You would think I would be used to tough days, right?
Truth is, they surprise me every time. Maybe it's because I am hopelessly optimistic.
I dream of waking up without a headache. I really do.
I actually think it might happen.
You think sometime since October 2011, I would have given that up, but not so.
After a miserable morning, and a miserable afternoon, in which I persisted in doing what I had planned to do NO MATTER WHAT, I finally took to the couch.
A nap, some Motrin, heat on my neck........eventually I am getting some relief.
But nothing could spoil the fun I was having at the loom today, making baby blankets.
One in neutrals.
One in pale yellow and pale green.
And some variegated that I found in my stash.
These are going to be thick baby blankets. I can't wait to see how they turn out.
Only my neck and my slamming head could pull me away from this, let me tell you. I was mesmerized.
It's a good thing.
Being mesmerized.
Sometimes, I think that along with my family and my friends, and my blogger friends, weaving is what gets me through.
I have a little "cleaning" tip....hard to believe coming from me, I know. But here it is anyway.
I was going to replace the kitchen sink at the studio. It was incredibly stained because of the hard water, and I really didn't think it was worth saving.
Enter Cory, my carpenter/handyman/adoptedson, who said........"that sink is perfectly good."
I made a face at that, and he said, "I'll be right back."
True to his word, he did come back, and tackled that sink himself.
The end result is truly unbelievable. I only wish I'd taken a picture of it before he did it.
You'll have to take my word for it, it was gross.
But here it is NOW.
Needless to say, I am NOT getting a new sink.
And here is the "secret".
They sell it in a spray, but the toilet bowl cleaner is stronger. You can bet I will be keeping this stuff on hand.
This stuff is NO JOKE.
And that's it from me today. I am amazed that I am still upright. I think in my next life I'm going to be a pit bull.
A lap dog.

Love the baby blankets.
i love the variegated one best .. and that sink fix is awesome .. gonna look for some for my tub .. don't ask
Mesmerized- me too- oh the blankets!! You're so talented and I even though I'm not babyish, I'd curl up in one of your blankets because I just know I'd feel all the love they're made with.
I think you're already a pit bull, my dear. ;)
I also love that variegated blanket... and quite possibly Cory. I have a laundry tub that could use a facelift like that. Now to see if they have it here.
My first visit to your blog, and so much to see and learn! I've loved looking at your beautiful blankets and the fascinating house with its changes and everlasting character. And I've learned about a powerful cleaner - who doesn't need that? Is that sidebar quote about circumstances from yourself? It is an excellent reminder.
Thank you, for the gift of a great blog.
It gladdens my heart you're able to weave; what a blessing and a gift amongst the trauma. You're in my prayers, Hilary.
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