Tell me you can't see the disgusted look on this girl's face??
Doesn't she look like she is saying: "Are you kidding me??"
We were organizing the studio today, in preparation for the Christmas in the Country three day weekend tour, which starts Friday. Jinx does not like the commotion.
I had considered putting one of those yellow crime ribbons across the driveway, and just not opening for it. But then I said, nope.....not giving in to this headache. I will keep it low key, and just do what I have to do to make it happen, and no more.
So today, L and I started with one room, and organized and decorated our way around the house. By lunch time, my headache had dulled to a roar, and by 3pm, I was amazed at how much we had accomplished.
We make a great team.
Sydney was in attendance every room, and she is not one bit intimidated by any commotion.
We set up displays, hung lights, moved some furniture around.........the place looks great.
Tomorrow is time to make the cookies, Greek honey cookies that is. We have a few small chores to do, nothing too difficult, and that is just fine with me.
I am still struggling with how unproductive I have been over the past two months. I have not felt myself at all, and it has been very difficult.
I am ready to get some answers, and do whatever it takes to get back to normal.
Normal...., good grief, that sounds good.
Waiting for confirmation of an appointment with a neurosurgeon, maybe as soon as Monday.
Thanks for all your encouragement, and for just being here.
I count on it, ya' know.
You're all just too much.........and I am grateful!

Lovely photos. I wish I could walk with you, quiet, so I could see what you've made and pet your cat, if she would let me.
I hope you can get into a neurologist soon, so you can find out what they want to do for you.
I am amazed at your stamina. You are one strong lady. I hope this weekend turns out to be a fun time for you.That last photo is the bomb. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x4
Being back to normal after being sick is fabulous...can hardly wait for you to feel normal! Luv your cats!
You amaze me how you trudge forward even with that damned monster in your head. You are truely an inspiration.
I need an "L" at my place too, maybe then I wll accomplish much more. It is always more fun to do stuff when you have a partner in crime.
Keeping the prayers going for you.
I just love your studio, Hilary. So warm and inviting and vibrant! How did I not know who Jinx is???...
I read up on your condition, and about the possible surgery options. And how you could have been born with that and how it might not be the source of your headache.. as in, it could just still be the darn muscle tension headache thing, although your neuro will know that answer, I'm thinking. So I'll hush. But I'm thinking of you and hoping for the best and easiest solution to feeling yourself once again.
Hugs to you....
Karen and Steve
(Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard
I swear Sydney is smiling in that photo
Hi Hilary
Am glad you have a diagnosis and praying that there is something that can help. Love the pictures of the studio. Love my rugs...they add so much color and am enjoying them so much. Thank you for sharing your talent. Love to see the pictures of the kitties. How is Also/Lucy/Smokey doing? Thanks Mary
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