It happens.
I am sure you all have them, right?
I have spent the last two days in the car with my mother, whom I love dearly.
But truthfully, she tests my patience.
Same questions. Same stories, things that don't make sense, neediness, a little whining.
Oh, I know, she is old, and she gets to be that way. And who knows, I may be as bad, or even worse.
But trust me, it doesn't make it easier knowing that.
Today, memorial service for a family member that passes away a couple of months ago. Tough reality that he is really gone, forever, from this world. I tell ya, it's a mine field, this life.
Tomorrow, my turn to take my mother to the Salvation Army.
What the heck?? Am I a bad person, or what??
On the brighter side, today I tried strawberries, sprinkled with a little raw sugar, spritzed with a little balsamic vinegar (mine was pear infused). Let them sit for 20 minutes.
Oh my, they were simply divine.
And maybe it's me, it probably is......but I will never understand organized religion, never, as long as I live.
Thankfully, their churches are often quite lovely, which I find makes going there bearable.
I have been on the road three days this week, and I am really looking forward to NO traveling this coming week. I am honestly looking forward to MONDAY.
And did I tell you, that Roy is SO spoiled, that even though I only have ONE FREAKING MONKEY in the studio, even though there are lines of people waiting for them, ROY has his very own.
It's a wonderful thing.
Roy is actually doing quality control.
Right Roy???

It just wouldn't be right to NOT give Roy his very own monkey..... Gosh, are you selling any rugs or have you turned the place into a zoo just for monkeys? They're so darned cute!
Oh for cute!!! Does he just lay his head on it or does he chew on it too?
I think it's only fitting that he should have a monke.
The monkey is part of you, so he wants to claim it. He's a smart boy, that Roy.
Hope your week this week improves...and you get some quality YOU time. :-)
Laughing at Di's comment. And sorry to hear you're having a bad time of yet. Luckily it shouldn't last long.
Of course Roy should have a monkey of his very own! Has Crazy as a Loom turned into a crazy zoo for monkeys?
I'm going to copy the 'strawberry' delight. Roy should have a monkey and that's that.
I'm with you on the organized religion thing... I understand that many find comfort in it, my sister is one of them. It just isn't for me. I help out where I can, show kindness and compassion, do unto others.. and I believe you and I do more for humanity than some real holy rollers I know. The hypocracy!... So, we're doing something right whether we sit in a church pew or not.
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