I was a bit surprised that it had been that long.
March 2015 has not been my most stellar month.
Truth is, I have mostly been on the couch, or slogging around, trying to get the smallest thing done.
First the hip, but honestly that didn't keep me down for long.
But the head cold? I don't know that "head cold" really covers it. I was really sick with it for SIX days, before I even had a glimmer of getting better.
And now, it is receding, but still I am miserable.
My rearranged HEAD and fused NECK are not made for coughing jags. They are truly not made for even an occasional cough here and there.
This viral entity is complete with vicious COUGH. So therefore, I have been plagued with a headache that rivals my post head injury headache of 4 years ago.
I have to tell you, in addition to stopping me cold, it has also brought back horrible memories, and stirred up lingering fears.
But I'm trying to move past them. I really am.
Above is the dish cloth that I have knitted in several different colors. I knit when sick.
My chicken feeder fix was a total success. They are not wasting one bit of their food. I am shocked at how well it works. Maybe I should patent it.
I have to get myself in the chicken coop to do some serious spring cleaning. That's at the top of my list.
Speaking of spring, and chickens:
All this feeling like crap, and being slowed down by my body that keeps reminding me I am not a spring chicken. I know I have talked a lot in the past three years or so, about downsizing, and changing things. My head injury and surgeries did "reboot" my brain, and made it quite obvious that I could not, and should not, continue on at the pace I had been keeping.
I am seriously changing the studio, and what I do, and I can't believe the change in my attitude. I keep telling myself that I don't need more, more, more.
That less can be MORE.
Maybe this is the new, rebooted me, after all.
I haven't been weaving on my AVL because of the hip, so I took all these towels off the cloth storage beam to get them hemmed.
I find that I no longer have the drive to do production weaving. I want to make what I want to make.
And that's it.
Maybe I'm ready to semi-retire. Maybe I want to do it on my terms.

Good to hear from you, Hilary. Sorry you've been knocked for such a loop, but if it helps you get to the 'next level' of life, it may be just what was needed. As we age, less is definitely more. I've done a lot of clearing out in the past 2 years, but still there's more, more, MORE that needs to go.
"Maybe" you need to accept that it's OKAY to do what you want, slow down, take it easy and enjoy the slower pace!
I'm glad you're feeling better. I am sure it's been a rough month for you, but Spring IS just around the corner and better weather too.
Hang in there!
I have to say that this year's flu/virus has beeen a trial. Went down 2/13 and just starting to feel human.
Take care with that cough. Two friends dealing with pneumonia.
Spring is coming; retirement is heaven.
That virus has attacked just about everyone across the nation and from what I hear, Hawaii too. Be well.
And remember, you are not 'downsizing' you are 'rightsizing'.
Ugh, I sure hope today you are feeling a bit better - the weather here in CT is glorious after yesterdays snow... I'm guessing you have some of the same.
The beauty in your situation is you have the freedom to sem-retire- retire-all-the-way, do what you want when you want... so if there is something that's just not ringing your bell, let it go. This time is yours to do with whatever the hell you want.
And hey... the chicken feeder patent.. Why not???....
I'm with Karen...go for the chicken feeder patent; if it works that well...it will work for others who will PAY $$$.
I'm sorry about the head cold; ugh! Do you know about Sambucol? GREAT stuff to fight viral infections...boosts the immune system, knocks viral infections down! Google it and see what I mean.
Hilary, hope you are on the mend very soon. Semi-retirement is a good thing, a lot less stress, be choosy about what you want to do, weave, teach, etc. Make sure it is enjoyable and with only "good" stress. Continue walking the dog, good food, and wishing you well with your eventual move to the studio! And I'm sure we all hope you will continue writing about life, weaving, family, travel, on your blog. We're here.
i think there's something in the end of winter/not yet really spring air ... i, too, am thinking about retiring .. and honestly it scares me to think about not having somewhere to go and be productive everyday
I hear ya! That's all I'm doing now and I'm finally okay with saying no to other people who ask me to do stuff for them. We have to take care of ourselves first.
Your terms sound good.
I had the same virus and it lasted 10 days. It is awful stuff. I agree that doing less is the best way to go. I retired two years ago and the rule I stand by is "if it isn't fun, I'm not doing it." Works perfect for me.
I wish I listened to my elders when I was in my 20's, but I succumbed to marketing and the lure of pretty house, things, furniture, more is better etc. Now that Im almost an elder, (midelder?) Im struck by the stupidity of spending the first part of your life accumulating and the last part getting rid of it. Wish I had the cash instead... oh well. I hope your feeling better soon. Love the new batch of dish towels, can I call dibs on the bright green one? Perfect for my kitchen. See there I go... accumulating! Just too many wonderful things out there!
I have been absent a bit from blogging too, especially dropping by blogs I like to read. I hope you feel better. I have tried to avoid getting a cold like the plague...my ongoing issues with Lyme Disease would make that very unpleasant. I am still am working on my crochet skills, but have only mastered the square dish cloth. Hmmm...the left handed thing seems to hinder me with tutorials. Hopefully spring will finally be around the corner...a bit of warmth and sun sound good. Take care...
Winter is the pits on all parts of aging bodies, even healthy ones. Hoping the change in your living and weaving arrangements plus upcoming spring weather will be a turn-around for you.
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