While resting my hip, I came down with a nasty head cold.
If I hash tagged, and I don't, I would say # feeling useless.
But in between resting, I am finishing small knitting projects I have had in progress for too long.
Doing a little catching up on paperwork and such.
Keeping myself busy.
I had one issue troubling me. My chickie girls were wasting their food. Every day, there would be piles of feed on the floor, from the hanging feeder. After a little googling, I discovered that they fling it around, with their feet or their beaks, whichever works best.
I researched different types of feeders, and while I was, an idea popped into my head.
So today, I dragged myself off the couch, and went to fix it.
First I cut out a square of some leftover plastic fencing I had, big enough to generously cover the top of the feeder. Then I cut a hole out a bit smaller than the top of the feeder.
Then I forced it over the top and pushed it down it place.
I trimmed it around the bottom, and waited to see if they would eat out of it.
They did.
I didn't put much food in the feeder, waiting to see how this works.
Spring is around the corner. This cold will be gone. My hip will be rested, I hope.
In the meantime, I will do what I can, and in between, try to be more like Roy.

Chickie fix = pure genius! Lie low, rest well.
Ah, Roy ... you have napping down to a fine art.
You need a Tshirt....
KarenInTheWoods and Steveio
(Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard
Clever idea on the chicken feeder. Roy is a good example to follow for napping.
Check out theses chicken feeders!!!
oh, I love that photo.
I see you feed pellets. My chickens did tend to scratch at the pellets, but they do not now that I buy layer crumbles. You might want to try that. The pieces are smaller and they're not scratching around looking for the smaller pieces, rather than the pellets. although your remedy might work very nicely.
If this doesn't work you might want to try this:
http://theownerbuildernetwork.co/easy-diy-projects/diy-projects-for-pets/chicken-coop-projects-2/ I love reading your blog and look forward to it.
you are so clever .... patent that immediately ... and rest up, drinks lots of fluids so the damn head cold doesn't move down into your chest ..
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