This past week I took a table loom, a band loom, a stool, a floor lamp, and 27 plastic containers of stuff. When I got it all moved there, I put it away, where it belonged.
I even moved some glass ware to the dining room hutch.
Today daughter #1 came and helped me clean out the attic. What a job.
I found these Christmas stockings, that I made some time ago. One is for Dale, and one just in case.
We did take a break, and went down the the Down Town City Tavern for some lunch.
Oh, and we had a BEER, too.
While digging through all the minutiae in the attic, I found these.
The first one is large, the next three are smaller. The pictures have been painted on.
Not at all sure what they are, but they appealed to me.
And I have no idea what I will do with them.
But I'm thinking about it.
And just for fun, here is an old picture of me holding my middle child.
She is now 40 years old.
Where does the time go???

Sounds like you have had a productive weekend, I filled six plastic tubs full myself today !
Love your dinnerware, so colorful and Summer-like.
Time marches daughter is now 44 years old, it seems like yesterday I was pushing her in a pram.
Hope you are having good days Hilary !
When you find out where time goes, please post it, because I would sure like to know! We're cleaning the attic here too. Moving is such a big job, but it will be so worth it. Can't wait to see your studio when you're finished.
if you want to part with one of the ones with the faces i have a friend who collects things like that .. just sayin'
Isn't it amazing what things we find? I am still sorting through mom's things and having Ah-ha moments right and left- at the oddest things at times. So glad you are doing this now when you are still able to help with it! Love the photo with you and your daughter.
Ahhhh all that packing and moving and sorting and getting rid of stuff. Did that in 2012, called Rosie and Linda to come and haul away a van full of stuff!!!!
KarenInTheWoods and Steveio
(Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard
Oh my.... I'm trying to downsize and hopefully move to smaller place....the stuff we do collect........
........and the time....... it really does go .....
Phew - thinking about moving just tires me out but if I were in your situation it would be so exciting!
What a job, but those finds are a nice reward. I hope I never have to move again. Just the thought of it overwhelms me.
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