Never knowing what tomorrow will be like teaches me to savor today, some days more than others.
Some friends and I made the trip to Providence, RI, to "Convergence", HGA's International Fiber Conference. It is a week long collection of exhibits and classes, with a huge vendor hall. It happens every two years, and is hosted in a different city every time.
It is the first time I have been. I didn't sign up for classes, not knowing if my head would make that an enjoyable or painful venture. Luckily, L and I and friends were up for a day trip.
I didn't take pictures, too busy looking at everything. I will say, however, that I was disappointed. I expected "grand". There were several vendors that I enjoyed meeting, and talking to. There were some lovely yarns and looms, but it paled even in comparison to the yearly Rhinebeck Sheep Show in Rhinebeck, NY. And it shouldn't have.
So I'm glad I went, but doubt that I would travel any further than that to go again.
I did treat myself to a Glimakra band loom, but when I got it home and put it together, it was missing some parts, most importantly, the treadles.
More disappointment, I'm afraid.
I have been enjoying my little garden at the has amazed me so far with its bounty.
I complained last year that I didn't have any zucchini.
That WON'T be the case this year.
And cucumbers, oh my. I never expected this.
But why, why, why did I plant so many summer squash.
I made some pickles already. Trying out some different recipes.
On the chicken front, there is some big news. Remember I told you about Black Betty, the bossy b****, who seemed to be in charge???? Well, the other morning, while I was feeding them, I heard this awful sound, and thought it was an animal trying to get in the chicken run. It was
and then again.
I went outside, and there was the culprit. Black
How did I miss that comb growing on the top of HIS head?
Ay yi yi yi yi.
So, the sweet sign made for me by a lovely lady, Elly, is not entirely 'accurate'.
But it's perfect, all the same.

Glad you were up for a trip even though it was a bit disappointing. I'm so jealous...look at that bounty. All I have is tomatoes. Cute sign and can't wait to meet the rooster. Hugs
Hahaha. There's always one in the bunch. I have a pitiful little garden this year that isn't giving much at all.
Sorry the event was not as nice as you had hoped. We planted cucumbers but nothing to eat there yet, and also a mix of squash. Hoping we do get some summer squash since it really grills up nicely and makes my mouth water. A rooster, eh? Well cock a doodle doo.
Your zucchini harvest looks great and I love pickles! A friend, who has chickens, said she missed the "comb" on one of hers too:-D It happens. XOXO
Worthwhile insight about the Fibers show--I'm a new weaver, in the Northeast, and I'm looking for shows to attend. The Rhinebeck one can go on my list!
Hehe- love it when life delivers a punchline for us to laugh at once in awhile. Glad you went to the show anyway… good to just go, and now you won't look back and be wondering if you missed anything.
Our garden is delighting us too this summer with early ripening veggies almost ready to go- yum!
can you make yellow squash bread? is there such a thing …
I agree: perfect.
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