So they built one, between the kitchen and the dining room.
What planning!!!!!
That's the kitchen you see, looking right through the bathroom....which has two doors.
Here's the dining room side of it.
The dining room is on the back of the house, and with the big porch, the room is darker than the rest of the house.
The kitchen, seen through that door, is much brighter.
It is a mini bathroom.
I decided a long time ago, that it had to go.
Something about a bathroom right off the kitchen.......not right.
Today Cory came and started ripping down the wall.
The old lathe and plaster makes a HUGE mess when you tear it down.
The walls under the lathe and plaster are thick, rough boards, with square nails.
Cory, Cory, Cory, you are making a disaster area.
Taking the scrap outside a bit at a time.
Electrician coming tomorrow.
I can't wait to see what it will look like, with it gone.
The kitchen and the dining room, open.
Oh, hello, toidy.
Do you like my "midget sink"?
On one of Cory's trips to the barn, he came running in to get me.
We had company.
Next had retreated to the loft, unhappy I'm sure, since this one is blocking the door.
He didn't seem too frightened of us. We wondered if he was sick.
Cory said he might need to get the 22 rifle.
I said we should wait, to see him walk. If he is rabid, he will walk sideways.
We made some noise, to move him along, and he went around the barn. As we watched him leave, we realized, that he had an injured leg that he was holding up.
Or maybe SHE had an injured leg that she was holding up, as she skittered under the side of the barn.
We cut up an apple, left it for her, and it quickly disappeared.
Babies, that's what I think.

Hi Hilary
We live in an old house (120 years) and I know far too well what it's like to renovate. Every project we started took far longer to do because of the surprises behind every wall. Hope your changes go ok and I think it will look great 'open concept' The poor raccoon. I hate to see wild-life injured like that. So helpless. :(
UUUGh, I hate when they are injured and there's not much that can be done. :-(
I look forward to seeing your new open floor plan!
gosh i hope she didnt hurt her leg in a trap left by some moron .... congrats on the bathroom removal adventure... the apartment in paris where we stayed had a 'full' bathroom with stall shower, toilet and bidet off the bedroom and a teensy tiny bathroom opposite the kitchen ... it had the same sink!
Not a good idea to have a bathroom beside the kitchen but that seems to be what a lot of old houses have. My parents old farm house was that way. I guess when they added indoor plumbing they used part of a back porch to add it to the easiest and most convenient place. Can't wait to see how your new "open" plan looks. I always enjoy seeing your old house full of looms and cats.
Poor raccoon. Maybe she does have babies some place. Glad you didn't get the 22 out!
Well, the new open floor plan is going to be lovely! Poor raccoon, not my favorite animal to have around since they can get aggressive, but I certainly wish them no harm. I hate to say it, but if she is terribly injured it might be a blessing to put her out of her misery. A long slow death because she can't feed herself is much worse than a 22. Keep an eye, I know you will. She might have gotten hit by a car. With luck, she'll mend
Your studio is looking way cleaner than mine!!! And we used to have a bathroom right off the kitchen as well...when you walked in the front door and looked down the short hall there was the toilet. I didn't love it and now it is a pantry...really the first thing you saw in the house. A toilet. Very wrong. I love that you are opening up that room! Can't wait to see, Hilary!
OMG!!! You tore the whole wall out??? Your a pip!!! I'm glad you have Cory he is a great go-to guy; and he goes along with ALL your ideas LOL.
Can't wIt to see "the sunshine in". Post more pics this is exciting!!!!
We had a raccoon come out in the daylight in our last neighborhood and the animal guy that came to pick it up said it was not rabid, but that mama coons will come out in the day time if they are searching for food for the babies. Your old house/studio will be perfect! Can't wait to see the results!
I'm laughing at your toilet and agree it definitely had to go. But it's sad about the little raccoon. xo
I know no one wants a raccoon under their house but darn he/she is a very cute creature. I hope whatever the ill the little raccoon is back scampering soon.
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