parent, well, you know how precious that time can be.
Roy went, too. I couldn't even contemplate leaving him in a kennel.
Not. Ever. Happening.
He loved the beach, and for once I didn't have to grumble about how many times he stopped to pee or sniff.
There was no place really to do either.
So instead, we walked. And when Roy walks with a mission to get somewhere, you better fire up your engines, cause you're going to be moving right along.
There is no kid ANYWHERE that is as easy a travel companion as Roy.
He is quiet, and agreeable, and very low maintenance.
Whatever he is doing, he does 100%. And whatever the circumstance, he does his best to go with it.
Anyone could learn a lot from Roy.
He was not distracted by these birds. In fact, he is not distracted by much.
He did, however, make certain not to get his feet wet.
He doesn't like 'wet'.
Right, Roy?
And when he's done, he's done.
For real.
Good night Roy.
Sleep tight.

Aw..he's just precious. What a sweet little soul. He looks plum tuckered out on his bed. That's a happy dog. Hugs,
Complete joy, that's Roy!
Oh my! What a lovely beach. Where did you go if I may ask?
Roy looks delighted to be on the beach with you. What a lucky dog he is to have found you. :-)))
I admire how you love and respect your animals. It is beautiful and refreshing to see.
I love that dog. :) He's such a sweetie.
Roy Is My Hero. Please give him my regards. I admire his focus. And his GIANT grin.
Where'd ya go???..... love it!
Hi, I just stopped by from Cupcake Murphy's and I just wanted to say that I might be just a little in love with Roy. I enjoy your blog too.. I'll be back.
I bet with the fresh air, the sun, the beach .. all that walking he not only worked himself out but you too ...
Oh his focus, too!! And that beach! Where ever it is I want to go! Haven't breathed salt air in way too long.
Dogs and the beach - like peas & carrots! (have really never understood that peas & carrots thing though)
Second to last photo "Thanks Mom, that was just what I needed".
He's a pit, right? Is he anything else?
He certainly found a great home with you.
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