Now here I am, OLDER, and it's not hard to see that if one thing doesn't hurt, another one does.
I have had a bunch of dental appointments. Teeth get troublesome as years go by.
I am sure that I am looking at a hip replacement in the not too distant future. And while on one hand, the thought of surgery, any surgery, with my history, makes me shiver, I would have it tomorrow if I could get rid of this hip pain.
I can barely put a sock on, stairs are incredibly painful, sitting, standing, walking, anything actually, causes pain. There's this deep continual ache. With particular movements, there is a stabbing in the groin that goes right through me.
It started a year ago, and I have had one injection under fluoroscopy, which gave me about 3 months of relief. But of course, that is not a fix. It just puts off the inevitable.
I guess you could say that I have a bad attitude. I fell and hit my head FIVE years ago. Since then, as most of you know, there have been surgeries, and headaches that took over my life for much of the time. NOW, finally, my headaches are pretty manageable. And now this hip.
I have no patience for this, let me tell you.
The thought runs through my head that I have wasted TOO MUCH TIME on pain, and I do not want to waste more.
My appointment for my hip is a month away. I am ready. They can fix it in the office, I don't care. Hit me over the head, and just do it.
On the flip side, here it is: spring. There are so many things to do, and so many things I want to do. I know. I ask myself HOW?
What I've pretty much decided is that I am going to push through and do whatever, and as much, as I can. Hip be damned. I tell myself, over and over, that if I got through the whole brain/neck thing, that I can get through this. Of course I can.
But truth be told, there are moments when it just feels overwhelming.
Just moments.
"Circles" baby wraps on the loom. Weaving sustains me.
It's a deep down feeling of contentment and serenity that has no equal.
Like the song says..........
I will survive.

My brother, at 66 had both hips replaced within 3 months of each other. Piece of cake. His were HORRIBLE...arthritis. Just get a great surgeon and do your rehab faithfully and take your pain meds. You will be sooooo happy.
Hips much easier than knees.
My dear, I pray that your relief come soon. I have a very bad lower back and this year it has finally really taken a tole on me. So I understand the pain part. I wish you much success with your operation and prayers for less pain till then. Your loom work is just n
Beautiful, with love Janice
Sheesh! When I talked to my doctor about the pain in my hip that has been there for YEARS and getting worse, he said..."Live with it." I think I need to change doctors.
Living in constant pain will get you down. Try to do the things you love, like weaving, and concentrate on that. Yes, I know, nothing seems to help. Hope the doctors can help.
Good morning, Hilary. I am so sorry about the pain. Constant pain will undermine your soul. I will think good thoughts about your next doctor's appointment. My father had a hip replacement about 10 years ago and his recovery was amazing. He was back on his four wheeler and horse within 6 months.
Your weaving is so beautiful.
I hope you have a day filled with joy and serenity.
Although I've had neither (yet), I agree with what's been said...everyone I know who had 1 or both assure me that hips are infinitely easier than knees.
I, too, find routine aging aches & pains a (excuse the pun) Pain In The Ass, but I keep telling myself that (a) it's normal and (b) better than the alternative, which is being underground. I keep moving, and try not to get frustrated that I can't do as much as I used to, or for as long as I used to. It is what it is.
Getting old ain't for sissies.
We aren't sissies!
Go get it fixed. Do what they say, take the pain pills as stated above, and hang in there.
This time next year, you'll be a happy gal and will do more Spring time things.
Keeping you in my thoughts always for relief from the neck/head thing, and healing. Same goes for your hips.
You inspire me. Always. Keep it up. I can't afford to lose you as my inspiration!!!!!!!!
Roy needs you too.
So do those darlin grandkids of yours.
Be strong. Oh wait, you already are.
I'm just happy to wake up every day and be alive. Yeah, I have to adjust to some pain, go to PT and possibly have a 2nd surgery on my right shoulder, but I survived a heart attack that killed me. Life could be MUCH worse. I'm grateful I get to see my grandbabies, weave, spin and whatever else I feel like doing, and see the sunshine (because eyesight is great). Life is good.
Jeez, if it's not one thing, it's another... I hear you. No, actually I don't because I'm near deaf. LOL... we must retain our humor.
Feel better, friend. And if it needs doing, get it over with - great motto.
I got my first hip in 2001.... it was bone on bone and the most terrible pain I could ever have imagined. A bullet looked like a viable option. The surgery was successful and I was weaving again at 6 weeks post op. By three months, it was like it never happened!
So when my worn out knee was waiting for surgery recently and the other hip started to ache, I swapped joints and got the hip done (Dec '14) first as I knew where it was going and I didn't want to go through that again! Again, it was 6 weeks and 3 months.... although I walked the first day! Surgery at 10 am and I was walking on it at 4 pm (not entirely happy about it but doing it) The knee was finally done this past September.... that's a different story so try not to need one of those okay?
So if they tell you that it needs to be done, just do it and you'll not regret it. Susan
It seems the number of people I know with hip replacements is growing. And every single one has been so much better afterwards. And so shall you be.
teeth .. oy and vey .. this saturday begins what i am sure will be at least 18 months of dental visits/surgeries ... a renovation of my upper permanent bridge .. i could buy a high end car with all the extras for what this is going to cost .... and i take magnesium daily to combat the ache in my hip ... you're right, this age thing is not for sissies
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