(left to right...Bonnie, L, and me flipping my cookies.....really)
Today was a miracle of sorts, headache low and dull, just there.
Amazing how grateful you can be for "just that', instead of a slammer, a screamer, a headache that makes you want to sit down and cry.
My dear friend, Bonnie, spent all day organizing my many cones of yarn........no, this is not all of it.......this is just all that would fit on the living room shelves.
I love what she did here....all the whites on the right, and then all the color families together. What a job........!!!!!!
She laughed and asked me how long I could keep it that way..........it looks so nice, I will certainly try.
A friend of my daughter's made these sweet little guys.
They remind me of puffles.
We hung them on a little tree.........
I didn't take as many pictures as I wanted to today, cookies took up my whole day. L stuffed our 'sock draft stoppers'.........photo coming.
We are really almost ready for the Open House.......finishing touches tomorrow.
Oh, and a giveaway, Di over at Blue Ridge gave me the idea with hers, and besides, Christmas is coming....it just feels right!
So....if you remember my crazy garlands from last year.........
A garland is the giveaway.......all you have to be is a follower, and leave a comment. I will announce the winner on Sunday the 4th, when the Christmas in Country is OVER, about 8pm or so.
The garlands are made from leftover bits from the Solmate sock rugs.....they are bright, and squeezable...they don't break, and the lights come with the garland.
You can hang it over the fireplace, over a door, anywhere you want.
Funny story: Roy is a sweetheart, but he doesn't like us to leave him. Guess he's been left before in his life, and doesn't trust us to come back, still.
So he occasionally puts a sneaker on the couch while we are gone, just to make a statement.
Last week, he took a skein of yarn and when I walked in at the end of the day, he was laying on the chaise lounge with it between his paws...smiling at me I swear. It was a little more than tangled.
So late this afternoon, I was sitting on the couch, untangling the yarn. When DH, and my mother, and I all left a little later, I put the yarn in what I thought was a safe place.
We weren't gone an hour, and when we came back, the yarn was strewn down the hallway, and into my mother's apartment.
DH's size 13 shoe was on the couch, along with his leash and his Easy Walker.
When I said, "Roy!" he ran upstairs and jumped into bed.
Now Roy can't talk, but honestly, does he need to???