Lois and I couldn't seem to get it right.
I said we should just go for a ride, and say to heck with it.
But we persevered.
I realized that the tension issue I was having with the AVL baby wrap warp was one that needed to be remedied.
Lois was apparently daydreaming while turning the crank, that's her job, and put 10 extra turns on the outermost section. Just as much my fault as hers, I should have been listening.
You weavers can just imagine, right?
I came downstairs to the sun bathing the progress I had made so far. I started to weave, I couldn't resist. I tried for 'too long' to nurse it along, and came to the conclusion that it was going to be a nightmare. There was one problem spot on the far left, that was giving me fits.
So out came the scissors.
This is where Lois usually "gasps", and says "oh, no!".
But I am not afraid to use them, as she knows too well.
This is the "waste" piece I cut off. Of course, I will figure out something to do with it. I am waiting for an inspiration.
While I have been in a bit of a funk lately, with this hip, and dealing once again with PAIN, I plod on. Because after you've moaned and groaned about it, what else can you do anyway. One day at a time, one foot in front of the other, I do what's in front of me, and try to focus on all that's good. Doing that takes away the power than pain has over me. I know that, I've learned it well.
And there is much that is good, always, in this crazy world. It is so easy to get sidelined by pain, or misfortune, or by the insanity that is our political system, or by climate change, or violence and racism and hatred. All you have to do is watch the news, read a paper, have it flash before your eyes on your computer, and you can be up to your neck in awful, depressing, drag you down bullcrap. True?????
That's when I have to pull myself back to center, and keep my eye on all that is amazing, and good, and simple and true.
There's plenty, I find, when I just stop, breathe, and look around.