I love my humdrum life.
Not a smasher in sight. (not counting the headache I woke up with this morning, it was gone in a snap, and did not slow me down for long)
This is what I found when I came downstairs this morning.
Looks comfy, right??? My Roy boy.
With my latest addition to the chicken coop, my fridge usually looks like this.
Eggs, eggs, and more eggs.
I love my chickie girls.
Every day I take Roy for a walk, once I wake him up!!!
It was a beautiful spring day.
I try to stay off the highway as much as possible.
In between walking and making mystery soup, I have been playing with a little rose path on a cotton warp I found in a bag. I have no idea when I wound the warp. I could tell that it was 5/2 perle cotton, and I actually found the partial cone left over, so I am using that for weft. It's going to be a scarf.
But as exciting as my days are, the big hoopla is when the UPS truck comes and brings me THIS.
Heart be still.
This is the kind of thing that gets a weaver's heart beating fast.
What a wonderful day this has been. :)

Fresh bread, great loving dog and lots of new yarn - now that is a red letter day!
Man in my next life I want to come back as Roy I think. Talk about the picture of contentment. How is he feeling?
Bread, yarn, eggs, all good. Isn't it nice not to have a lot of needless drama in one's life?!
That Roy sure found the perfect home - how much better could it get!!!
Oh, that bread looks wonderful! And you know what, I think I would like your boring life. LOL At least for a month or two. Roy looks very comfy. Looks like he has the best spot on the couch. LOL
I can't decide which looks more yummy - the scarf, the bread, or the new yarn! ;-)
Enjoy the springtime...on the days when we have it in upstate NY.
oh those colors make my mouth water .... so yummy ... and Roy, bless his heart, deserves his sleep ... lovely pattern that will make a very nice scarf!
the only thing better than opening that box was walking into the barn where they sell it in Michigan! LOVE LOVE LOVE! filled my trunk!
I love Roy Boy, he's looking comfy there!
Your yarn delivery looks like a bouquet of spring flowers. Lovely!
My kind of day! Love the weaving! Hugs.
Love this post... the good stuff of life. So glad you see it so well and appreciate every minute.
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