It seems that life has a way, sometimes, of pushing you this way and that. Sometimes, you can resist, and sometimes, not.
You know I try to keep it real, so to let you think that everything is hunky dory, would be dishonest of me.
Life is full of trials and tribulations. Surprises. Beginnings, endings, twists in the road.
Today is day 8 of a smashing, miserable headache. I have had a couple of awesome months, with headaches that stayed in the 2-4 zone. Oh, occasionally they would ramp up, but for just a day, and I could handle that.
This time, not so much. I have kayaked and woven rugs, and persisted, but to do that, when your head is an 8-9, well, let's just say it is exhausting.
Nothing helps. No medication. No rest. No heat. NADA. Nothing.
And of course the voice whispers softly about what it "might" mean.
I pray for weather to be the cause. But I have my doubts.
To say that I am tired of all this "headiness" would be an understatement.
Watching baby Dale was a challenge with this head, but I had my two grand girls, 9 and 10, and they were so helpful.
I needed some help, cause this girl was on the move.
Scrabble, anyone??? With her yoga toes.
And yes, I am thinking maybe it is time for an MRI, to see what is going on in my head, if anything.
I really hope there is nothing in there.
Nothing that doesn't belong in there.
Yesterday, Lois and I wove this. I think that it actually took my mind off the pain. And it is no worse, or better, if I sit still, or I do something.
It just depends on whether I can push myself to get beyond it. Sometimes I can, and sometimes I just can't.
Here it is from the other end.
58"x 94"........a good day's work, I'd say.
Right now, I am concentrating on putting one foot in front of the other.
Being grateful for those I love, and who love me.
Making a conscious decision not to trouble trouble, until it troubles me.
Hoping for the strength to do whatever comes my way.

I hope there is nothing in your head. . . No, that ain't right. I mean I hope there in nothing in there that isn't suppose to be in there and everything that is in there is the way it should be. My problem is there isn't enough in my head, I keep forgetting things. God bless and keep you well.
I hope it's the weather, too. It's been crazy enough to cause all kinds of problems. You must have an amazing amount of strength to get through days filled with so much pain. Your granddaughters are absolutely lovely! Yoga toes and all... :)
*sighhhhh* I hear you. I have no words. Sometimes we know before we know. And we're way ahead of that place, knowing what it looks like, having been there too often before. So I'm just praying for you- to feel like you are not doing this alone- for comfort to find you- for peace to enfold you.
Living in pain for the past 14 years following injuries, I understand pain and how exhausting it is to live and try to do through it. Pain can be a constant companion but, it isn't a friend. My heart goes out to you - you're in my thoughts and prayers.
Thank you for sharing and please know there are people reading your blog who care - people you've never met in person. Please keep us posted and let us know if we can help in ways other than just being here in cyber-space - understanding and listening.
Ooh, I was hoping that the silence, was just you too busy with life and having better days..
I hope you have the MRI and it shows nothing, just outside everyday pressures, and they can be overcome.
My heartfelt wishes that you will have more good days than bad.
Your girls are the sweetest :)
I love that rug!!
Question.. the jeans rug I had you make for the upstairs hall.. we don't see it enough up there. So I washed it and want to put it out on the covered screen porch in front of the couch. Do you think it will do well out there or will the mist from the occasional rains wreck it somehow?
I wish for you the peace and comfort Vicky talks of so eloquently in the comment above. and oh, to finally be rid of that damned headache. Does ice at the base of the skull and neck give you any reprieve?
Sending you all the positive energy I can gather here in this aging world of concerns. I too wish you rest from the pain you have endured, and hope and pray these monster headaches disappear!thank you for sharing pictures of your terrific grand children.
Don't put off the MRI! You need to find some peace to enjoy those grands, XOXO
Oh, I am so sorry about your headache. I had my first migraine and it lasted 18 days back in 1993. I thought I would die and then I was afraid I wouldn't !~! I had a CT and an MRI and nothing could be found. I hope you get relief soonest.
Your rugs are gorgeous, but they pale to the beauty of your granddaughters. Xox. Yes... Get the MRI and see what is going on in that achy head. Xox
I am sending healing thoughts and prayers your way.
i vote for a combo of awful barometric pressure (i have had some doozies of headaches last week .. twice they've woken me in the middle of the night) and stress from worrying about why they are so intense … all those grands of yours are gorgeous
Boy, you've had a time of it. I'm crossing my fingers that the MRI shows something that can be treated. Your turn is up!!!
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