They have finally settled down.
They were making quite a racket.
Look, how innocent they look.
Today the one little lonely monkey was joined by 9 more, so there were 10.
Then 2 got set aside for someone, and then there were 8.
I am going to put them on my web site, tomorrow.
So if you are in desperate need of a MONKEY, email me tonight, and I will send you pictures of the ones I still have, and then YOUR monkey can fly United.
Or whatever........UPS, I guess.
Otherwise, you will have to wait.
Now I know you all think I walk on water.
You don't?
Well, ok then.
But I DO kind of present myself as having more energy than the energizer bunny. But that was before, and between, HH.
And getting older has totally helped me see that I really can't do everything.
So when I came up with the sock monkey venture, I knew I needed help.
Thank heavens for bloggers. Suddenly I had an email from a lady in Arizona, who said, "I want to make the monkeys".
Huh? Really?
She assured me that she was not a weirdo.
So I took a chance.
I may not walk on water, but sometimes, my gut feelings are the best.
Like this lady. She is the best.
When I asked her, in an email, "How the heck did I ever find you?"
She answered, "The monkeys found me."
Aren't we a pair???
So without further ado, let me introduce Amanda. Shall we call her the Monkey Momma???
Cause she makes the monkeys.
Not only does she do a fantastic job, she is creative and adventuresome. I have loved every monkey that flew to my studio in New York from from her sewing room in Arizona.
She is also an accomplished weaver. Check out her BLOG.
Now if I can only convince her to quit her job and be a full time monkey maker.
Sydney says:
Two things.
First, quit spending so much time with the riff raff outside, and you KNOW who I'm talking about.
Second, you better KEEP that Amanda.
Just sayin'.

Great post!! hehe!!
What a cute Amanda Monkey pic!... and love that Sid face.
I don't know many(any)monkey makers but those look fantastic! That one with the orange face is just the best. Good Job to the both of you!
I'm glad you have help.. because monkeys can get out of hand.. ;)
I can barely process those green eyes. And yay for Amanda Monkey Person.
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