Tried to modify my Sunday schedule, it's hard. I am a certified workaholic.
But I went to breakfast with my husband, at his favorite breakfast place. I only spent a few house at the studio, mostly taking stock of where I am in the scheme of things. I can't say I was very motivated. Worked the last two nights at my "other life", as a nurse, and so I am tired. And the weather has taken its toll of my sinuses, and allergies, and I have had one of those headaches that I think should be called "face aches".
I tried to do some organizing, getting ready for another work week, and in the process of straightening up the porch, I found some old fabric. It came with a loom I bought, a loom that I dragged my husband out to Utica to get. It is a Union Special, originally painted blue, and looking pretty worn. The blue paint is worn off in lots of places, and the front beam is all chewed up on both sides, probably from having the temple dragged over it. The loom came with a copied photo of the previous owner who wove rugs on it for many years, and a list of all the owners, ending with me. It also came with boxes and boxes of old fabric, cut very thin, and wound into different sized balls.
I had pale green warp on the Union Special, from an order I just did. So, not feeling very motivated today, I took the bag of vintage fabric balls, and wove a small rug, about 2'x3'. I love the way it turned out.
It is a really thin rug, in the fashion of old rugs. You could actually use it for a table runner, it would be really pretty. I am going to make more of these, just because I like them. Isn't that what it is all about?????
That was it for today.........not alot of work. I am now firmly affixed to the couch, got books, knitting.......I am making a maltese hat, and practicing my "wrap and turn" skills.........hmm.
And I have my laptop, and I can play scrabble if I get bored with all that.
Yup, it is Super Bowl Sunday....and DH wants to watch it on his brand new flat screen TV......and I am OK with that, because I amuse myself quite well.
I am a firm believer that one must learn to amuse oneself. It is a skill that is well worth it. That, and being alone. Being comfortable with yourself is an art. I am OK with both of these, and I believe that it is important.
And we are having chicken parm for dinner....my husband's #2 specialty, his #1 is spagetti and meatballs...........yum, I can't wait!!!
I love the "extras" that come with old looms ... I always wonder what the person was thinking/feeling/hoping for when they put the colors and fabric together. I feel compelled to weave something of them to help the former owner complete their dream.
That is a GORGEOUS rug! I love its suppleness, not to mention the colors. Not bad for a day when you didn't get "much work" done.
Thanks, Lali.....I am so pleased that you like it, too.
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