Here we are, trying to slug our way through February. This is what the studio looks like this time of year.
Lots of snow, and ice under the snow, and it is bitter cold. There is no heat upstairs, and three sources of heat downstairs. The trick is trying to keep all three sources of heat actually working. I was not successful at that today. The kerosene Monitor did not work, and I thought it was because the tank was low on fuel, and since it is gravity fed, that maybe it wasn't getting enough fuel. So I got fuel delivered. $380.29 later, and the Monitor still didn't run. So I went outside with gallon jugs of hot water, and poured it over the fuel line where it went into the filter, which I know from experience sometimes freezes. But when I left at 4 o'clock, it still wasn't running. I gave up. I left the pellet stove roaring, and the gas Monitor down low in the other end of the house. In the morning, I will pick up dry gas, and take another run at it.
I try to look at this with a different
perspective than I would at the house that I live in with my husband and my mother. That house is centrally heated and cooled, and we walk around with bare feet, and it's pretty comfortable no matter where you go.
Not so the house in Kingsbury. There is no insulation in the walls....it is a post and beam house, and the walls are board on board. I used to heat it solely with the oil furnace, which sounds like a Volkswagen in the basement every time it fires up, but despite spending barrels of money, it never really kept the house warm. So I decided to heat it the way it was heated way back when, by heating it in several different places. Now if I could just keep them all in heat production, I would be happy.
Here is what I was up to today. Tote bags, beach bag size, woven from vintage fabric. They will soon get straps and be sewn together. And playing with my camera to take good pictures of them.
As my friend, Chris said, there is something special about weaving up someone else's stash. It just feels good, and the finished product has a glow about it, which I can't take complete credit for.
Gorgeous fabrics!!! Good antidote to all that snow!!!
I just love your rugs. Wish I had learned to make them years ago. Now I just don't have the energy to try new things, but I can still wish now can't I?
The Blue Ridge Gal
(very cold here in Virginia)
Di ....it is NEVER too late....if you can imagine it, you can do it.
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