Can't sell them that way.
So far I have straightened up the placemat page, the blue jean page, and the Adirondack Lodge rug page.
Moving right along. A page at a time.
My youngest daughter commented that there were an awful lot of pages on my web site, so I am cleaning it up, deleting stuff that has been sold, combining pages.
Someone once told me that I should leave SOLD rugs on there, just so people would know that I am in fact selling them.
Is that silly?
I think so.
I did leave a few on there that were long gone, but I'm not doing it anymore.
The grandkids have left.
The house is fairly quiet.
Roy is sleeping by my side.
I love seeing them, laughing with them. I love being run over by their youth and enthusiasm, their silliness.
It reminds me of a scene from my favorite show, Everybody Loves Raymond. Frank walks into the house, kisses his grandsons on the head, breathes in the smell of their hair, and says something about sucking up all that youth.
But then, they're gone. And I love the way my life snaps back to its own pace, slower, quieter,
still occasionally silly.
Sometimes getting older is totally ok with me.

It's the physical breakdown of my body where I take issue with growing older, otherwise I could be 90 years old and wouldn't care one bit.
I would take the Sold items off. I think a clear showing of what is available looks cleaner, speaking as a consumer.
Our house was pretty quiet until the Niners kickoff.
I spent the day with my 2 nieces 4 and 1 and it was a wonderful, great day. And then I was also very VERY happy to come home to my quiet house, where my space and my quiet is all mine. I don't think ti has to do with age, as much as it has to do with really just enjoying some quiet "self" time.
That's cause you are in a good place, Hilary. Doing what you love.
I remember that scene from ELR. It showed his rare sweet side. Those grandkidlets of yours are a joy. Love the sunny peace in that last image.
Shades of Andrew Wyeth there in that last photograph ~
Nice and quiet.
pretty rug, and I love that shot of the bed/window .. and I am loving my new placemats, thank you xo
Gotta agree!! Yea, I can comment again!! Haven't been able to for the last couple of weeks.
ME TOO. I am nodding my head in agreement but you can't see me.
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