(left to right...Bonnie, L, and me flipping my cookies.....really)
Today was a miracle of sorts, headache low and dull, just there.
Amazing how grateful you can be for "just that', instead of a slammer, a screamer, a headache that makes you want to sit down and cry.
My dear friend, Bonnie, spent all day organizing my many cones of yarn........no, this is not all of it.......this is just all that would fit on the living room shelves.
I love what she did here....all the whites on the right, and then all the color families together. What a job........!!!!!!
She laughed and asked me how long I could keep it that way..........it looks so nice, I will certainly try.
A friend of my daughter's made these sweet little guys.
They remind me of puffles.
We hung them on a little tree.........
I didn't take as many pictures as I wanted to today, cookies took up my whole day. L stuffed our 'sock draft stoppers'.........photo coming.
We are really almost ready for the Open House.......finishing touches tomorrow.
Oh, and a giveaway, Di over at Blue Ridge gave me the idea with hers, and besides, Christmas is coming....it just feels right!
So....if you remember my crazy garlands from last year.........
A garland is the giveaway.......all you have to be is a follower, and leave a comment. I will announce the winner on Sunday the 4th, when the Christmas in Country is OVER, about 8pm or so.
The garlands are made from leftover bits from the Solmate sock rugs.....they are bright, and squeezable...they don't break, and the lights come with the garland.
You can hang it over the fireplace, over a door, anywhere you want.
Funny story: Roy is a sweetheart, but he doesn't like us to leave him. Guess he's been left before in his life, and doesn't trust us to come back, still.
So he occasionally puts a sneaker on the couch while we are gone, just to make a statement.
Last week, he took a skein of yarn and when I walked in at the end of the day, he was laying on the chaise lounge with it between his paws...smiling at me I swear. It was a little more than tangled.
So late this afternoon, I was sitting on the couch, untangling the yarn. When DH, and my mother, and I all left a little later, I put the yarn in what I thought was a safe place.
We weren't gone an hour, and when we came back, the yarn was strewn down the hallway, and into my mother's apartment.
DH's size 13 shoe was on the couch, along with his leash and his Easy Walker.
When I said, "Roy!" he ran upstairs and jumped into bed.
Now Roy can't talk, but honestly, does he need to???

I loved this post. Your cookies...mmm..mmm.
Everything looks so nice at your studio and the garland is gorgeous. I know right where I would hang it should I be so lucky. So, with that please throw my hat in the ring. Give the Roy Boy a hug for me. I love that dog. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x4
I love your post, too...but your head??!! Still hoping they fix you and you get back to normal! Love Roy and his so clear messages...love your cones of thread all in color order...and those cookies...sigh...
I think he's trying to tell you something! Maybe it's "hey, take me to the studio!"
Poor Roy. We have a rescue dog who has issues, too (is Roy a rescue?). Best wishes for your weekend event. Love the garland, of course. So bright and cheerful!
What on EARTH are you going to do with 16 dozen cookies???
I'm sorry that you have such a horrible headache. I don't get headaches very often (knock on wood!), but when I do they are killers. So,I feel your pain!
I noticed in the photo of your beautiful garland that you have signs in the window that say "Dream" and "Wish". I raise Shetland sheep and a few years ago I was blessed with twin ewe lambs that I named Dream and Wish. They symbolized the Dream Come True of living in the country and raising sheep and of making a Wish and seeing it fulfilled. I hope your dreams come true and wish your headaches would give you some peace!
I'm a beginner weaver and have been following your blog for a while. I wish I was closer and could stop by - it looks like. Lovely place to be creative and so homey. Your description of Roy today made me smile.......I have 4 dogs and although not rescues they are always with me (except when I'm at work) - they bring us so much comfort. I'm glad your headache was better today and I hope you find result on soon.
Lovely, lovely. It is all so welcoming and beautiful. LOVE the garland! RoyBoy, you are such a charmer!! Wow, cookies look yum, do you share the recipe?
Hang in there, they will figure out how to fix you!!
I have been reading your blog for a while now and am sorry you have such a headache. I admire your taking the step and having a weaving career. It is part of what I aspire to one of these days :)
Hope that your Open House goes well. Everything looks fantastic and the cookies ... yum!
I just love Roy. He must absolutely melt your heart with the ways he's shown you that he's your boy. What a guy.
I'd cherish the garland, so please count me in for the giveaway.... and if you'd like to send Roy along, I'd take him too! :)
I'm awed by all that you're accomplishing even though you're not feeling up to par.
Wish I lived close enough to come to the Open House! That Roy is a character--he has brought such joy to you!
Count me in for the garland giveaway--love it!
I love your blog, you are a great story teller, so glad your headache was not too bad today, your cookies look amazing, wish I lived back East again, I would stop by. Also love hearing about Roy, you are blessed to find each other!
Who the heck coined the phrase 'dumb animals'?! Not in any sense of the word are they dumb. I'm pretty fond of all the Crazies at your place, but I have to tell you, I'm in love with Roy.
It boggles the mind that someone could actually leave that dog.. really leave him, I mean. He sounds like such a sweetheart. He'll figure out soon enough that you're going to love him forever. I'm glad your head eased some today.
Hi Hilary...
You are my daily 'go to' for an attitude adjustment.
I really needed it today as I left my husband at the hospital yet again... they are thinking septicemia now.
Thanks for being there...
The studio looks great!!! Bonnie and I would have a blast together..... my OCD sometimes takes over when organizing, but the end result is worth it!!! Good luck this weekend!!!
I love the Roy stories. It's funny the things animals do. We lost one of our two cats this year, and the remaining one has developed a number of new quirks! Must be her way of grieving, which I don't believe is a uniquely human emotion. Hope your headaches continue to fade.
Isn't it funny how they know you are upset with them when all you say is their name? LOL. Poor Roy.
Love the garland! Glad you had a better day.
I want your yarns!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
I also love Roy. :-)
You had a great day - good friends, good cookie baking day, and funny Roy boy. Makes me smile when you tell those stories. Hey, at least he doesn't CHEW the shoes, right?
I love your story telling too........
Hoping the headache continues to get less and then gone!
Wow! I'd love to win the garland. My children would get a huge kick out of that.
Glad your head is mellowing down a bit.
I would love to win this giveaway ... and I think Roy is eloquent .. and those cookies ... oh my . glad the headache wasnt at its worst ...
lol.. I hear him loud and clear.
I love the Roy story. A few years ago I had two dogs that never got up on the furniture (unless my sister was over) Anyway, when my springer got older and pretty much deaf, he would be on the sofa fast asleep while I was out shopping. When he could still hear, he would get off by the time I unlocked the door, but in his later years, I caught him several times sort of stumble off the sofa as I was closing the door behind me. He would give me that "What? I wasn't doing anything" look.
I have a cat that looks a lot like Sydney, and he gives me a "how you doin'" nod, with his eyes half closed.
Animals are just the greatest.
I hope you get some relief soon.
Roy says " 'nuff said "
My BFF was thinking about getting a second German Shepherd as a companion for her lonesome dog...and *poof* a lovely year-old Shepherd showed up on her front porch. She lives in the country where folks routinely drop off unwanted pets. She takes some in, and takes others to the local shelter. Sad and oh-so-maddening to see pets just dropped off to fend for themselves, or die trying. GRRRRR.
Glad to her that the headache is waning!
I would love to win your colorful, beautiful garland -- thanks for the great giveaway!
I am away at school now, and I left all the Christmas decorations behind, so I would love to win your garland to give my little apartment a much needed boost of colour!
Good luck with your open house and thanks for the laugh with Roy...pets always give us a reason to smile.
Beth W.
Those garlands are beautiful and no just where I would hang it:)
Sweet Roy. My Daniel does this ... both rearranging skeins of yarn and collecting shoes.
Love the colorful garland almost as much as I love the honey greek cookies!!!!
Deb S from Cobleskill
I love the story of Roy and his wordless communication! I have a cat who brings my wool socks downstairs and puts them in front of the door so I'll see then when I walk in-I guess he wants to make sure my feet are always warm. I would love to win the garland-hope I'm not too late to enter the drawing.
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