I have to tell you, that blows my mind.......that there are 200 people out there who follow my blog.
I am so happy to have you there, listening, commenting, enriching my life, because that is what you do.
That is what this blog does.
Funny, how just posting about my day, what I'm doing, what I'm dreaming, what I'm thinking, can clarify so many things for me. It's an 'aha' moment every day.
Sydney was thrilled to hear about hitting 200!!! Of course, she thinks you are following her antics.
Uh, are you?
I think she's in shock.
Nope, she's just excited......easy, girl.
SOOOOOOOOOOOOO.......here's the deal.
Today is Thursday, this giveaway will last until Sunday night at 8pm. I will draw the winner then, using the random integer thingie, which I think will be easier.
And the rules are.......because since it's my giveaway, I can make the rules.
1. You must be a follower.
2. You must leave a comment on my blog between now and 8pm on Sunday.
3. In that comment, you have to tell me two things......first, what brings you back to my blog.
Seriously, the weaving, the cats, the insanity. What?
Secondly, you have to tell me WHAT your choice is, should you win.
4. The winner will post about his new acquisition, and put a picture of it in its new home on their blog, if the winner happens to have a blog. If not, then a mere thank you will suffice.
5. To be fair, I am going to include anyone who lives in CANADA, if they are willing to pay $20 towards the exorbitant cost of getting anything to them. I will stuff whatever it is into a flat rate box, but that is still $29.
OK, now here are your choices. You may go to my web site, www.crazyasaloom.com to check these things out further, before you decide.
Oh, and by the way, the choice of color is mine ......you'll have to trust me.
1. blue jean rug .........go here.
2. Adirondack Lodge Rug......this is a fluffy rug....go here.
3. fabric rug......there are 3 pages of these......go here, or here, or here.
4. Walkin' on Sunshine Rug.....go here.
5. Regular sock rug.....go here.
6. Caterpillar rug, black or white....you can designate which. ....go here.
7.blue jean placemats set of 4.....go here.
and because I am just a LITTLE nuts.
8. a beach size tote!......go here.
Whew. Another busy day.
So today, Lois put a warp on sectionally. I wish that someone had taught me, but back when I learned, there was noone available. I had a book, and I was motivated. So I just 'had a go'.
It was a complete and total mess.
The second time was a bit better. I think I put the warp on backwards, but not to be outdone, I convinced my husband to turn the back beam around.
If I didn't know he was the right man for me already, that would have done it.
I am a huge, huge fan of warping this way. Like you didn't know, right?
I think the rhythmic spinning of spools is soothing, because there is always a cat in attendance. Either that or they are supervising.
Either may be the case.
I am intent of making sure that my apprentice learns how to put a warp on this way, and learns it well. It is the best thing I can do for her.
So tomorrow, another warp, and yup, she's doing that one, too.
I concur, Jinxy, time to kick back.
Good luck to everyone!!!!! I can't wait to see what your picks will be.
Isn't this fun?

200 that's great. I hope to get to 200 followers some day. I am a follower because of the weaving, I recently took a weaving class and made a scarf. I also like cats. I would think the cats would be all over those moving spools. If I win I would like a blue jean rug.
Thanks for having a contest, and keep on blogging.
I am honored to be amongst your followers, enjoy reading about your talents with weaving, and how your days are spent creating different projects.
I must confess, the kitties make me smile, I love them so ;)
Congratulations on reaching 200... whew that's a lot of readers !
I just popped over from Chronicles of a Country Girl. No, I'm not trying to horn in on your giveaway - just wanted to say hello and LOVE YOUR KITTY CATS! What a life they must have!!!
Two things, eh?
One: I come here because I love your attitude and your energy. The cats and the weaving and the insanity are icing on the cake.
Two: If the random integer generator picks me, I would like the blue jean placemats. And I will photograph them and put them on my blog.
If I do not win, I might have to buy the suckers because I really like 'em.
I have been following your blog for quite sometime and have now become an official follower. I follow you because I hope to weave some day and I am in awe of your work. I love the kitties and have been inspired by your caring for your outside cats.
Woohoo! Congrats on reaching 200. Did you know that you also have 254 followers/subscribers in Google Reader.. which is where I follow you. I hope that counts. :)
What keeps me coming back? Where else am I going to find someone who shares my tastes, my love for cats, some of my experiences and even my name?
I can't decide which of your creations I love best.. probably Walking on Sunshine because they're so colourful and the song runs through my head when I say it. ;)
Okay, you (and your cats) got me! :)
I just checked out your works. Wonderful! The blue jean rug caught my heart a bit as my dad used to make crocheted rugs and the last one I had from him was a blue jean one. My rescued country dog pups tore it up and I saved a few pieces from it for all posterity...
If I won, however, I'd hope for a sock rug. Your description of softness made me want to put it in front of my bathroom sink. Thanks for the invitation!!! Congrats on 200+!!!
I look forward to reading your blog for many reasons. I love how innovative you are with your rugs, it makes me happy to read about someone who cares so much for the animals in their lives, and I appreciate your insights on life and weaving.
If I get selected, I would love to welcome a Walking on Sunshine rug into my home. It would make me smile every time I looked at it.
I originally came here from Kate's blog and ended up loving it! You, your weaving and your cats are all fabulous! I grew up in a house with lots of rag rugs, and I have a real fondness for them. I would love to learn to weave, but my little house doesn't have room for a loom...so if I would win, I would like a multi-colored rug to put in front of my kitchen sink.
Congratulations on 200 followers!
Congrats on going over 200 followers!
I love it when I check my dashboard and find that you have a new post - love seeing what's on and coming off the looms, love the music and your musings but most of all I love all the color! If I happened to be picked I'd love a beach bag to use at our new beach cottage.
Cindie aka eweniquelyewe
Hilary....I cannot remember how I found you but I know I CAME because of the rag rugs. I love them....always have. (I use them all over my house. I pick them up at antique shops and flea markets.) I STAY because I absolutely can relate to your thoughts about simplifying, doing what you love, creating your own reality, appreciating what you have, loving nature, worrying about Bubbalee, etc.! You have a way of putting into words exactly what I feel. Ha!
If I win I would love one of your beach totes!
I originally came because I googled looking for images of the terra cotta paint color you have in one of your studio rooms. I stayed because I am a weaver who would like to weave rag rugs, but don't because of equipment issues. Or at least that's what I tell myself. I stay because of the cats. But most importantly I stay because of you. You live the serenity prayer and have helped me see the world from a different perspective. Neither good nor bad, but possible.
I would like the beach sized tote as I think it will fit my new spinning wheel. It is a pocket wheel which is small enough to fit in overhead storage without taking it apart. Go here to see a pic (http://pulsh.blogspot.com/2009/01/pocket-spinner-plus-new-adoption.html)
I follow you for the weaving - the cats and philosophy are just a bonus!
I would love to win one of your blue jean rugs.
I can only hope that the random interger thingy sees fit to smile down upon my comment...please, please, please???
I want to wish everyone else good luck, because, well, I do wish every one good luck!
What brings me back to your blog Hilary? I think it is your daily thoughts that bring me back. The way you care for every detail in your life. Your devotion to those you love. Yes, I can read that all in your postings every day.
You have such a calmness about you. I wish that some would flow through the computer monitor.
Of course, the pictures of your cats and the birds that come to visit and the goings on there where you live are a great draw for me.
I started coming because of the weaving and I knew I could learn from you, I just didn't realize that what I learned would have so much to do with what is in my head as much as what is on the loom!
My favorite rugs of yours since day one have been the caterpillar rugs. If I am so blessed to win, I would love to have a white one.
And thank you for all you do!
One..... Yes Sydney we are here to see you! LOL
Two..... Yes, I come because you inspire me and you do such wonderful things with your looms, your house/studio and you share your deep pondering thoughts and funny life stories.
Three.... I love it when Neil Young starts to play softly in my livingroom.. .because I opened up your blog and it takes a while to load on my little slow aircard. You make me smile
Four..... no, I don't need to win because I already have one of your great rugs in my kitchen and it's cheerful and cute and sassy and my granddaughter plays with the gumballs! LOL
Karen and Steve
(Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard
The weaving brought me to your blog-the weaving and the cats and keep me coming back. I love the Adirondack Lodge rugs......Congrats on the followers, nice to see your 'fame' spread far and wide!
Congrats on your 200th follower!
I follow you because you have such energy, enthusiasm, and wisdom.
The weaving and the cats? Just make it all the more enjoyable.
I'd love a SolMate Sock rug ~ gorgeous!
I love to read about the weaving and the cats are a bonus. I found your site when I was living in very snowy NH and was trying to figure out all about weaving. I am a nurse and was thinking maybe I might take up weaving. I now, since Feb. 1st, live in TN in a log cabin. I think the Adirondack Lodge Rug in earth tones would be perfect in my home. I hope I win! WHat a great housewarming gift this would be! Donna Erdman
I've been following your blog since I met you at a craft fair, and you were so pleasant and nice and helped my eldest two figure out a one of your looms (which has since produced many potholders for my kitchen) and made my daughter's day with a spin-y pink skirt. I love reading about your work - living vicariously, shall we say?
As for what I would choose - those regular sock rugs would bring the perfect amount of color into this deep NY winter.
Wow! 200 followers?! That's awesome! And, to think that there are many more that follow secretly. How exciting to have so many readers!
I've been following your blog for a while and I come back for many reasons...the kitties, the birds, your wonderful weaving and all the beautiful and bright colors in it, your studio, and the inspiration!
I can't believe you're having such a generous give away. I feel a little guilty entering, in case I win...but I can't resist because I love your work! One of your totes would make an awesome knitting bag...something I'm in need of right now.
Congratulations, again! And, happy blogging! :-)
I have been a follower for a while. I am a new weaver so love to see what you are up to. I'd have to choose a fabric rug.
What fun to be one of the honored 200 that get to visit you. OK, #!, I love your writing, the day is really not complete until I have read what you write. #2, love your talent and your art but your kitties and your love of animals really draws me in.
Oooooooooo, my choice would be the Adirondak Lodge Rug.
Thank you for all you share with us.
I don't remember how I found your blog, Probably through another blog, either rug hooking or weaving... but I am interested in weaving, and we travel through Glens Falls every time we go to visit our son in Vermont! So that cought my eye, as well. I stayed reading your blog because of what you write, and the way you write it. Your compassion for our furry friends is a real example of how we all should be. I enjoy reading your 'life lessons' and thoughts on things, good and sad. They are reall thoughts...so many blogs portray the author as being perfect in every single way. You are a REAL person! I envy that you took your idea or dream of having a studio and making it work. I know it is your 'job' now, but it is YOUR job, YOUR business. Thank you for your generous giveaway. I love the regular fabric rugs, and I would be honored to have one of those, should I win the draw. By the way, the recipe for Potato and Leek Soup has now become a standard in our house this winter. Thank you! I think if we lived near each other, we would be (I hope) good friends!
Your energy never ends and I try to steal a bit for myself. Keep the recipes and product endorsements coming! Blue jean rugs wear so well...
This is so cool! You have a wonderfully CUTE blog & your personality really BEAMS through it. Well.. I think so anyway 'cause I've never met you... but you must be a BRIGHT & FUN gal! :) If I were lucky enough to win... oh goodness too many great things to pick from... maybe just a blue jean rug.
Best of luck to all! Someone is going to be really thrilled!
Congratulations - we're all following you! I came for the weaving, and I love it (I'm a weaver and I want to weave rugs someday soon) - but I also find your ruminations about life very interesting, and that sets your blog apart from the other weaving blogs I read. I've already won a rug, so if that disqualifies me, I understand - but if not, I'd love a set of blue jean placemats.
I dream of coming for a Weaving Weekend one day!
Of course there are 200 of us who follow you ... we love to see what life is like in your little corner of the world. Right now, I'm marveling that all those rolls of warp thread remain untangled in the presence of a cat. As often as I come here, I just realized that I wasn't officially a follower ... until now. I remember the first time I went to your web site and looked through all the wonderful things you weave. The Adirondack Lodge rug really appealed to me then, and it still does.
One day I will learn to weave. For now, I have too much going on, and I will leave weaving as a dream to be lived in the future ... not the distant future, tho. I will live my dream of weaving through you for a while, and enjoy your cats and your stories.
I first came to your blog because my mom (Delighted Hands) wanted me to see your weaving. I kept coming back because your pictures -- regardless of the subject matter -- are beautiful and inspiring. The cats are the icing on the cake for me!!! All of your rugs are lovely, but I have yearned for the Adirondack Lodge Rug since the first time I saw it! Congrats on hitting 200 followers, and thanks for this awesome giveaway.
Hey there - you have some amazing work! Good writing and beautiful photos of lovely work brought me to your blog (via karen), and the same three things made me a follower. The rugs are beautiful, blue jean one is my choice of a favorite. Just wish I could have cats to help with my mole problem in the garden, but watching yours will have to suffice. Thanks for the chance at winning one of your lovely pieces.
Thanks to Kate, I now have discovered your blog. Your weaving is amazing and then to find you are a cat lover....I'm excited. Will take time to read past posts.
I like all your prize choices, so if I win you can surprise me. Thanks!
Yeah for 200.... Congratulations Hilary!!!!
You were the person that inspired me to begin weaving, I love your colors, your style and continue to learn from you.
I keep coming back to see what's new on the looms, and the cats, birds, and Eddie are just a bonus. I also love reading about your family, your Mom is a gem, and the memories that you share of your Dad are priceless!!!!
Thanks for having the contest, but really the 200 + followers are all very lucky to have found you.
A set of denim placemats would be a lovely addition to our little bungalow in the woods.
Kent at Two Guys and a Loom
Good morning, Little Miss Sunshine! Well, I've been a follower for quite some time and what keeps me coming back is mostly just you. Your sense of humor and honesty about life. Your products are to die for yummy looking too!
As for what I would choose? Hands down it would be one of your beach bags... probably BT108... or BT105. Both are so fabulous looking. You rock, Hilary. You just plain rock.
Hilary, your blog is always one of the first I check each day! I love your energy and enthusiasm for life, and am also a fellow weaver. My loom isn't made for rugs, but someday I will have a rug loom, so I learn all I can from you. If I were lucky enough to win, I would LOVE an Adirondack Rug! Congrats on 200 followers!
I love your blog, I come back because of the weaving and your wonderful attitude. I plan to attend a weaving weekend one of these days when I can arrange it, for now I have to settle for my looper loom. I have always loved rag rugs and found your site looking for instructions to make my own. It would be hard to pick what I love best, but I think the 'walking on sunshine' rug might just be it.
also, your playlist has inspired me to get of my butt and setup an ipod.
I just came in from Country Girl and can I just say WOW! I love your rugs! We have two that were my husbands great grandmothers. I think I might just have to hang around a while. Oh and I love your cat. I'm a cat person, and love a cat's personality. Your choices of rugs were all so great but I think I like the "walking on sunshine" rug. full of vibrant colors!
Hello Hilary, Congratulations on reaching the 200 milestone! I come by your blog for a multitude of reasons: your honest and inspiring posts, your wonderful studio, your creativity, the cats, birds, music... the list goes on. But your photos of hay bales really hooked me as a kindred spirit, I have dozens from trips we have taken!! I stumbled onto your blog early last year, and was taken with it. I was struggling to move forward with my own choice to weave - left a high stress career to stay home with family and manage our hectic life, but was struggling to find something for me. You really inspired me to finish my weaving space, start planning some projects, and get moving! I have two used looms that are waiting for me, when this freezing tundra that we live in thaws a little, in my little weaving area. My boys both love the potholder looms, as does our cat. He waits for the potholder looms to appear, and the minute they are set down he lays on them. I even have tried to start a blog, but haven't gotten very far. Please keep up the good work, don't stop writing! If I could choose, it would be a walking on sunshine rug, to inspire me in my space. Have a good weekend. Andie
What keeps me coming back here? Well actually you do. I like your posts, the stories, the cats, the weaving of course, but really the fact that you share yourself with us, honestly.. that's what gets me. Your never afraid to say what you feel, think even if it's a bit painful, not PC or just ranting. I love the fact that your enjoying yourself doing too. If I win I'd love a white caterpiller rug, I've never seen anything like it and I've always loved those particular rugs in your collection.
Hillary - I discovered you from either a quilting blog or stitching blog. I do both, quilting for a while, stitching on linen just beginning. Someday (if I ever had space) i would love to weave.
I love your blog for your photos, your love of cats and birds and life.
And because of your attitude.
I would love to win one of your Adirondack Lodge Rugs - so beautiful and they look soft and warm.
thanks and keep on musing...
Lee Anna
I came to you from the Thrums blog, and keep coming back for the weaving.
I would definitely have one of the colorful beach totes if I won.
I started reading your blog for weaving inspiration, and read it via my iGoogle page for over a year before becoming an official Follower.
I keep reading for life inspiration - and will always be grateful that your words led me to stop taking PPIs and healed my gut issues. Your writing is always thought provoking.
Your support for animals - all of 'em - touches my heart.
I would be honored to win one of your rugs - Walkin' on Sunshine is probably my favorite, though I love them all.
I admit--I just found you thru COuntry Girl---but I love your blog for all three things you mentioned. I'm a knitter--so I know about fiber--I love cats, and I have to say (although it sounds partial), Sydney is just sweetly beautiful. Jinxy, too, but I've found tabbies to be the most awesome cats in my home. Seems like when you add orange to a cat---they're a little more "spunky!" (Sometimes just crazy!)
The Adirondacks are awesome--so I'd choose that, I think, but all of them are beautiful.
Have to say, at 61, I wish I still felt 12. Or even 21. Or 50!
Hi Hilary,
What brings me here? My need for a soulmate rug fix.
Which would I like? You're right, a soulmate rug!
Thank you for this very generous gesture.
I discovered Crazy as a Loom through Chronicles of a Country girl, but I love the weaving! I can knit and sew a bit myself, but nothing like these gorgeous creations, as a crafter I love learning about the process : )
I would pick the black jeans rug!
I love reading your blog posts. I love the things you speak about, your photos, and especially your weaving. You inspire me. I'm a new weaver. I love that you're from NY. I was born and raised there.
I only have a RH loom right now, but some day hope to have a floor loom.
If I won, I think I'd take a beach tote! :-)
Happy 200 followers!!!
Hi, You are such an inspiration to a new self-taught weaver. I love following your blog because of the craziness, the cats, your self-reflection, and especially the weaving. I eagerly look forward to reading your blog every day. I realize that you don't always post every day, but I check anyway! I have a Macomber 8 h floor loom 24" that I love and some day will spend as much time weaving on it as you do on your many looms. Thanks so much for letting us into your studio and your life. You are lovely. My favorite of all your rugs is the Black Caterpillar Rug. You have such wonderful stuff!!!
The first thing that brought me to your blog was a search for weaving studios. I just bought a loom and have yet to learn how to weave, but wanted to dream about having a studio of my own some day. After visiting how could I not keep coming back! You living your dream is an incredible inspiration to me. I'd have to say the number one thing that brings me back is the feeling I get when I visit your blog. It's like I'm there in person enjoying a fun filled weaving retreat. Oh and lets not forget the pictures of the kitties. That in itself would keep me coming back. Thank you for sharing your life and your dream.
Rug KC243 would look beautiful in my bathroom against the white tile floor. Although, I would be thrilled to have any one of your rugs!
I love your designs, your colors, your bloggins... most of all I love seeing artists who choose to create and make a living from their passion!
My sweet son has turned surley with puberty, yet he showed excitement after looking at pictures of your looms and said the solemate sock rug was his favorite.
1. What brings me back to your your blog?
You're witty, patient, egotistical & perhaps a little bit humble (when no one is looking, of course). You question with piercing eyes and yet I'd bet you grin with the same. You're like the 16 year old girlfriend I had in High School mixed with the 90 year old Grandmother I absolutely adore. Both knowing more than I do about everything. And reminding me of such. This is the part where you tell me I shouldn't begin a sentence with "and".
But mostly... because you're my Friend and what you say, experience, and wish to share with the rest of us... matters to Me.
2. What would I choose, should I win?
I already won when I found my Friend.
-Rumor has it if you yell "Hey Cabo", odds are good I'll turn and look. ;)
I have been following your blog for awhile but I think I am official now :-) I come for the weaving (I am learning to weave), the wonderful cat pictures. They always make me smile, and I love your house/studio. I love it.
A walkin on sunshine would be wonderful. Well worth the postage to get it to Canada :-)
Wow congrats on 2oo!! I'm a follower-love your blog first and foremost-your attitude!-your age!-Neil Young-your stories are great! As for what I would want if I won-I love lots of color-and SUNSHINE!-and I adore totes! I'm pretty easy to please! Thanks for the chance for the giveaway! Keep stitching, Rain
I love reading your blog! I am a fellow weaver ... but I don't do rugs ... but I enjoy seeing what you are creating ... I can't believe how much you produce! You seem to be a non-stop weavin' machine. But I do have a pretty intense full-time job that occupies most of my time. Unfortunately, my loom is not dressed most of the time LOL I also follow your blog because you are a pretty regular blogger, love your sense of humor and love your love of animals and nature. Since I have hardwood floors at my home, I use lots of handwoven rugs -- I love the "old fashioned church lady woven rugs" the best -- the ones that are truly made from rags/old material. It seems like everyone is weaving jean rugs these days so it's hard to find those multi-colored old fashioned ones. I don't believe I can become a follower because I only have a computer through my job and they don't allow me to do that ... so if I'm disqualified, I understand ... but I do follow you ... just not "officially". Thanks for the opportunity for this wonderful giveaway!
I am a follower of your blog. I come here because I love to see things people make. I am not a talented lady, but love to see what others can do. It's amazing to me, the talent you have!!
I would choose a Adirondack Lodge Rug. They are beautiful! It was hard to choose as everything is so nice!!! Thanks for the wonderful opportunity!!!
God Bless~
Debbie Jean
I started following your blog after I had the wonderful chance to visit your shop, and spend time talking with you. I have only been weaving for a few years, and you were so helpful, and kind. I have been reading your blog every since, and have now become an official follower. I love looking at all of your different rugs and bags and getting ideas for my own weaving projects. I am having a hard time choosing my favorite rug. I think it would be a caterpillar rug, though I would love to know how you weave your walking on sunshine rugs. Maybe I need a weaving weekend. ;)
So seems like in the preview process, I lost my post. I am a weaver/dyer who opened a retail store and never have time to get back to weaving. So I am opening that window again. I was on the Solemate website (I sell the socks) and love the rugs-so I wandered around your website. I come back for inspiration and to convince my unruly cat that there are cats out there who behave around weaving. Not sure it's working yet. Love all of the color and texture and repurposing of fabrics inyour your work. Thanks for providing a place to dream and plan. So if you pick me-I would love a white caterpillar rug. And so it's a cold Saturday with snow on the ground--and the idea of making a rag rug with colorful sock remnants is tantalizing. Thanks for providing a place to come.
Nancy and Kenny the Cat
I have to admit it is the weaving that brings me back every time! Finally I can show my husband someone with Loom Acquisition Disease (LAD) that might just be worse than MINE! If I won, I would want a walking on sunshine rug...thanks for the chance to win one!
There is a plethora of reasons....I am inspired by your weaving....for example the box of warp. Have the same thing and I don't have the heart to throw them away.
I did chuckle about your putting the warp on backwards the first time becuase that it exactly what I did and had to have my husband move the brake to the other side.
I would have to chose the bag. Just love them.
Keep blogging sweetheart.
Congrats on all of the followers!
I know not the first thing about weaving but, you bring it to life so well and make it so joyful and inspiring! Your personality and enthusiasm for weaving, life, family, friends, and your beloved cats bring me back.
Thanks for being so generous! I love the beach size totes! Wish me luck!
I've been a follower of your blog since my sistas and I (I include my mom in this group) came up for a weaving weekend Mother's Day 2009.
I'm too young to forget that there is light at he end of any tunnel. These last few years have been tough for many reasons. This James Taylor selection is making me misty thinking about them.
But this blog is one of those places that reminds me that I have to take time in this crazy life to do what I love whether it be quilting, painting, sewing, gardening... And yes, I am still thinking of how I can manuever a loom into my family room so I can add weaving to the list! Love the tote. I think it would be the perfect thing for Mary Poppins to have pulled a coat rack out of.
I read your blog regularly because right now I have a job that makes an income but doesn't allow me to live the way I believe life should be lived. I miss being home to see what my cats are up to all day. So, I live vicariously through your blog. I also love your house and the appreciate everything you have put into it. I would love to win your beach tote as I am a beginning rug weaver and hope to fill my farmhouse with my own rugs.
I started following your blog when I began weaving. You've had great tips on your blog and your rugs are gorgeous. Also i love your cats!
I am a new follower...but what brought me today to your blog was your sense of humor! I read about your day...today...and laughed and laughed...along WITH you! Love your photos and the rugs you make! I would love the big beach tote if I was to be lucky enough to win! Thanks! Hope you'll visit me soon, too! ♥
I'm a regular reader--I come back for the kitties, the commentary, the studio I covet!!! lol
I'm throwing my hat in for the Walkin On Sunshine rug because in winter I need all the color and sunshine I can get!!!
Hi, I come to your blog because I love the way you see life. The cats are the bomb, and I really enjoy your weaving. I went with my granny to a lady's house to bring her the fabric balls granny had been making for awhile. The lady's loom looked so huge. I watched her and loved the sound and the rhythm the machine made.
Hi, I came to your blog because my mom stopped me from buying a woven rug at Anthropologie yesterday!! She said handmade is better and I should support women artists! So here I am--love your rugs and photos! I don't have a blog yet, but if I win it will be posted on my mom's blog: Stick Horse Cowgirls
P.S. I am new follower, but signed in as anonymous because it would't let me the other ways I attempted.
Country Girl sent me over and she was so right about how wonderful your blog is! I am not sure what will keep me coming back - It might be your adorable cat, your gorgeous art in weaving or your words of wisdom!
I love all of your rugs, but if I had to choose I would choose a Adirondack Lodge Rug or maybe a Walking on Sunshine Rug - I'd let you choose!
I follow your blog through Google reader--that way I don't miss any posts. I love to see what you are working on. I am a wannabe weaver. i already weave baskets so it shouldn't be that hard of a step. Living in a log home in the northwoods makes me love your stuff even more.
I have been eyeing your bags,or the sunshine rugs, or the regular rugs or...(oh the decisions!)
i am new to this but have been following you for awhile now, and since i have had no teacher for weaving, you were it! seriously, i have looked at all your photos in DETAIL...i don't even know if this will post, but if i win, i would love ANYTHING!! of yours that you have made.:)(oh, i do love the cats and i also have a QM dept. who keeps a close eye on me!)
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