This is my Union Custom loom....well, one of them. I have two. This one was in a house in downtown Albany, upstairs. The stairway was curved, and narrow, and if my husband didn't kill me that day, then I think I am safe.
It is a beauty though, isn't it????
In spite of being pretty sick, I met my latest student at the studio this morning. She wanted to learn how to put a warp on sectionally, and I had planned on putting one on this loom over the weekend. I did warn her that I was sick, but she said she hardly ever got sick. I hope that, for her sake, that is true.
And to top it off, it was snowing. And I could only whisper. I apologized for sounding like a cartoon character.
We wound on 60 yards of blues. She was amazed at how simple putting that much warp on actually is. It went well, and tomorrow I will tie it on to the existing warp, and pull it through.
I will be doing two small rugs for an order, then blue jean rugs, and a pile of "seaside" rugs. That might be just me longing for a vacation, or wanting spring to come soon.
Anyway, we got it done, she left, and I came home to put my pajamas on and reside on the couch. I am sure it is quite obvious that I must be feeling pretty awful to do such a thing mid day. My voice is pretty much gone now. I slept feverishly for awhile, with my pit bull as close as he could get to me on the couch. He is very concerned. My husband was upstairs, sick as well, and my 84 year old mother cleaned the kitchen while we slumbered.
Tomorrow I will get up and try to function, sick or not. I don't think that the common cold gets any better for me if I do the sick bed thing too long. So I am going to get to work.
I have been reading blogs some today in between cat naps. It is amazing that there are so many people out there writing their stories. In no time, I read one that made me laugh, one that brought tears to my eyes, and one that was politically not my cuppa tea. And the photographs, they inspire me to take better pictures, and they take me places I have never been.
All in an afternoon. I can only hope that I do the same on occasion for another reader.
Hope you get rid of that cold soon!! Feel better!!
60 yards.....I really can't even imagine. For me, a long warp is 6 yards!! (Mostly because by the end I'm bored and I have warp tension problems! Working on both of those issues of course!)
Oh i hope you feel better soon! Take good care...
Thanks for droppin by, Hillary. What a cool loom! I can't let my wife see it or she'll get ideas!! ~Rick
I feel just like you... have for a week. Not much energy, and I take advantage of blogging and tending to the house when I do get a burst of energy.... take care. This bug is sweeping the nation this month.
The Blue Ridge Gal
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