Lois and I couldn't seem to get it right.
I said we should just go for a ride, and say to heck with it.
But we persevered.
I realized that the tension issue I was having with the AVL baby wrap warp was one that needed to be remedied.
Lois was apparently daydreaming while turning the crank, that's her job, and put 10 extra turns on the outermost section. Just as much my fault as hers, I should have been listening.
You weavers can just imagine, right?
I came downstairs to the sun bathing the progress I had made so far. I started to weave, I couldn't resist. I tried for 'too long' to nurse it along, and came to the conclusion that it was going to be a nightmare. There was one problem spot on the far left, that was giving me fits.
So out came the scissors.
This is where Lois usually "gasps", and says "oh, no!".
But I am not afraid to use them, as she knows too well.
This is the "waste" piece I cut off. Of course, I will figure out something to do with it. I am waiting for an inspiration.
While I have been in a bit of a funk lately, with this hip, and dealing once again with PAIN, I plod on. Because after you've moaned and groaned about it, what else can you do anyway. One day at a time, one foot in front of the other, I do what's in front of me, and try to focus on all that's good. Doing that takes away the power than pain has over me. I know that, I've learned it well.
And there is much that is good, always, in this crazy world. It is so easy to get sidelined by pain, or misfortune, or by the insanity that is our political system, or by climate change, or violence and racism and hatred. All you have to do is watch the news, read a paper, have it flash before your eyes on your computer, and you can be up to your neck in awful, depressing, drag you down bullcrap. True?????
That's when I have to pull myself back to center, and keep my eye on all that is amazing, and good, and simple and true.
There's plenty, I find, when I just stop, breathe, and look around.

Good morning, Hilary - love the colors in that weave! Pattern is beautiful too...
Good morning, Hilary. True, true, and more true. Some days it is hard to find the happy, but it is there. In the sunshine, in the bloom of a flower, in a hug from a loved one. I have days that I would really like a refund, but I'm still up and moving. It's all good. Have a wonderful day!
Yes, some days are crazier than others. On the bright side--you weren't having a root canal
Oh yes, winding my sectional and ending up with different lengths in the warp, which then affects tension in fine threads, and then you spend a ridiculous amount of time trying to adjust one section. It goes on and on.
I finally controlled (won't say 'solved' because mistakes still happen!) the problem by buying myself a yardage meter as a birthday present to me!
Hmm, I've done that on the warping board, missing a peg and making some bouts different lengths. It IS a nightmare and must be a 1000 times worse sectionally.
You know I know you love your AVL and did you put a pneumatic set up on it? Anyway, I can't help thinking that a smaller single treadle bar across like the Louet has might not be easier. I think you can use both legs together or just one and you get to pick which one. Just throwing out there. I know they are expensive but if you sell the AVL and downsize a few other looms it might be do-able if you think it a good idea. The Louets do come with manual dobbies...
Pets to Roy!
One foot in front of the other.... its all you can do.
People wonder how we do it? Its the only choice we can make because the alternatives are not an option.
Hugs, Susan (been there, done that and have the metal joints to prove it)
You are brave...very...it will be wonderful when the hip is fixed..
I love your avl loom , if I was to get yet another loom that would be the one , just like yours.
I have been weaving almost 50 years and most of my living for the past 40 has come from weaving.
Have you done deflected double weave ? Iam becoming interested in it again ,especially when done in black and white.
The avl should make it a joy.
The children in Mexico have enjoyed you pot holder loom ...
Thanks you an inspiration
Spoken like a true veteran of having dealt with hard and heavy stuff all too often. But you breathe life, hope and perseverance- I admire it so. Nearing the end of his life, my Dad, was relaying all of the "work" that needed to get done and how worried he was about it all. And I felt bad that he hadn't laid the burden down- he never let go enough and just found those peaceful moments to enjoy, despite living with congestive heart failure. I hope others will draw from your beautiful ability to do just that!
I don't have a sectional beam and have never used one but it makes sense that the tension would be screwed up...but that piece you cut off? GORGEOUS! Hugs!
Hey there, Glad you had a nice vacation away from the cold North. Your coverlet is beautiful, and so is "the waste". You have such a winning attitude, it helps. I fell in the brook crossing over it 3 weeks ago, pulled every ligament in my ankle, seemed to span all the way to my calf, knee and thigh. Not young enough to be awol anymore, at least not in the woods. So I got a new sewing machine, Singer (my brand) and day 2 the auto threader doesn't work, had it apart twice, fixed the problem twice. Now the tension is giving me fits, ignoring it and hoping it will fix itself. Decided I'm not tackling it until I'm good and ready. I'll take your advice and not throw in the towel.
deep cleansing breaths and the mute button .. my political salvation
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