Big help HUH?
I like your weaving posts the best and would love to learn which Handwoven article had your lovely towel pattern in it- is it shadow weave? I've just gotten my 3rd loom, my Baby (wolf) and love to weave items other than heavy rugs at times. Want to venture into shawls, scarves and towels, towels, towels.
Deb near Mt-Rushmore
Your old house is gorgeous. I understand all the downfalls with old homes and we did a lot of fixing of ceilings when we bought this one. Beautiful rug. Please throw my name in the hat and more cats Pulllleasse. Hugs
The scenery you show during your walks with my boy Roy always make me smile. Love the weaving and the description of what you have to do to get the end product, although I have no idea what the words mean. I know that it entails much labor intensive work. I appreciate your ability to speak/write candidly about the procedures you are going through in dealing with the headache. So, for me, just keep doing what you are doing with maybe a few more pictures of Roy. Ruth Ann
I don't weave, but I enjoy hearing about it. I like the cats a lot, I like your adventures...oooh, I know...I want to hear that you have found something or someone to get that darn HH to go away and stay away. You've been dealing long enough and deserve to enjoy your weaving headache free.
more all of the above please!
more all of the above please!
love your rugs! would love to see more like the fabric dying posts last summer. love seeing all your looms!take care hope the headaches can rest in peace soon so you can get back to your happy place! good luck and best wishes,
heather in puyallup,wa
Thank you so much for giving my husband, son and myself a great tour of your store. It is an amazing place and look forward to getting up there again when I can take the time to shop!! I was so happy to finally meet you and Lois (you were so gracious even though we showed up an hour before the store opened). I love everything about your blog, but most of all please keep talking about weaving! I would love more patterns, hints and general weaving info. I am addicted to weaving and can never get enough! I would love your rug!! It would look great on my 200 year old big old wide board floors and maybe no one would notice my many patched and falling lathe and plaster ceilings~ LOL
PS. Please feel better soon. You are in my prayers.
Product recommendations, please? I've followed your advice several times and haven't been disappointed.
Recipes, too!
Well, I always read everything, every time. But, I love the kitties and the philosophy the most. I also love RoyBoy. The photos of your outdoor environment. Your rugs, mats, towels are always interesting.
Love the giveaway.
Have the perfect place for that rug all ready for it!
And write about what YOU want to write about.
Count me in too please!
I think I like your blog just the way it is actually... it keeps me and and all these other nice folks coming back day after day.
So just carry on !
Susan (Thrums Blog)
PS 1st grand baby taking its time being born today... now shifting from today into Monday....
I like to read it all. Whatever is on your mind. But I do especially like to hear about the cats and O, of course. I guess she can't visit EVERY day? Weaving, RoyBoy, jaunts around the countryside. All good.
More of anything and everything you want to talk about with us would suit me just fine. I love reading and although I don't comment much, I never miss a post. Thanks for all you share with us. ~chris
I have 10 cats. I love hearing about and seeing pics of the cats.
Thank you.
Love instructions & tips as I am an inexperienced weaver.
More weaving, more cats, more instruction on weaving basics for us novices. Love your blog!!
Love the weaving! The more details, the better.
Thanks so much for posting to a blog!
Oh, pulllease put my name in the hat for the rug. :-)
I enjoy anything you choose to write about. I especially like the pictures that go with your posts. I feel like I'm walking with you and Roy. I've been weaving 10 years and weave mostly with relatively fine threads but have never woven a rug and would love some pointers. Keep up the great work.
Hilary..I love daily thoughts and activities..a few today. I just loved seeing the room..the mattress being moved. A persons everyday interests me. Conversations, relevant or otherwise. No politics or religion! :) Never a good idea as you know. I can already tell you have a cute just chatting with us..letting us get to know just wonderful. If you cook something extra special and want to share it! Take a picture if you remember. I ALWAYS forget! That is something that has hampered my blogging. NO pics!
Today was fun...AND I cannot wait to see your new outdoor furniture!!
Thanks for your sweet visit today.. :)
Hilary, I love your blog the way it is...
And your room for the Toika is lovely! It will be a perfect room for weaving.
Greetings from Germany,
Thanks for the chance... I like the mix of what you write about...your life...
I like your mix of topics but my favorite are weaving and fiber related. What a beautiful house/studio! Please no politics. ~Doreen
More kitties please. Since I don't live with any anymore I love to look at everyone else's and pretend to give them and kiss and a scratch.
I enjoy the cats and your lovely house you weave in the best. I also like your day trips and the pictures of the area. I have only been to Vermont and that part of N.Y. once and I fell in love.
Anything you want to write about I will be on your blog to read!
I love your blog too! I am a newish weaver and first found you when googling for techniques on joining rags together. I have been hooked ever since.
Love the cats, kids, dog stuff too! And L's learning of weaving makes me inspired too! Your adventures remind us to stop and smell some fresh air.
I love it all! You truly inspire!
HIllary how about a step by step tutorial on how you warp your sectional beams? I always enjoy the cat stories! Thanks for the rug give away, it would be perfect in my new little homestead house. Hope HH is not giving you fits today. Hug Roy Boy for me.
it aint broke so dont fix it is my advice .. and I can always use another sleeping/sitting place for the cats to fight over
I really like that you blog is a everydaylife thing. And I love your pic´s of rugs and cats. So not any less of that.
But what I would appreciate is some more weaving tips and how it is to be a selfemployed weaver. What kind of customers do you have, do you do adds, or what about your weaving history and where did the idé of starting your own business come from?
Keep the good weaving and blogging up!
What initially drew me to your blog was my interest in weaving...that will always keep me coming back! I love your looms, your courage with color,and especially your tips and techniques, but I must admit to being a little jealous about your level of productivity! As with almost all others, I was also "drawn-in" by your critters (indoors or out),and your compassion and love for all of them. I have enjoyed your countryside which I will probably never see in person, your overriding optimism despite HH, the antics of your aging Mother, your sweet Grandchildren and, and your willingness to share all of it with us! Carry on! Don't fix ain't broke like your ceiling! Lorraine
As long as you keep talking about weaving and posting pictures of weaving, I will be quite content. :) As a new-ish weaver I find it all helpful and inspiring.
My favorite entries are always the ones with the beautiful photos of you take on your walks and drives, and, the 'philosophy'. I am amazed at how many times I feel as if we are 'one' in the way we think about things. Also....I always love the shots of your studio....loving those floors!
More instruction please. I first found you when I was trying to find out what clasped weft was. I tried it once, but failed (think my strips were cut too wide). It is on my list of things to master.
I love your cats and the scenery, especially the little towns on the back roads.
I am not a weaver, or a vegetarian, but absolutely love your blog, your attitude on life itself, I love your pictures, cats, Roy and your entire blog. Please give us more of the same, I read your blog daily, keep up the great work, Di
The rug is gorgeous, and it would be lovely to win it. I enjoy reading whatever it is you would like to write about, although I am very fond of cats, and little O is precious as well.
More of all the same cats, weaving,
Roy Boy, studio shots, travel shots! Don't know how you do it all?
Love your new rug, and all your rugs!
Hilary, I love everything you post and read your blog every day. And you have been more than generous with your advice on every subject. I vicariously LOVE your cats, having had as many as 14 at a time, but can't deal with pets right now, so love pictures of them doing what cats do best. Supervise. I LOVE your color sense. And as for what I'd like to see more of, I'm always interested in instruction or tips, or anything you'd care to share. Projects/Instructions? YES! Dyeing? YES. Anything you care to share with us is okay with me.
And, living in an old house with unfinished wooden floors (they had been painted! Yuk!), I envy you your gorgeous wide pine floors. They are beautiful.
I really enjoy the blog. I have been weaving for a long time, but the inspiration is great to help keep me going. You're ongoing fight with HH has helped me on those days when the age seems to overwhelm me. Your "How to's" remind me of things I have not done for a while and things I have wanted to do and never got around to. Keep up the good work.
I adore your weaves darlin' but this remodel is gonna be great too!!!
God bless and have an amazin' week sweetie!!! :o)
Love the weaving, food, instruction. Thanks for offering this giveaway!
Mary Lou in Central NY
I've been following your blog for a couple of years many here, I read every post. You've helped me see the beauty of plain-weave, put some of my own musings in perspective, and been a role model for me as I get older. Keep on doing what you do. I really enjoy reading about your looms--the quests, the rescues, the putting them to use, the moving them on to other homes. It's been fun to see your friend's houses too. I like it all! Best to you with the HH Battle.
I've been reading your blog for a while and now it's bookmarked so I don't miss an entry. One of these days I'll learn how to be a real entity in the bog world and not just anonymous . . . I'm not a weaver (alas), am a huge cat lover all my life. But as I read the comments here I thought, what makes your blog special is YOU--you being you, and your honesty. That spicy, determined, gifted, wise and seasoned woman who is you. So just keep sharing from your heart and soul. Can't get better than that. And of course we're all rooting for HH to leave for good. So very sorry for your suffering. Sending all good thoughts for healing and health your way, hoping acupuncture may be the solution.
I'll vote more cats, but I do enjoy the weaving, too!
I like reading everything! I especially like your travel posts.
Hilary - you are a great, great teacher and an inspiration. I would love more instructions, I see your work and wish I could do, family, house, volunteering all get in the way of my weaving! I wish I was as focused as you. :)
I love seeing the pictures of your weaving creations. I like to see how a printed fabric will end up looking once it is woven. I can't visualize that yet for my own weaving so your pictures do help me. I do love all of the cats, too!
I just enjoy your posts, whatever you decide to say at the moment- an avid reader but not much of a comment leave-r. I do love it when you show your cats, I would take Next in a heartbeat if I lived closer! He needs plenty of loving!
I'm a quilter...but...i love your weaving...makes me be a wantabe...
More dogs and cats three rescues have taken over my life...
More of everything!!...that's what so great about your blog and life.
There's never a dull moment!!
I'm thrilled with your your "down to earthness". I just started weaving last fall, late starter, but really enjoying the journey. I'm getting ready to try my 1st rug. Love your tips....and critters. Thanks!
Fran in Waldoboro, Maine
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